

In the aftermath of a devastating explosion, amidst the debris and chaos, a lone figure emerged. Unscathed by the destruction surrounding him, a baby boy lay nestled within the wreckage, his tiny form untouched by the tragedy that had befallen the once bustling streets. Rescuers, combing through the rubble in search of survivors, stumbled upon the child, a beacon of hope amidst the despair. Little did they know, they had unearthed a mystery that would shape the fate of their world. Taken in by a wealthy noble family, the boy is offered a semblance of stability and belonging. Yet, beneath the facade of familial warmth, lies a sinister undercurrent of jealousy and resentment. His new siblings, heirs to the family legacy, view him with disdain, a reminder of their own insecurities and shortcomings. Branded as an outsider, the boy struggles to find his place within the gilded walls of his new home, his lack of innate talent serving as fodder for their cruelty. Mocked and belittled by his adopted siblings, the boy endures their torment in silence, his spirit unbroken despite the constant barrage of insults and taunts. Determined to prove his worth, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, seeking out the truth of his origins and the source of his mysterious resilience. Little does he know, he is destined for far greater things than the petty machinations of his noble kin. For within him lies a power beyond measure, waiting to be unleashed upon the world. Thus begins the tale of the shadow vanguard , a saga of redemption and revenge, of love and loss, and of the eternal struggle between light and darkness.

CRIMSON_R3DX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


After Alex had gotten out of Mr Jonathan's office, he was confronted by the stares of all students in the hall. Some had a mixture of praise which were mostly from the talentless

The others however had a different expression.

They looked at him with scorn, disdain and anger.

But Alex paid no attention to that,

"What was that feeling," Alex thought

Back in Jonathon's office, Alex had felt something happening strangely within his body

He felt as if he was taking him something that was making his body stronger and stronger. It felt like getting intoxicated while drinking but better.

He didn't know what it was, all he felt was that he wanted more of it

Alex got to classroom and prepared himself for what was to come

Oakridge academy despite it's leniency towards the talentless didn't separate them from those who had talent. Instead they were kept together. Mark, Alex and his sister Lisa, were also in the same class but due to her absence, he was luckily stuck with only mark.

Alex opened the doors of the classroom only to receive stares coming from all angles. Unfortunately for him, the teacher that was taking them on right now was Mr. Grey

Mr. Grey looked at him with a cold glint before telling him to go back to his seat

And that signifies another problem as mark was sitting directly behind him.

Mark had made this sitting arrangements purposely in order to make it easier to Bully Alex more.

Alex walked up to his seat and sat down directly not trying to see the death glare that mark was throwing at him.

But as Alex sat down, the chair immediately came crashing down. Breaking Into pieces making Alex fall down.

Immediately, Mr. Grey andthe whole class went into a roll of laughter except from the few that had no talent. They were also those who talents but they didn't laugh. Them didn't think it was funny one bit.

Alex looked at mark and found mark looking back at him with a smirk that he didn't bother to conceal.

Alex immediately knew that mark was the one who set everything up. Alex didn't do anything but stand up and go to the back of the class

What could he do?, he had already caused too much trouble by beating Greg up. He didn't want to cause more trouble again.

Alex rested on the wall and looked at Mr. Grey to signify that he should continue on with his teachings but he was met with a sight that would be forever engraved into his very core

Mr. Grey was laughing, he was laughing so hard that it made him look like a mad man. Even some tears had started to come out of his eyes signifying that he had enjoyed the show that just happened.

He laughed so hard that even the student who were laughing stopped and looked at him as if he was an idiot.

Mr. Grey noticing this chang immediately straightened up and pretended as if nothing had happened but everyone could still see the smile that was playing on his lips

"Ahem....Anyway students.."

"Where were we"

A student raised his hands, stood up and answered

"We were discussing about the upcoming tournament Mr. Grey" he answered

"That's right" Mr. Grey said

"As I said before, a tournament is held every year to congratulate the students that would be graduating"

"The tournament would be held for those with talents but the talent less can also join but it's rare and is especially important because it would help you find a place with those who want you to join their organization"

"If you do perform well, it would help greatly with your future"

As Mr. Grey continued to explain the tournament rules, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He had never been interested in the tournament since he knew he could never participate, but now, with his newfound abilities, he wondered if he should participate.

"Alex, are you listening?" Mr. Grey's voice snapped him back to attention.

"Yes, sir," Alex replied, trying to hide his distraction.

But Mark, still smirking, caught his eye. "Hey, Alex, you think you can handle the tournament? You're not even a real student here."

Alex ignored him, but Mr. Grey intervened. "Enough, Mark. Alex, if you're interested in participating, I suggest you focus on your studies and training. It won't be easy, but it could be a great opportunity for you."

The class ended, and Alex left, still pondering the tournament. Could he really participate? And what would happen if he did?

As he walked out, he noticed a group of students gathered near the entrance. They were all staring at something on the ground. Curious, Alex approached them and saw a flyer advertising the tournament, with a bold message: "Show your strength, prove your worth."

Alex felt a shiver run down his spine. Was this a sign? Should he take the leap and join the tournament

Alex took a deep breath and made his decision. He would join the tournament. But as he turned to walk away, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, Alex. I see you're interested in the tournament," Mr. Grey said, his eyes gleaming with intensity. "Although I don't especially like you talentless, seeing you defeat Greg like that changed my perspective just a little so I'll say this once, show me your worth."

"Show everyone, me included, that your not a talent less nobody"

Alex nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. The words correlating with his desire. He wanted to show everyone that he was strong. Strong enough to defend himself. He wanted to make a name for himself all over the globe.

And with that, grey left.

Alex too then went on his way

As he walked away, he noticed Mark and his friends snickering and whispering to each other. "Hey, look at Alex, thinking he can join the tournament," Mark sneered. "He's just a talentless waste."

Alex ignored them, but their words stung. He knew he had a long way to go, but he was determined to prove them wrong.