
The Seven: Shadow Slave Fanfic

“Live out your nightmare” That was the last thing Echo heard before he blacked out. Echo wakes only to realized he somehow ended up in one of his favorite web novel. Not only that but he has to survive the treacherous yet unfairly fair machinations of the nightmare spell.

BagOBagel · Others
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16 Chs

Changing Star

"Why the hell are you here, phew." Effie said and spitting near her.

Echo slowly stood up and said.

"I'm here to talk." Echo's voice returned calm and thought of ways he can pacify the situation.

"We are here to talk, Effie." Nephis said and stood up slowly as well.

Effie seemed to ignore her and glared at Echo.

"What is there to talk about, isn't it enough, we've talked plenty before. Now leave before I snap your back." She walked towards Echo and reached out her hand to pull the spear.

 "You've left everything behind, here, why are you coming back now." She said with a scowl.

 Echo just looked at her calmly.

 "Things are about to change here Effie, I know, what I did in the past was unforgivable. But I left you to protect you from Gunlaug–"

 Effie interrupted him, pointed at Echo and drilled it in his chest.

"You left me not to protect me but to save yourself, there is no 'but', all you did was for your benefit."

"You left me and that's it, there is no in between." Effie turned around to leave, not even wanting to go inside her house with her sour mood.

"Effie, this is not a matter of you or me, but a matter that will change the whole future of the people in the city, isn't that what the others would have wanted, to get out of this nightmare." Echo said somberly making Effie.

She looked back at Echo, her eyes murderous.

"Don't you ever bring their name into this, I don't want to talk to you."

"You don't have to talk to me, all you need to do is listen to her." Echo pointed at Nephis beside him.

"What does she got to do with this, she just got here 2 days ago." Effie said before changing her gaze towards Nephis.

 "We're forming a hunting party, Echo is my pathfinder, and I plan to have you as my hunter." Nephis said confidently.

"Not interested. Gunlaug wont allow it, plus that guy is plenty enough for the Dark City." Effie simply said.

Nephis looked at Effie with confident eyes.

"We don't plan to settle only on the Dark City, we will to conquer this nightmare." Nephis walked towards Effie with Echo trailing behind her. 

"Furthermore, we won't let anyone stand before us even Gunlaug."

Echo was a bit shocked with what Nephis said, his misconception about her was that Nephis is not this kind of person, she might be able to lead, but saying something like its already determined is kind of out of her character. 

Effie seemed amuse enough to entertain her and said. 

"You barely got here, and here you are talking about conquering this place, are you even strong enough for it? This guy might be conned but not me, princess, ." Effie said and continued walking. 

She was a couple of steps in before Nephis shouted for everyone to hear.

"I'm Changing Star of the Immortal Flame Clan and I will conquer this nightmare with or without you."

Everyone who heard it froze at that moment, looking dazed as they stared at Nephis, her claim of conquering this nightmare might be absurd to other if any other one said it, but it did not seem like it does when they heard it. Throughout history only a handful received their true name on their first nightmare and all of those people became significant and influential.

Suddenly sparks of light shone around Nephis and she summoned her armor.

The sun shined on the armor and the symbol on the breastplate became much more prominent that it did before.

"That the symbol of the seven!"

"It is!"

People around them gathered as more and more inhabitants heard Nephis's claim and True Name. Everyone is familiar with the symbol of the Seven since it is everywhere in the dark city. So it was easily recognizable.

It represents the seven heroes who vanquished the darkness consuming this cursed land… they were the same heroes who lead their people into the light.

The world seemed to shine a little brighter than before, and the cold wind of the Dark City became warmer than it usually was as she continues to stand there with her ethereal beauty and somewhat distant gaze free from any corruption and taint.

Everyone watched Nephis with intensity, and a seed of hope was planted in every single one who get to witnessed it.

Effie stared at Nephis for a little a while, and bit her lips hesitant before finally saying. 

"I will think about it, but we need to discuss about that guy first." Effie pointed at Echo.

She walked back towards her house and dragged Nephis inside, before Echo can even get in she closed the door harshly on his face so he just waited outside. That was when one of the people of the outskirts approached him.

"Is it true? Will she really conquer this nightmare and kill the gate guardian?" He said almost pleading as he holds Echo's hand.

"Lady Changing Star can, I am certain of it." Echo said confidently and shooed the people trying to talk to Nephis when she gets out.

After a couple of minutes Echo can hear Nephis steps getting closer by the door, and she opened it, what greeted her were the stares of the outskirt inhabitants waiting for her, some eyed her intensely with timid faith. 

'All is according to plan.' Echo thought before he said.

"Let's go, I think its time you experience what the Dark City is like." He didn't have to ask what they talked about inside since he can hear it clearly even with the walls in between them so he didn't bother.

'Effie is still reluctant to join, but I know she will eventually.' Echo felt complicated inside despite how he shows it, It opened a whole pandora's box of emotions inside him facing Effie like that. 

'Let's just take it one step at a time.' Echo thought and led Nephis way from the hill and onto the Dark City where countless abominations dwell.