
Chapter 5

Over the next two days, our group completed a high number of quests where we were highly visible and socialized with the villagers. Because of this when there came a rumor that the Shield Hero had raped someone, it didn't found a fertile soil. Especially as many representatives of the surrounding villages saw him and his companions standing guard at the local harvest festival on the same night that he should have done the deed. The rumor that the sword hero had stood up for the shield hero and wanted a public trial did the rest.

I had used the time to stock up on ingredients for medicines that we would need or could sell. Sadly we only had a small time to train as there was only three termination quest available in this time frame. As such my companions were only level 5, while I was level 4.

On the day I heard that guards came to apprehend me I send my companions ahead of me and came back without making any ruckus. I also made sure that I only wore the minimum of my equipment. I was guided into the dungeons where all my equipment was confiscated.

I was sure that if I had worn anything valuable it would be lost. But the clothing they tock was something that I had bought specifically for this purpose and had no more value than 4 copper.

When I was guided into the `courtroom` I found out that it was a repurposed dining hall for the guards and it was full of people of all social status. While my companions were not present the people that they requested to come were.

„This is the 423 Royal Tribunal as requested by the Sword Hero Ren Amaki today we will decide the case of Rape of the Adventure Malty through Naofumi Iwatani."

I found it funny that my life as King of Melromarc and husband of Melty would come invaluable this time. At the time I had protested about the amount of rules, proceedings, and traditions Melty had made me learn, but now I could say that it was worth the enormous amount of work. Especially as I only needed a bit of time in the royal library at the first evening to prepare for this. The face that Trash made when I answered in exactly the right form for this kind of trial was priceless.

„I, Naofumi Iwatani Hero of the Shield of the Third Generation, request that, based on paragraph 14 of the official court rules from year 85 AMC (after Melromarcs creation), the case name be changed in Supposed Rape of the Adventure Malty through the Shield Hero Naofumi Iwatani, as it is the purpose of this trial to find out if I'm guilty or not. Additionally, I request that the full identity of the individual Malty is included in the case name. Making it `Supposed rape of the Adventure and second Princess of Melromarc Malty Melromarc through the Shield Hero Naofumi Iwatani`." (Naofumi)

„I am not the second princess." (Bitch)

„I, Naofumi Iwatani Hero of the Shield of the Third Generation, inform that I speak in reaction to the unsolicited call of the Second Princess Malty Melromarc. As you are not the Heir Apparent, because of your multiple transgressions, like putting your house to shame through your defloration through the citizen of Faubley Tact Arusahorun at the time a member of the third stand, your sister First Princess and Heir Apparent Melty Q Melromarc is the first princess and you the second." (Naofumi)

Trash looked kindly neither to me nor to his daughter. While that didn't made me any more popular with Trash and Bitch. It would discredit the position of Bitch and reduce the amount of influence Trash had on the proceedings. It was funny, as long as no Tribunal was demanded, Melromarc was like any other monarchy, but a Tribunal was more along the line of what I and the other heroes were used in terms of trials. Of course, it was the sole decision of the king or queen if a trail happened. Except in cases like mine. I was an international figure one of the heroes, Trash couldn't simply do what it wanted. He probably hoped that I wouldn't know what to do so he could decide my punishments by himself.

„Granted. The Judges are Ren Amaki Hero of the Sword of the Third Generation, High Pope of the Church of three Heroes Willhelm von Acutry und Prince Regent Aultcray Melromarc XXXII." (Trash)

„I, Naofumi Iwatani Shield Hero of the Third Generation, wish to inform and include a comment in the documentation of this trial, that in neither of the civilizations that the Four Legendary Heroes came from this trial would have any legal validity as two of the three judges are heavily biased. First, the supposed victim is the daughter of one of the judges. Second, one of the judges has a known hatred for all thing connected with demi-humans and by association with the Shield Hero. Third, one of the judges represents a religion that officially proclaims the Shield Hero as the Shield Devil and blood-enemy of all humans. Fourth, one of the judges represents a religion, which contradicts the regulations of separation of state and religion that most countries follow in our worlds. Fifth, one of the judges represents the executive and legislative, which is a contradiction to the separation of exceptive, legislative and judicature that most country our worlds follow. Sixth the assumption of guilt goes against all juridical codes of our world. In our world, the accused is not guilty until the prosecutor has proven his guilt. Not the other way around like in your world." (Naofumi)

Trash looked to Ren, Itsuki, and Motoyasu, who was tithing for rage, but all three affirmed my statement.

„Comment granted, but is not relevant for this trial." (Trash)

„Offender your are charged with supposed rape of the second princess of Melomarc Malty Melomarc, what is your defense." (Pope)

„I, Naofumi Iwatani Third Generation Shield Hero, request to know the date and location at that the supposed rape happened." (Naofumi)

„The evening three days ago after sundown in the tavern of the sleeping bull in Melormarc Castle-city." (Trash)

„I, Naofumi Iwatani Third Generation Shield Hero, call my first witness. Village Major of Capari Village. Please tell the court where I was three days ago and what I did." (Naofumi)

An old man stood up and spoke.

„I, Roman Village Major of Capari Village, report that the Shield Hero with his companion came to our village three days ago shortly before sundown. He and his companion stood guard over our harvest festival. Afterwards, it was long after the moon went up, they spend the night in our villages tavern. Not four hours after they went to sleep the Shield Hero was doing a second request helping to harvest the field with most of our village population. He began with sunrise and only finished late in the afternoon." (Village Major)

„Do you have additional witnesses?" (Trash)

„I, Naofumi Iwatani Third Generation Shield Hero, call up inspector Marumi Istengur of the Adventure Guild. Please report your findings." (Naofumi)

„I have multiple proofs of finished quests, that show that Iwatami-dono has done the requests he took. An inspection of his guild card showed that he was at the location of the quests, when the supposed crime happened. An Inspection of all his companion cards also shows that none of them has left him alone. Additionally, I was at the harvest festival and while his companions may be a little bit inexperienced for such a request, he did it without tadle. The Guild stands with Shield Hero-sama." (Guild Inspektor)

That was surprising, I didn't know that he was there and neither did I expect that he would side with me. I expected a neutral stand.

„Do you have further witnesses?" (Trash)

„I, Naofumi Iwatani Shield Hero of the Third Generation, don't have any more witnesses." (Naofumi)

„We come to the finding of justice." (Trash)

„Guilty" (Pope)

„Not Guilty" (Ren)

With tithing and crunching tooth.

„Not Guilty" (Trash)

„I, Naofumi Iwatani Hero of the Shield of the Third Generation, request a punishment of the Slanderer based on Proclamation 974 of the year 213 AMC." (Naofumi)

„Granted. Second Princess Malty Melomarc will be stripped of all her possession in her identity as the adventurer Malty. She will be stripped of her adventure rank. Afterwards she will pay the sum of 100 Gold through her own work and own work alone. No one is allowed to help her, if not allowed by existing law. She will be supervised by the Inspector and Master of the guild." (Trash)

Afterwards after thanking the Major, Inspector and Ren for his help and trying and nearly failing to prevent a fight with Motoyasu I left and went to my companions in the shop of the Old Man. Of course I collected the equipment of Bitch beforehand. As she had shown herself at court in full armor I gained a complete set of Valkyrie Mail with the included Sword. Both acceptable for level 75 Knights. The reduction of the Princess back to the adventure was a smart trick, otherwise I would have gain quite a bit more. Although that he put the Guild Master in charge would weaken the supervision of the Inspector. Additionally Trash would probably enter a few high paying low work jobs for his daughter. Hopefully Motoyasu, Bitch or Trash don't remember that new proclamation, though his comment of existing law meant that he probably had. While it can't prevent her from paying me, she can still accept the help of a hero. I'm also happy that I didn't need to call up the 3 Proclamation of year 1 AMC. It makes it basically impossible to legally pursue heroes. When I entered the Shop of the Old Man I was already expected. A small Philorial chick landed on my head and something scaly and snakelike laid itself around my neck.

„Oh, your two hatched. Yo Old Man I want to sell this." (Naofumi)

„Sure lad, how about 80% of the price I sold it? So it went all well?" (Old Man)

„Make that 80% of the original price and take your 75 Silver from that." (Naofumi)

„I can't put you down today. Sure lad." (Old Man)

While the Old Man calculated I went to talk with my companions. Raphtalia seemed to be fascinated with the chick, while Lifana and Kiel were more the dragon type person. I also inspected my new comrades.

„I will call you Firo, but how to call you, what are you exactly. Open Status." (Naofumi)

Name: NONAME Itotia Iconoyotl Icoyotl ... Quetzalcoatl

Occupation: Skydragon / Quetzalcoatl Level 1

Skill: Sky Step, Cloud Control, Genetic Memory, XXXX (Sealed)

Magic: Sky, Ice, Lightning, Water, Wind

„Interesting so you know all what your parents knew?" (Naofumi)

The quetzalcoatl shook it's head.

„Only what your mother..." (Naofumi)


„...knew? Cool. But Your Name is ridiculously long, the names of your predecessors I presume?" (Naofumi)

Nodding again.

„How about I call you Yu'lon, or are you male?" (Naofumi)

Shaking of the head and the name changed in the status screen from NONAME to Yu'lon.

„Well let me present our new companions the Philorial chick Firo and the Skydragon-Quetzalcoatl Hybrid Yu'lon." (Naofumi)

Yu'lon was a half meter long dragon, with a tenth of that in diameter. He looked like a chinese dragon or one of the sky serpents of that warring world. It even resembled it's name sibling in color. She was slightly transparent and in her inner there were currents of a cloudlike substance.

Additionally, she had eight pairs of wings all over her body that were magnificent and rainbow colored. Her clawed feet stood on four small clouds that had four balls of energy rotate around each. One each was composed of Ice, Water, Wind and Thunder magic.

On her head were additional feathers and a small jade horn that sprouted out of a pear-like ball at the base of her head. It seemed to be filled with a living storm.

Yu'lon seemed to be a bit vain, based on the reactions to the gushing comments. I myself went on to put the eggshells of Firo and Yu'lon into my shield unlocking the Egg, Philorial, Dragon, Quetzalcoatl, and Demon Trainer I and II Shields.

„Here lad is your 814 Silver." (Naofumi)

I thought about building a cart right now, but decided against it.

„If you want, you can begin to design the best cart that you can think of. Sooner or later I will probably order it." (Naofumi)

„Sure lad. If I have a bit free time." (Old Man)

Firo commented that with a happily cheeping sound.

Afterwards, we went and bought the beginner books for the magic we needed. Which was light, shadows, air, earth, protection, healing, plants, speed, water, ice, and lightning sadly there were no books for Sky and Transformation magic as they were unique to specific races and largely unknown. I also learned that Quetzalcoatl's, while gaining the memories of their predecessors, weren't intelligent enough to do anything greater than instinct controlled actions. As such Yu'lon needed the books.

After that, we went on the road again. This time our target was the village near the dragon mountains. On the way to it, we would be taking a number of requests and visit a number of location to trade and sell medicine. We also would hunt for monsters and train.

The plan was to reach the mountains in roughly one week. I planned to buy a small carriage there to decrease our travel time. As I wasn't framed this time, I wouldn't need to hide my Identity, and because of this, I should get more positive feedback in time. While traveling we talked about what happened and what our goals would be, between the occasional fight against monster along the road.

„The princess has to pay you 100 Gold, while only doing low-level adventure jobs?" (Eclair)

„Theoretically yes. It was a punishment designed to teach humiliation by helping the normal population for two to four years based on your abilities. Sadly that won't happen here. Ether the king will supply a few low ranked high paying jobs for his daughter or he will remember the new proclamation allowing Motoyasu to recruit her and by that giving her access to much higher paying jobs. All in all, she will perhaps have to do jobs for one week, if we are lucky." (Naofumi)

That night Raphtalia had again a nightmare, while I managed to calm her down, she was embarrassed because of it.

While we traveling to our destination, we mostly were doing extermination and monster investigation requests. We also acclimated to each other. It was a huge event, to see how Firo grew over a few days, first to a full Philorial and then a Philorial Queen. She also began to talk.

Yu'lon couldn't talk, but she could transmit emotions and thoughts. If that would become more would only be shown in time. After Firo gained her human form, I forbade her from changing to her bird form while wearing the clothing I bought for her. She had to decide if she wanted to be a girl or a bird for the day. She often alternated between the two, spending one day as a bird and the next as a girl.

Overall these days the most dramatic event, was the fight against the two-headed dog in the mine. I forbade Firo, Yu'lon, and Eclair to take part in it. The children had to overcome their fear by them self. Of course, I protected them with Air Shields when necessary, but I thought it important for there development.

Afterwards, I questioned Eclair what happened to the Cerberus of the first wave. As it seemed the wave closed without him being defeated after two days and he managed to escape the subjugation unit. Last she heard he entered the mountain range that was our target. I planned to look out for it, it would be a good test for the children.

When we finally managed to come to the village, that was plagued by the death aura of the zombie dragon last time, we saw quite a different picture. The village was bursting with life. The fields were being worked on. Farmers brought in the yield of this year. As I planned to prevent the plague one way or another it wouldn't come to a famine this time, reducing the problems for the whole region.

We took a big room at the inn, I wasn't willing to pay for the more expensive two rooms, if we all could manage with one. Yu'lon sadly was too big and had to sleep in the stalls. She hoped she would gain a human form soon. Her memories said that the first Quetzalcoatl had one.

I went to the market to sell the accessories, equipment, and medicine our group made in the evenings. Which was our main entertainment, other than learning magic. My skills were a little bit rusted at the start. By now I had reached a level of skill in alchemy again, that could rival masters of the craft.

My other crafting skills came along nicely, but hadn't reached the level they had when I first saved this world. After coming back to the room, I counted my earnings for this week and found out that I had earned nearly 250 Silver. 100 of that were extorted from my old friends the thieves.

„Listen up. I would have liked to get a level over 20 by now. Thanks to the growth correction you have equal strength to level 30 or 40 adventures. Our task tomorrow is to explore the mountains near this town. Rumors are that a dragon has come out and has created a nest near the borders. If possible we want to prevent a battle.

I also heard rumors that a child was sighted living with monsters. If we should find it, we will try to talk to it. If it lives with them for longer already, it is likely that it sees the monster as his or her family. For that reason, we won't attack monsters that didn't attack first. Let's try to prevent unnecessary deaths.

For this mission, we will do a more defensive approach in our formation. Yu'lon as our mage your task is it to counter any magic that is cast against." (Naofumi)

„Okay." (Kiel & Firo)

„Understood." (Lifana)

„As you wish Naofumi-sama." (Raphtalia)

„A child living under monsters? Interesting." (Eclair)

Over the last week, we had developed a social structure of sorts. While we were more or less equals, Firo, Raphtalia, Kiel, and Lifana were clearly children. Meanwhile, Eclair and I took the role of the adults. Yu'lon thanks through her genetic memories was in one moment a child and in the next a mature adult.

Kiel and Raphtalia had developed similar like I remembered them. From all of them, I already had the deepest connection to Raphtalia. Mainly because Lifana was more interested in Firo and Yu'lon and Kiel was always found near Eclair asking her for more training with her scythe.

Eclair herself was already a mature female and as such much more reserved as the children. I became quickly the moral and emotional support for Raphtalia, resulting in her eagerness to please me.

„Since it isn't dark out yet, Firo and I will go look if we can't find a carriage that we can buy." (Naofumi)

„Yeah" (Firo)

„Can I come along?" (Rapthtalia)

„Sure, anyone else?" (Naofumi)

Over the next hour, we went around talking to the people of the city until we finally found someone, that could be willing to sell us a cart.

„Hello Farmer, I heard that your Philorials were killed in a monster attack. I want to know if you would be willing to sell your cart. My companions and I are in need of one and we can't spend the time it would need to build one right now." (Naofumi)

The Farmer looked up to me and thought about it. My information said that his harvest was already completed and sold at the market. Together with the death of his Philorials, he didn't have any use for his cart right now. And the additional funds would help him.

„For the right price, I would. I only take hard currency on the hand. Now goods or favors." (Farmer)

„Let me see your cart and then we can negotiate about the price." (Naofumi)

The Farmer guided us into the barn were a wagon stood. While inquiring about a wagon that we could buy, I had asked for a big one, as with the future slaves I wanted to buy our group would be quite big. I also liked to have a bit storage room or room for a passenger.

The wagon before me was enormous 6m long, 3,3m high and 1,2m width. It looked like one of the wagons that were used to conquer the American West, but without the canopy. It also was modified with an additional longer heck than it original had. I was sure that this wagon needed at least two, possibly four Philorials. I didn't know if Firo could pull this large wagon alone. It also didn't had benches.

„What do you think Firo?" (Naofumi)

Firo inspected the wagon quite thoroughly and found a few damaged parts like a loose wheel or a small damage at the lid at the heck.

„It is perfect." (Firo)

„Interested then?" (Farmer)

„Yes, what do you want for it?" (Naofumi)

„I put quite a bit of work into it and it is a big wagon. I need to build a new one, and as it is not a normal size that will be difficult to do. How about 400 Silver." (Farmer)

„Come on you can see that it is a bit old and will need regularly maintenance. Not to forget it is still damaged from the monster attack. 200 Silver." (Naofumi)

„Mister, you don't see the value that this wagon has. It is one of a kind, you won't find anywhere a bigger wagon at that price. 350 Silver. (Farmer)

„No still to expensive. You don't even have a need for it right now and seeing the number of fields you have you don't need to build such a big carriage again. 250 Silver and you will repair it in the next two days." (Naofumi)

„That would cost me two days that I can't work on the field. 300 Silver, but I'm willing to repair the wheel and see if I can do something about the heck lid." (Farmer)

I was just beginning to use my dark look to further lower the price when Raphtalia interrupted me.

„Naofumi-sama, you shouldn't do that." (Raphtalia)

I was surprised, as it was the first time that Raphtalia had chided me. It was quite nostalgic as she would always do that. I couldn't suppress a small smile.

„300 Silver, if you repair the wagon and add a set of benches. Also only if my philorial can pull it." (Naofumi)

The farmer thought about it and then gave his acceptance. Firo wanted to try drawing the wagon right now, but as she was in her human form I stopped her.

„We will come tomorrow to test it. I also will only pay after seeing the repaired and remodeled wagon." (Naofumi)

„Sure." (Farmer)

„One question what did you do with the philorial corpses?" (Naofumi)

„Left them were they were, couldn't transport them. They are probably already eaten by some monster." (Farmer)

We said our goodbyes, after asking where the corpses were. I send Firo back to inform the others of the results of our negotiating and then went to collect the corpses. I was lucky that there was still some left. We needed to kill a few monsters, but that was no problem. After collecting them I gained access to a multitude of philorial shields strengthening firo further.

Next morning we left the village and began our climb into the mountains. We had a basic defensive 2-2-2-1 line formation. Me and Eclair as Vanguard, followed by our main attackers Raphtalia and Firo in front of Lifana and Yu'lon and the rearguard was Kiel. It was one of multiple formations, that we had trained over the last week.

If attacked we would spread out to the sides to give us room for maneuvering, while still maintaining the concentration of our attack power for a quick counter-attack.

One of the most important parts came to Yu'lon, her task wasn't one of aggression but of protection. If we should be attacked by a dragon she was to create walls of ice to shield us from an incoming breath attack. She couldn't do it often, as she hadn't enough mana yet, but it should give me the time to get into position for a meteorite wall.

After around three hours, we reached the place were we originally fought against Gaelion. I couldn't see any

corpse, meaning Ren wasn't here yet. We went further along the borders of the area that we had orders to explore.

Up until now, we had to fight regularly. Not that the fights were difficult, but they were there. As we went deeper into the mountains we realized that there were fewer and fewer monsters. Also, the few that we met, didn't attack us. They seemed to try to escape from something.

Proceeding carefully we surrounded a mountainside and came among a small valley. At the entrance to it, we found the batted corpse of the dragon Gaelion.

„What happened here?" (Naofumi)

„Not sure." (Eclair)

We inspected the corpse looking for clues about the attacker.

„There seemed to be multiple attackers. The wings were pierced by some form of projectile, there's a sword wounds at the feet and something like a bite wound at the neck. The projectile wounds are not the results of arrows or anything I know." (Eclair)

„Firo can smell another scent, similar to corpse and Yu'lon. But neither corpse nor Yu'lon." (Firo)

Looking to Yu'lon I got an approval from her.

„So a dragon with the support of a swordsman and perhaps a gun wielder. I heard they are used in Faubley." (Naofumi)

I, of course, remembered that Tact had a female dragon with a huge number of dragon emperor fragments. It could mean that he tried to collect them sooner this time.

While walking around the corpse I found something a few meters away from the battleground that looked like Gaelion core. I went and picked it up, seeing that it was heavily damaged, told me that it didn't contain emperor fragments anymore. As I didn't knew, if it still had a positive effect on dragons, I went to Yu'lon with it.

„Yu'lon, can you do something with this or is it worthless to you?" (Naofumi)

„Yes, I have a use for it. Please put it on the floor." (Yu'lon)

After putting it on the ground and stepping back, Yu'lon began to chant.

[Oh, Dragon Pulse hear my call. I, Yu'lon daughter of the second born Sapphire, release me from the curse of the emperor. Shatter the bindings that bind me to the earth and allow me to once more fly high above the ground. 13 to 2 and 6 to 1.] [Emperor Soul Release]

After this, she touched the dragon core with her horn and thirteen lights flashed and streamed into the core making it meld and forming seven small crystals. Six were of the same form and size as the one I had in my armor once, while the other one was quite a bit bigger and had a stronger hue.

„What did you do?" (Lifana)

„The first dragon had two children, Ouryuu, who would later become known as the Dragon Emperor and the first of the Skydragons Sapphire. When the first wave approached, someone, who I don't know, contacted several creatures. It wanted to find four beings, that he bound to the world. They would protect it from the waves. Ouryuu was one of this creatures, but my ancestor Sapphire didn't want to have anything to do with it. She wanted to be free from any chains that could bind her. Sadly Ouryuu accepted and cast all dragons in forever binding chains of slavery. All dragons try to gain as many shards of the dragon emperors soul not realizing, that this fate is one of slavery and servitude.

I also had those shards, but I was lucky as they contained the story of my ancestor and her plan to rid herself and her children of this curse." (Yu'lon)

„But if the dragon emperor is such a powerful being, didn't you weaken yourself by releasing the shards of his soul?" (Naofumi)

„True, I have lost a bit of my power, for example, I can't bless anyone with the blessing of the dragon emperor without enough shards, but housing the soul of a different being is a major strain on one's body. Most of the dragon species are of Earthdragon origin. As such they gain much more strength from the emperor shards as I as a Skydragon got.

I am one of the purest among all dragons, simply because Skydragons never breed in the same extent with other species as earth dragons did. My Quetzalcoatl heritage actually increased my power as well as it is highly compatible with my skydragon heritage.

At the same time, the genetical memories were in constant conflict with the shards. Without them, I can use my full potential. That will allow me to become the most powerful dragon after Ouryuu himself. If I have enough time and opportunities." (Yu'lon)

Inspecting her status I found out that it was true. She had lost five levels but her stats increased by nearly 25%. She also now had a few new abilities. Including a blessing of the skydragon.

„But if Skydragons are against any bindings, why would you accept the slave crest that binds you to Naofumi?" (Lifana)

„While we Skydragons are proud and free-spirited, Quetzalcoatls are family orientated. I see all of you as my family and having the slave crest has strong positive effects on me. So I can tolerate it." (Yu'lon)

I smiled at Yu'lon and picked the seven cores up. Three including the big one had blue lines on them while three others had red lines the last had white lines.

„Am I right in my presumption that we can use these to create powerful equipment?" (Naofumi)

„That is correct, the blue ones are defense orientated, while the red ones are offensive. The white one will strengthen both, though at a lower rate." (Yu'lon)

I pocketed the cores and began to salvage the dragon corpse earning lots of high-quality materials and unlocking a huge amount of dragon series shields. Afterwards, I entered the white core into my shield gaining three new shields. The Dragon Emperor Soul Shield allowed for a special class up option at the dragon hourglass, which focused on physical strength and Vitality. The Legacy of the Skydragon Shield did the same, but focused on magic abilities and agility. The Dragon Pulse Shield allowed for the granting of the blessing needed to use the Dragon Pulse.

These three shields were probably the intended way for heroes to gain the abilities that normally would need a dragon with a high number of emperor fragments as an ally. I also was sure that I only got them so easily, because I already had a high number of unlocked dragon series shields.

With this our mission was nearly finished we only had to find Wyndia. Moving along the valley side we traveled for an hour until we found a huge cave.

„This is probably the nest of the dragon, be careful, we don't know what is in it." (Eclair)

After entering the cave, we could hear a sound of water falling down and something else that neither of us could identify. After ten minutes we came to a huge waterfall that blocked the way. But the sound was clearer now and came from behind the waterfall.

We pushed through it and finally realized what it was, the sound of battle. There were different creatures fighting further back in the cave. We went forward carefully, ready to retreat if necessary. At last, we entered a huge cavern and found the fight.

Over a huge amount of corpse stood a three-headed dog the size of a house. Before him were three monsters. A caterpillar bug, a stone ape, and a fire lizard. They protected a body that lay behind them in a puddle of blood. A slime seemed next to it doing something, but I was too far away to see exactly what