
Chapter 4

When I entered the weapon shop with my four companions, Lifana and Raphtalia were both holding an egg, I saw an unfamiliar person behind the counter.

„Hi, I am here to get the armor I ordered and to buy equipment for my companions." (Naofumi)

The employee looked up and then went into the back, coming back after a few minutes with the Old Men and then left.

„You came just at the right time, lad. I just finished and after it gets cold I will show it to you. Your tip about the abilities was its money worth. I made quite a profit. They brought most of their equipment from me, I also got 200 Silver from each and a promise for future orders after they saw what I could do. I'm the unofficial official blacksmith for all four heroes now." (Old Man)

The Old Man laughed livelily.

„If I brought you such a profit how about we negotiate right now about what I have to pay. My armor, the equipment for the knight, breastplate of course, and the armor and weapons for my three other companions. How about 500 for all." (Naofumi)

The Old Man looked towards my new slaves and raised an eyebrow. While muttering.

„500 Silver for all, that would be roughly 35% discount. Can't do that. How about 700 Silver." (Old Man)

I realized that the Old Man had included the 100 Silver for the Deal into the negotiation. I had planned to cancel the deal or at least make it at a later date.

„How about 500 right now and an additional 50 Silver after the next wave. I get a monthly stipend from the king. So you should get your money." (Naofumi)

„You're cutting it short aren't ya. But sure, 500 Silver now and 75 after the next wave. At least you aren't unreasonable like that redhead. Come on let's see what you want. Armor or Weapons first?" (Old Man)

„Weapons for the three kids and armor for Miss Knight." (Naofumi)

The Old Men went to bring up a few different weapons short swords, bows, hammers, and knives. Then he put three Breastplates on the table.

„All are roughly the same. Choose what you like best." (Old Man)

Eclair began to look over the armor and weapons for herself, I looked to the children. I sat down to be on there level.

„As I have told you I am the shield hero. That means I can't use a weapon and am only capable of defending my comrades. It also means that I need others to be my weapons. This is your task, to be effective you need weapons that you are good with. I can help you train, but first, you have to choose a weapon that feels right with you or that you already know. Do you understand that?" (Naofumi)

The three hesitated, but than Kiel and Lifana went forth.

„I will look around." (Kiel)

„Ahm, I helped my father a few times hunting." (Lifana)

I let Kiel go by herself and went with Lifana and Raphtalia towards the Old Man.

„Hey Old Man. Lifana here says she has experience with a bow. As a Rearguard she doesn't need Armor for know so could you show her the bows for 100 Silver and the normal clothing." (Naofumi)

„You're sure?" (Old Man)

„Yeah. Come on Raphtalia let me show you the swords. I'm sure we will find something fitting there." (Naofumi)

As I put my hand on her back to guide her there she winced, but I managed to clam her with a smile. A bit later after we had managed to find a sword that would be good to use for her, Kiel came over to me to show me what she wanted. She guided me to a corner of the room and showed me the weapon that fascinated her.

„Old Man I could need your help here." (Naofumi)

Grumbling the Old Man came over to me, having finished with Lifanas weapon and letting her look over his clothes.

„You know I'm not that old." (Old Man)

„Do you have something like that that Kiel can wield." (Naofumi)

„You're sure? They not exactly easy to use weapons. Hmm, perhaps a small war version or a kama." (Old Man)

„Please show us." (Naofumi)

The Old Man laid a small scythe, a slightly bigger war scythe and a pair of kama on a piece of cloth.

„This is what I would recommend. That together with a hardened leather vest. Which colors do you prefer?" (Old Man)

„Red and Black, if that's okay with you Kiel?" (Naofumi)

Kiel was busy with gushing over the weapons and nodded absently.

„So one combat dress in red and black for the boy?" (Old Man)

„Girl, actually. Come on let me help you choose." (Naofumi)

The Old Man glanced surprised to Kiel who had a wry smile on her face. The Old Man and I went over the clothing and finished with a look that was inspired by an old friend of mine from a dark world overrun by monsters. Kiel and her were similar, well without the weapon tick. Overall cheerful. As I knew how she would look like when she grew up I could choose something that would fit good. As I was here anyway I choose a similar outfit for Raphtalia as she had the first time. Only the main color was a matt blue-violet which should work good with her orange-red hair and neutralise that color. Main reason for the new color was that I didn't want the four to were the same color. While I searched I also found something nice for Eclair in a rich but dark blue.

„A bit more attention seeking as I would normally wear." (Eclair)

„That was actually my idea, hopefully it attracts attention to you and away from Lifana, Kiel and Raphtalia." (Naofumi)

„Makes sense." (Eclair)

Afterwards we clothed and geared ourselves and left the shop after trying on the shields that he had. We probably had better equipment as some of the new adventures. The first thing I had done was making sure that nether slave crest nor collar could be seen easily. Sadly the slave collar was a necessity for demi-human slaves, as otherwise they would be attacked. From experience I could remove them after the queen came back. I had made sure that they were hidden from the obvious eyes by accessories.

I now wore my trusted Barbarian Armor with a cloak and good casual clothing underneath. Each of us had actually multiple pieces of underwear and two pieces of our normal wear. I also had a few new shields including the Meteorite Shield, a Knight Captains Shield and a Reflect Shield that could reflect a targeted magic fried. Only First spells right now, but that could probably be changed with leveling up the skill. Additionally, I had a few unusual ones, because the Old Man wanted to see the absorption function. All in all, I had most of my most useful shields right now. Like the Rope Shield, the Pipe Shield and even a new shield that allowed repairs of weapons and improved crafting.

The female knight had a small but robust round shield, Breastplate and simple but study arm and leg protectors. To that, she wore a cloak like mantel in a rich dark blue color. Under her breastplate was also a linen vest. While not the same, the outfit was similar to what another hero I once new wore, Emmy Honeywell. Her weapon was a good magic steel knight sword of 120cm length. It was a small gift from the Old Man as it was slightly better than what was in my normal price span.

Raphtalia had basically the same start equipment like before, just from a better quality and different color. Instead of red it was in blue-violet. The only real difference was her sword. It was a bit longer than the traditional short sword with an overall length of 90cm. For her childlike state it was basically a two-handed sword, but after growing up she would be able to use it one-handed.

Kiel had surprised me with her choice for a weapon. I wondered about the reason she chooses a war scythe. It was on a holder behind her body an longer than herself. She wore black pants and black Boots with red borders. Her upper body is dressed in a loose hanging white shirt with long sleeves. Over it she wore a short red rock that reaches up to the middle of her thighs, with a black leather vest above it, giving her an adequate protection of her organs. On her back is a red hooded cloak reaching down to her knees. Her clothing is held in matt colors. Her clothing was a bit long, but after growing up, it should adjust just fine.

Lifana had chosen clothes in green and orange-brown tones. She wore a hooded cloak like Kiel in a dark wooden green. She had leather shoes with long leather protectors reaching up to her thighs. She wore short brown pants with an orange-brown Trim. Her upper body was cloaked in a short-sleeved green shirt and fixed with a brown belt with a silver buckle. On her arm was a leather protector to prevent injuries when using her bow and she had brown leather gloves. Over her shirt, she wore a leather protector to protect her heart and shoulders. Her hair was braided into to two braids. On her back were a quiver and a good wooden bow with metal reinforcements. On her belt was a simple dagger.

I still had 30 Silver left which should give us enough time to gain new money while traveling. Until we met Rishia and perhaps Wyndia, my goal was it to earn at least 300 Silver for adequate equipment on our level.

Over the whole time, I was in the city, I had looked for one of the few guards I knew were trustworthy. Since we were nearly finished I decided to ask Eclair for help.

„Eclair, do you know where we could find trustworthy members of the guard at this point in time? Without going to the barracks." (Naofumi)

After short thinking, she answered.

„Yes Naofumi-dono, if the patrols didn't change we should be able to meet someone like this in the merchant street in ten minutes." (Eclair)

I nodded an went in the right direction. I originally wanted to visit the adventure gild first but decided this was more important. When we reached the merchant district after a short walk I instructed.

„Eclair, you wait here and look out for the patrol. Meanwhile we other will buy what we need for traveling." (Naofumi)

I got a nod an went first into the magic shop. Sadly this time I would have to pay for my books.

„Welcome to my magic shop. What can I do for you today?" (Magic Shop Owner)

„I would like to know what the price for beginner magic books are and how much an inspection of the magic talent costs." (Naofumi)

„Magic books are between 30 to 100 Silver based on magic type. Magic Spheres cost ten to twenty times that. The inspection is 50 Bronze for each person." (Magic Shop Owner)

„If I heard a spell and write it down in magic script, is it possible for others to learn it that way?" (Naofumi)

„That is a very advanced ability, it would also only help teaching those specific spells. In the long, it would be better to read a beginner book to learn all the fine mechanics of casting. Additionally, I don't know anyone that could do that. Most magic books are created by a few specialists, most of which are very secretive about their identity." (Magic Shop Owner)

„Then I would like to have these children inspected." (Naofumi)

„What about yourself, Shield-dono?" (Magic Shop Owner)

„As the shield hero it is quite clear where my strength lies, and I need the money for different things." (Naofumi)

Afterwards, we checked out the abilities of all three. Raphtalia had light and shadow magic, Lifana specialized in an aspect of earth magic, plant magic, and Kiel had speed & transformation magic. Aspects were common as only people with very strong magic abilities possessed one of the eight main attributes and Speed was an aspect of body magic. Transformation was a demi-human original magic that allowed the transformation in there more beast-like state. Afterwards, we left and went to the different stores to buy everything we needed for traveling. While the most expensive object was a simple alchemy set, I even brought a schoolbook and a ball for the children. All in all, I paid 11 Silver and gave tips, for those that were at least neutral. Leaving me with 17 Silver. When we finished at the last store the patrol was finally there and while most went on, one of them stayed back to talk with us.

„So it was the Shield Hero how managed to free you?" (Guard)

„Is it already known that she is free?" (Naofumi)

„No, not many know her enough to identify her and the prison seems to be quiet about it." (Guard)

While talking I finally remembered him. He was one of those how had become my companions in the third wave incident. Not one of the visible ones, but one how stayed in the back.

„What do you want from me?" (Guard)

„As heroes, we can appoint people to be teleported with us to the location of the wave. Not as our companions, but as a relieve force. Allowing the hero parties to concentrate on fighting the wave, while they defend the villages in the surroundings. As I will leave the city within the hour, and won't be back until the day of the wave, I don't have time to look for appropriate personnel. Therefore I want to appoint you that task." (Naofumi)

„Why me, I mean you don't know me at all." (Guard)

„No, but Eclair said you are trustworthy." (Naofumi)

The guard thought about it, but finally agreed. Giving him the necessary abilities was rather easy. Afterwards, he went back to his patrol and we left for the adventure gild. Before entering, Eclair asked for 5 copper, as I thought it good to split our income a bit I gave her 5 Silver, one of those in copper. When I entered I found myself in a big room full of adventurers that were there to form parties and look at quests. I was here, because I found out after the queen returned that not only the king supplied the hero, but they also gained support from different guild and organizations. The first time around I declined all help. When trash said that I didn't gain any support, because I didn't do any requests, he said that the kingdom gave them out. It is true that many requests are created by the kingdom, the organisation that manages them is the adventure guild though. This time I would do request and gain additional funds. At the back of the building were multiple counters.

„Hello, what can I do for you?" (Receptionist)

The receptionist was an attractive female with black hair in a braid and a pair of glasses on her nose.

„I'm here to register as an adventure." (Naofumi)

„Surely, I need your Name, Adventure Name and Occupation." (Receptionist)

„Iwatani Naofumi, Shield, Shield Hero" (Naofumi)

The receptionist hesitated shortly and inspected my appearance.

„The registration cost 20 S..." (Receptionist)

„10 copper. The Guild is no institution of Melromarc and if you or another of the guild receptionists tries something like this again I'm sure the Inspector wants to hear about it. Here are the five copper for replacing my guild card. I am Eclair Seaetto, I go by the name of Strawberry Knight, B-rank adventure." (Eclair)

When she said her adventure name she made a face that promised anyone pain that mentioned her name or laughed. Following that I observed the creation of an adventure card. It was similar to an slave seal just it was created with a bit of blood mixed with ink and inscribed on an metal card.

„My other companion are Raphtalia, she will go as Sword of the Shield and is a sword fighter. Lifana, Neko, she is an archer and Kiel, she will go as Huntress and is a Scythe wielder. Here are the 40 copper for our registration and 20 additional for one of those unsigned cards and each type of sealing ink you have. I'm sure we can do this without informing the Inspector." (Naofumi)

Five minutes later I had the Comrade Shield I, II & III. We went to sit down on one of the tables of the second floor to talk.

„Strawberry Knight?" (Naofumi)

„I was only ten. I wanted to become a knight and had strawberry colored hair. The guild is an international organisation. Each country has a branch headed by a local Guild Master and monitored by the Inspector who is never from the same country. The Inspector of this guild is a human from a small country in the east. He is highly respected and probably one of the most powerful people in Melromarc. Like you heard I am a adventure of rank-B. When I left I was near rank A but that was a few years ago. The rank system is as follows. E-Ranks are beginners after a few weeks they automatically gain D rank status. Afterwards you are rated based on your accomplishments. C-Rank are the most adventures, they do termination requests near villages. B-rank are the elites and do difficulty or political requests. A typical B-rank adventure has the strength of an knight. The A-ranks are few, Melromarc has three. There are a few B-ranks that have the necessary strength but most don't have interest in it. They do special requests. All three A-Ranks are probably in the services of the other heroes." (Eclair)

I asked for a description and found out that a female mage was in the group of Motoyasu, one who left before the first wave, and the two other were together in Ren's team.

„The S-rank adventures are special as they are appointed by the king or queen or by the guild itself. The heroes are traditionally S-rank. As I'm B-rank our group can do any none A-rank quests. The quests for E to C are at the first floor the B-rank on the third. A-rank are appointed privately." (Eclair)

We spent the next hour selecting a number of quests that would allow us to travel around and incorporate them in my training schedule and recruitment plans. They ranked from simple termination D-Ranks to B-ranks. After registering them we wanted to leave, but met Ren.

„Naofumi, I see you have found a few companion." (Ren)

„Yeah, this are Eclair, Raphtalia, Lifana and Kiel." (Naofumi)

„Your really using slaves?" (Ren's Companion A Rank Knight)

„Sure, it definitely has it's advantages." (Naofumi)

That granted me a few disgusted looks. I thought shortly about it, but Ren had shown a good start. I also registered that Bitch already wasn't in his party anymore.

„Not that. Ren when you register as an adventure, ask for one of the clear member cards and a bit of the different sealing inks and add them to your sword. You will understand then." (Naofumi)

Afterwards we left the city, but didn't went far, before I stopped to talk.

„I will know talk about our basic strategy when fighting. I will be in front of everyone. Behind me will be Kiel, Raphtalia will stand on the right side of Kiel and Lifana will stand behind Kiel. Eclair will stand behind Lifana and will provide defense against ambushes. At a later point in time Kiel and Eclair will switch position or I will make different changes. The eggs will come into Eclairs Backpack for now. Understood?" (Naofumi)

I got only hesitant conformation from the kids, but approval from Eclair.

„Now to your roles. I will be the main tank. I will take on the greatest threats and bind most of the enemies to me. What I miss is intercepted by Kiel until Eclair can take them as our sub tank. Afterwards Kiel will run interference and block enemy movement. Lifana will support her with her bow and will concentrate on casting enemies or prevent attacks when someone of our group shows an opining and is attacked. Raphtalia is our main attacker and will kill the enemies that I and Eclair have bound to us." (Naofumi)

Eclair looked a little bit dubiously at Raphtalias fearful reaction. It was better this time then last, as Raphtalia and the two others had each other for support, but she still was fearful. Additionally I was still someone they were afraid of. Therefore I went down to a knee to be on the same height as them

„You don't be afraid of me. I am the shield, and your my weapons. I will make sure that you don't have to fear anything while fighting for me. I won't let them hurt you, and I need your help to defeat my enemies. Also your are not alone, I made sure when I brought you that you would know each other, so that you have support. I also will lower the punishment settings after we know each other better." (Naofumi)

I continued a little bit until they had calmed down a bit. I got another thoughtful look from female knight.

„Wait here I will be back in a few minutes." (Naofumi)

When I came back I had four Balloons with me and three other creatures. One rabbit monster, a fox like monster and something fluffy and cute. They were all nibbling at my body, but thanks to the barbarian armor, the knight captains shield and magic I had no problems. The three kids were fearful while the female knight looked impressed.

„How did you managed to find a Pikyu Pikyu, Pill Rabbit and Hunting Fox that fast this near of the city. They are not exactly common outside the forest. And if your defense is already that high with level 1, you won't have many problems after leveling up." (Eclair)

I only smiled, I didn't want to frighten the children with showing that I didn't would have such a high defense without basically cheating.

„First," and with that I hit one of the Ballons multiple times „as you can see I don't do any amount of damage worth mentioning. Eclair if you could demonstrate what I mean." (Naofumi)

I pointed at one of the Ballons and she swiftly killed it.

„First order of business, each of you three will now use there weapons to defeat an enemy." (Naofumi)

After hesitating again, first Kiel, followed by Raphtalia and Lifana killed each one of the Ballons. Afterwards we went on to the rabbit, fox and cute thing. It needed quiet a bit persuasion from me but we also managed to remove that obstacle. But it was obvious that Raphtalia at this point in time didn't kill it to stay with me but with her friends. Afterwards I ordered Eclair to skinned the monster and entered them into my shield unlocking a few, while I made sure that the three weren't covered in blood. We also had leveled up.

„Eclair which level are you?" (Naofumi)

„I'm actually level 2. After they put me into prison they reset my level." (Eclair)

I was perplexed I had thought that she would be at least level 25. Well it only meant that I wouldn't need to wait until using this.

„Okay, I originally wanted to wait a bit, but since you are all level 1 that isn't a problem anymore. As my party you have a right to know about me. You can tell me about you later, after you trust me more. I'm Iwatani Naofumi, the Shield Hero. I am 19 years old and was a university student in my home world. Meaning I was at a higher teaching facility learning for the future. The other heroes are similar, but I have a major advantage. Because of circumstances that I can't explain right know I have a huge amount of fighting experience. I also now magic already and will teach you a few simple spells later. I specialise in Protection and Healing Magic and will support the group with buffs. I can use beginner and intermediate spells. But I only have enough mana for one intermediate spell. Any questions?" (Naofumi)

„You were different, so sure of yourself, I didn't expected that from a person without any battle experience. Also your abilities, either magical or tactical are impressive. Whatever happen to you, I think it was pure luck for this world." (Eclair)

Kiel and Raphtalia seemed to need more time to process my talk, but Lifana had stars in her eyes.

„You will really show us how to do magic? I always wanted to become a mage." (Lifana)

„I didn't had the money to by the necessary books therefore it has to wait till later, until we can do something comprehensive about that, but I know a few spells for different elements and should be able to write them down." (Naofumi)

„But the shop keeper said that is really difficulty." (Raphtalia)

„Yes, she isn't wrong, there are only a small number of people who can do that." (Eclair)

I smiled wearily.

„Later, I promise. Let's talk about what my shield can do. Each shield has different abilities, like increasing my stats. Through wearing I can unlock those effects and make them accessible while not wearing that shield. Additionally some shields have special abilities that can only be used with that shield equipped. To change a shield I have to put my hand on it and say the name of the shield. Later when I will become more acquainted with my shield I will be able to change it through will alone." (Naofumi)

I waited till all were listening again and then continued. I transformed my shield and explained them.

„These are the most useful shields I have right know. The knight captains shield has the highest defense value and stats. The reflect shield can redirect beginner magic back to it's caster when I am the target. The Rope Shield can be used as an grabbling hock and can project a shield in the air to either protect or intercept something. The pipe shield allows me to create a prison, either to capture something or protect it. The Iron Meteorite Shield projects a wall that won't allow anything damaging to go through it. The Portal Shield allows me to set teleportation points. I can once in an hour teleport to one of my points and will take anything in my immediate surroundings with me. That means if we are in over our heads, we will always be able to escape." (Naofumi)

It was clear that the children didn't understand all. Kiel seemed to be looking at a group of adventurer while Lifana at least tried to understand.

„That's a impressive set of abilities." (Eclair)

After a few moments and promising to explain in more detail later, I went on to the most important one. First I made sure that no one was near and could overhear us.

„Each legendary weapon has it's own form to grow in strength. I will know explain my method to you. As I also have similar effect from my shields, I will include those. This are the Companion Shield III and the Slave Trainer Shield III. Both have the same effect. They improve the condition of Slaves and Companions and increase the number of stats that my companion and slaves gain through level up. As you are all both, you will get the combined effects." (Naofumi)

„How much stronger do we get through those?" (Eclair)

„I'm not sure but around two times the normal amount." (Naofumi)

That took away her speech.

„I have two strengthening methods. Trust and Growth Elevation the last is similar in effect to the effect of my shields. I can target someone and reduce their level to increase the number of stats they gain through level up. I will use that on us now." (Naofumi)

„Wait, if we are level one what will it help?" (Eclair)

„The requirement of my growth Elevation isn't the number of levels you have, but that you can't use it again, until you have gained the numbers you should lose. As there isn't a Dragon Hourglass on our way, our target for know is leveling up to 40. Using Growth Elevation now for forty levels means that we will be able to use it again if we have enough time till the wave to get at least to level 25. That should be enough for the first wave. If we find a Hourglass on the way we can go higher otherwise we will stay level 40." (Naofumi)

„What do you mean `find a Hourglass on the way` they are all in the major cities of there countries." (Eclair)

„That isn't true, there are multiple Hourglasses all over the world. There should be alone 4 in the mountains around Melromarc. Following my information they are protected by the Philorial and their Queen." (Naofumi)

„Hä?" (All)

„I will explain that later. The first wave will happen in Melromarc as such we don't need to bother with that yet." (Naofumi)

Afterwards I Growth Elevation.

„One of the reasons why I told you all of this is my second growth method. Trust has the following effect. If I trust someone completely and that someone trusts me then we both get 10% of the others stats added to our own." (Naofumi)

After thinking about that Eclair spoke again.

„It makes sense, the Shield protects and builds trust. The companion of the shield attack and gain the trust of the shield. Making both of them stronger. If you have secrets from us it is a show of distrust, making it harder for us to trust you." (Eclair)

„It also reduced the chance that he will send us away or treats us badly. At the same time his good treatment will reduce the chance that we will betrayal him." (Raphtalia)

Raphtalia sounded hopeful while saying that.

„I will now use Growth Elevation. It will need a few minutes, as I need to use a difficult spell." (Naofumi)

Then I began to clear the puzzle for Dragon Pulse. I was lucky that Dragon Pulse was only one of the sources for this spell, otherwise I would have a major problem as it would probably need hours to get the spell solved. This way I only needed three minutes. Afterwards I designated all my companions as targets and choose 40 levels.

[I, the Shield Hero, avatar of the World Spirit, call to show your true power. You who helps me grow and release my limits. Show your gift now to my companions.] [Growth Elevation Hero Version 40 Levels]

„That was it." [Naofumi]

„I don't feel different." (Kiel)

„That's because you haven't lost any stats and you never really leveled up." (Naofumi)

„What do we now." (Kiel)

„We travel south to the village. There is a festival today and we are recruited as guards. As the minimal requirement is only level three we need to fight a bit put it shouldn't need many. We have still 3 and a half hour till we have to be there. Let's go." (Naofumi)

What the others didn't knew was that I was a monster magnet and till we reached the village we needed to fight more than ten times reaching nearly level four.


I have mixed the appearances up a bit. I wanted to have Kiel a look inspired by Ruby Rose from RWBY with black and red. I'm going for the clothes worn by Ruby Rose in the picture on my profile site from drill5mm with the general atmosphere and color saturation from the second picture and more leather than cloth.

As Kiel has red as her new main color I have changed what Raphtalia wears as her main color to matt blue-violet. Following basic color theory that should work together with her hair which I think is an orange-red tone. Otherwise, her clothing is quite similar to before with linen and earth tones.

For Lifana I go for the elf archer motiv, the picture is exactly what I think it should look like. All pictures show how the three would look like after they have grown up.

As for Eclair there I picture a similar garb like Emmy Honeywell with a bit mixed in for style and color scheme from the second picture for her. Maybe a bit darker blue. But together with her strawberry blond hair (focus here on blond), it should have the effect to attract attention to her, which would be a welcome effect in her role as sub tank.