
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ I have posted from chapter 222-231 in my patreon page, and i plan to upload there 2 chapters a day. The story on my patreon will be ahead of the one on Webnovel. Chapter 1 to 221 only available on Webnovel. I will still upload in webnovel 1 chapter a day like usual, so don't worry. Well, i will be glad if you decide to support me on patreon, and help me to pay my college fee, which short on $50, yeah i'm being shameless now, and i ask for help. You can pay upfront, and September will be free. I'm already happy that you guys still read my writing till now though. Thank you for your support so far. I will try to be consistent, unlike last week, lol. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Anime & Comics
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272 Chs

71. Thriller Bark


Brook pointed at the wall behind them and so the crew look behind. They all see a white thing that looks like the very definition of ghost. They all surprised, some are afraid, some only surprised, some are excited. Jon immediately take his camera out and take a picture of it. It appear in the picture so he got very excited.

Suddenly the ghost gone and their ship shake hard. They all go out and see a wall in behind the ship. It have pattern like a mouth full of teeth. Brook seem to recognize it and he immediately run to the front side of the ship. The other follow him and they all see an island.

"This is the haunted moving island, Thriller Bark"-Brook

"Thriller Bark is Moria's ship, right?"-Jon

"Yes, it also considered as ship and an island too because of it's size. They must've tracked this ship. Did you found a something that could be the tracking source earlier?"-Brook

"Yeah, a flare. See Luffy? This is why you should listen to people advice."-Jon

"Well, who cares, it's a new adventure, hahaha. Sanji, prepare my bento!"-Luffy

Brook said the mouth is a gate, so they need to find the key and open it if they want to get out. Before they prepare, suddenly Brook leave the place and run to Thriller Bark alone. He jump to the sea and make them surprised because he is a devil fruit user. But he can run on water without drowning.

"Hey, is he a ninja too?"-Luffy

"I don't know"-Jon

"No, my body is a skeleton so i'm very light, that's why i can run on water."-Brook

They all stop thinking about ut and just prepare for their new adventure in this place. But Nami, Usopp and Chopper seem to be afraid by the atmosphere here, so they object. Of course Luffy became more fired up instead hearing Usopp try to explain about ghost in hope to stop Luffy.

"Stop it you guys! We can't get out from this place without go to that island and find how to open this gate."-Jon

They all geared up but they are still far from the shore and there's no wind. Franky then told them to use the soldier dock system. He take out a small paddle boat with Merry design. It's named 'Mini Merry 2' and Nami, Usopp and Chopper immediately try it.

"Hey, aren't they the ones that object to go there? Why are they become the first to go?"-Jon

"Hihihi, they're too excited seeing the boat and forget about their fear."-Robin

Suddenly the ship anchor fall, then some things move on their own.

"Is it ghost?"-Jon

Suddenly the ghost attacked, no, toyed with them. Jon immediately use his sharingan but he can't see anything.

'Maybe it's like limbo?'-Jon

He concentrated more and he can see the air current, move around a figure. He didn't really see the air, but the air is full of mist, so he can see the mist movement. He also see some faint stepping mark on the grass floor.

'Even if you're invisible, you still have physical body.'-Jon smirk

Jon see the figure move toward Robin and he immediately flickered while coating his arm with chakra. He punch the figure in what he think is it's body and the figure fly and crash to Brook's ship. Jon concentrate again because the figure still didn't show himself. Then he saw a faint step mark that leave the ship to the island.

"What's that?"-Luffy

"I think it's an invisible man, he can even hide his chakra from my eyes. But he still have physical body so i can see the air moved around him and a faint step mark that he made."-Jon


Sanji seem to be furious about something but they ignore him.

"You can see air?"-Zoro

"Of course, not. What i see is the water particles of the mist, altough it's thin. So i can see the vapour moving with my sharingan, but i need to concentrate."-Jon

"Heeh, it's SUPERR convenient eyes"-Franky

They all nod at this and Jon also feel that his eyes have become stronger somehow. Now he can easily see a small hidden insect like when Sasuke see Deidara's small insect bomb, but Jon can do it easier. His eyes chakra path also seem to be tougher so he can use his sharingan easier.

Suddenly there is some big waves and their ship being pulled to the island. Sometime later, they are trapped in a giant spider web. They also see Mini Merry 2 trapped there, so they know Nami and co have go to the island. They see a pathway and decide to follow it.

Jon also made some shadow clones and told them to spread and gather information, while he will walk with the other. They walk for sometime and they met with a three headed stitched up dog. Maybe they made it to be like Cerberus.

"Hey, if those three passed by this place, they should've met this thing right? So why are this thing is still here and those three are not?"-Jon

"Maybe they are eaten by each head."-Robin

"Oioi, they must've ran away."-Franky

Suddenly Luffy come closer to it and held his hand out and ask the dog to shake it. The dog bite him from each side instead, but Luffy just stroke the heads slowly and ask them to let him go. They open their mouth and Luffy can get out, but then,


Luffy punched the dog, it slammed to the wall and faint.


"Nononono"-Jon, Zoro, Sanji

After the dog wake up, it become scared of Luffy and do what Luffy want. Luffy decide to ride it, Robin and Sanji decide to ride it too. But the other can't because it's too heavy for the dog. So they walk beside the dog while looking around.

Sometime later they arrive at an open place and then they see many strange creatures. There's a horse and a tree that drink sake together. Luffy want to catch the tree and recruit it to be a crew member. The others can only sigh at this. They meet with many more of these strange creatures that they assume as zombies. Luffy even try to put a zombie that come out from his grave, back inside.

Sometime later they see the ghost that they saw in the ship. Luffy try to catch it but he failed. Jon, Zoro, & Franky try to catch them too but they failed. It didn't have physical body just like what they expect from ghost. But then the ghost passed by their body and they all except Jon become depressed so suddenly.

'I feel a negative feeling invade my mind but i can shake it off. So this is that mind attack imunity, it's good.'-Jon

They continue their walk again but then got attacked by a horde of zombies. Jon now feel like becoming a zombie film protagonist like Brad Pit. He's so excited but he don't have chainsaw, a legendary weapon to fight zombies.

So he use his Kusanagi and flow his wind chakra because it's said to be the sharpest chakra. It also become a form of training for him to control the wind chakra. It can really cut the zombies easier but he can't make flying attack with his low mastery over wind chakra now. He has just finished cutting leaf afterall.

Sometime later they finished and defeat all the zombies. Zoro ask Jon about the sword and Jon just said he found it in Enies Lobby. Zoro try to hold the sword and swing it, and he know it's a good sword.

"It's good, but a pity it's not a katana."-Zoro

"Oioioi, did you want to take it if it's a katana?"-Jon

"Huh? Did you want to use it even if it's a katana? Can you use it?"-Zoro

"Of course, i am a ninja so i will train using katana too and i want to train all kind of weapon."-Jon


"Sigh, i will give it to you if i find good katana. I only need a weapon that can be used with chakra easily."-Jon

Luffy then ask the zombies if they see Nami and co passed here. The zombies didn't want to answer, but then some of them accidentally reveal that they attack Nami and co. So the crew beat them up again.

They walk again and now they meet an old man, and they almost mistook him for zombie. The old man actually lost his shadow like Brook. He told them that the one stealing the shadows is indeed Moria. Jon said he has 320 million bounty, but it has been freezed for years after he became sichibukai.

After that, they decide to enter the castle, but Jon will move separately and enter sneakily. The other agree and Jon immediately leave and blend in the shadows. Jon change his clothes to anbu uniform with Ichigo mask like what he wear in Alabasta.

Jon then enter the mansion through an open window. He move on the ceiling to avoid being seen and hide in shadows. He see many zombies there and wondered why this place filled with zombies.

'Hmm, can't i just dispell my clones if they have interesting information? But if they still looking at the information it will be a loss. Beside, they will dispell themselves if they find an important info.'-Jon

Jon then continue to look around but he only find zombies so far. Later, he find a kitchen and go inside. He didn't find any foods there even if it's a kitchen. But there are so many salt bag, so he just store it. At least it can be their salt supply for months.

He continue to look around and find a storehouse. But this is guarded and the door seem to be locked tightly. But it's no problem for Jon, he will not leave a chance to rob a Sichibukai again. He use mist jutsu and cover the place, then activate his sharingan. He see more chakra signature than the guards he saw before.

'Just what i thought of Sichibukai, he's a cautious man, but you can't fool my eyes.'-Jon

Jon immediately cut those zombies with his new sword. It's really sharp and easy to use, so he's happy. Altough he like Sasuke's sword design more, but it didn't have real Kusanagi abilities.

After finishing the guards, he open the locks easily and the door opened. He see many treasures there, so he gladly take them all. He even left a thank you letter and a penny as tip, he's a civilized man afterall.

He lock the door again and leave to look around the mansion. Sometime later, he find an interesting information. Some zombies talk about Moria and his power. So he just silently eavesdropping there.

'So Moria take the victim's shadow then put it inside a zombie. The zombies are something that Dr. Hogback made from corpses parts. They make them alive using Moria's shadow. Hmm, interesting, the shadow can't live without body and the body can't live without shadow.-Jon

He continue hearing their conversation and he grin from ear to ear when they finished. He got some interesting info and he need to tell the crew. But before that, he want to try something.

Jon make mist again and he killed all the zombies except one. He catch it and use genjutsu on it, but it didn't work. He try some time again, and it still didn't work, so he just kill it.

"As i thought it didn't work. Maybe because they're not a living being and the shadows is someone else so they're different person in one vessel. It's also a part of Moria's power, not Moria himself."-Jon

Then he go out and see Franky and Robin run away from the castle. He follow them and they arrived in their ship only to find Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji lay unconscious there.

"Huh, what happen here?"-Jon

Okay, maybe you have different thoughts about Absalom's invisibility that can even hide his chakra. Well, i just think that his invisibility is very strong, or Shiryuu will not want it at all. That's why he can even hide his chakra, but not his physique, or he can't touch anything.

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