
chapter 3

han hua and the man went inside the house, han hua asked the man " my name han hua and you?"

the man said " han jun". han hua thought to himself well never heard that name before, then he asked him again "then what are you doing here"

han jun didnt say any thing yet his face was emotionless, this make han hua thinks "He doesn't show emotion on his face, but he is not a random

person since he came to that mountin".

han hua decide to risk and ask him about the dead land , " do you belive that the dead land exist" he asked it suddenly while looking at han jun who seemed in a shock but he turend back to the cold face within a second, but han hua notice that and become sure that he knew something.

han hua " iam sure that land dose really exists, iam trying to go there... no, i will go there" say it with the determination is clear in his face and voice, han jun said nothing and just stare at han hua, which make him fell like he is staring at his soul so he felt awkward becuse of han jun silent but he hold a serious face, after that han hua broke the silance between them saying "its getting dark iam going to sleep". but there is an only small mat on the floor. so he said to han jun "you can sleep here i will stay up to watch out" actually he fell grateful to han jun for saving him from the ghost. at the other hand, han jun didn't replied to him and just goes to sleep.

when the morning finally come han hua opened his eyes to see han jun at the door preparing to leave, at a rush he stand up and called him a few times but as usual han jun ignored him and walked out the door, so han hua followd him while calling his name and telling him to wait and when he get close to han jun he grab his hand, but at the momment he touched his hand, han jun turned and grasped his hand tightly and squeezed it, witch made han hua scream with painful and quickly hold han jun hand with his other hand trying to releaseed his grip but it didnt budge even a little, han jun was holding han hua hand tightly as if it was made of iron, in momment of suffering to han hua,han jun turned his gaze toward the hand he was crushing and saw a silver bracelet so he asked in a cold voice "where did you get this from"

han hua told him " let go first" while the pain is clear on him. after a momment from recovery han hua said "i dont know where i got this braclet from, it was with me since i was a child, but i think its from my father"

han jun said in a serious face "what's your father name". han hua said " i think its han wei"

han jun asked again "why do you want to go to the dead land"

han hua didnt replide to him and chose to stay silent. han jun said "your father went to the dead land before"

han hua when he heared that he was completely shocked and asked " why?how, how do you know that,have you meet him before?where?when?how?" he asked this quickly and without taking a breath,His face and feeling were mixed with confusion and curiosity.

han jun said " no, i didnt meet him in person but i heard about him, i heard he went to the dead land with a group of people they all were experts, but only three reached the dead land, and your father was one of them"

han hua looked unconvinced and has lot of questions so he ask "how could this be right and the rumors said no one ever went there"

han jun was silent for a momment and then he said "he went there but he didnt come out"

han hua asked him " why he didnt? if he really went there even if he was about to die, its the land that can make your wish come true, he can ask to regaine his health or anything can save his live so why he didn't come out"

han jun told him "i dont know but iam sure he went there"

actually han hua belives han jun words thinking that he dosent have a reason to lie and he didnt look like he was lying , han jun interrupted his thoughts saying "i only know that, one of the group members who was very close to the land decide not to enter it and return"

han hua raising his eyebrow in confusion and shock "HuH??" he was very shocked "why did he come back if he was so close, whats the reason?"

han jun " i dont know either, but what is known about him is that , he is strange and maniac and well-known as killing machine, he may kill a whole clan just for fun"

han hua was stunned to speak, but he said " i have to find him if i want to go to the land i must work with him, do you know where i can find him"

han jun with no emotion on his face " i will join you to the dead land"

han hua has no reason to reject him,and with a smile on his face he said " ok then we are three now. the more the better... where can we find that killing machen then?"

han hua " i just know he goes alot to the comicality city"

han hua putting his hand on his hair and rubbed it in confusion " but it sound imposible to convince him to work with us, if he was nearly there... no lets think positive we will take him even if we kidnapped him, lets head to the comicality city"

han hua and han jun head to the city,after a few days they almost arrive and just a small distance separates them from it. the music, the people talk, and all sounds was audible and loud as well, also they could see the small shops and the sword duels. its a good exapmel to the lively city.

han hua was excited to enter the city so he turned to look at han jun to hurry up, but han jun didn't show any kind of interest, han hua cant bear to keep up with his partner slow walk, so he grab his hand and dragged him to walk faster. and finally they take a step inside the city gates. han hua eyes were shining with amazement and he looked at han jun cold face " lets walk around han jun" he said it with complete enthusiasm. han jun said "let go of my hand first".

han hua jumb back as a frightened cat and bow immediately "sorry, sorry i didnt mean that"

han jun sigh and said " its okey, lets walk around a little" han hua start running and say loudly "come on han jun hurry up" the city was full of people evry where even though its night time, han hua stopped infront of a shop that sell some food "sir i want that please" he say with smile on his face.

the seller "sure young man its one silver coin" han hua shaked his head up and down as okey then he opened the bag that was in his pocket taking out the silver coin, giving it to the seller and taking the food. he looked very happy and excited to try it.

he had a quick flashback when he was an eight-year-old child he was wearing torn and worn clothes and was barefoot, skinny body, pale face and completely messy hair, He was clutching his stomach from hunger, looking at the food shop in front of him, with saliva dripping down his little face.

His thoughts were interrupted by a boy crying, han hua immediately turned to the voice to see a boy holding a piece of bread with both hands and big man hitting him. within no time he was stand between the man and the boy with angry face.

the big man " get out of the way or i will hit you"

saing it loudly and angrily.

han hua replied calmly "i dont want to, what can you do about it"

the big man slapped han hua at his face very hard, han hua smiled at him and said "you're the one who start first".

he slid down, clenched his hand, and hit the man in his stomach, which made the man kneel on the ground and hold his stomach in pain.

han hua turned to see the boy has gone. then he take out some coins and throw it at the man "the child has paid you now" and he left after that.