
The Seven Deadly Sins {BTS}

This story is a dark one of love, death and betrayal starring the famous Bangtan Boys. Adrianna decides to go to a club in Seoul and witnesses something terrible. She ends up in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Read this story and see our boys in a different, darker, sexier light.

Theo_Hyung · Celebrities
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See No Evil

"Please! Don't!" The woman begs.

He laughs. "I like it when they beg..." He runs his tongue along the knife, licking off the blood.

The broken woman begins to cry. "W-why are you doing this to m-me?"

He paces slowly. "Why exactly? Hm....Why AM I doing this?"

He leans towards the woman, as his eyes turn black. "Because," He smirks and whispers in the woman's ear. "I have an insatiable hunger...and I can't control it...so"

He kneels in front of the woman. "So, when I carve this beautiful instrument of mine into your skin, I wanna hear you scream." He licks his lips and smiles, "Fill me to the brim with your fear, babygirl."

He stabbed the knife into her lower abdomen and twisted it as she let out a piercing scream.

He rolled his head back at the sound and moaned loudly. "Yes. Louder!" He grinned and stuck it deeper.

He could feel his excitement growing as tears flowed from her eyes as she screamed louder.

"More! More!" He yells, hungrily licking his lips. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of her blood running along his hands for awhile until she suddenly stopped screaming.

His eyes flew open and he looked at the girl. Her eyes were closed and her head was slumped over.

He growled and tried to push the knife in deeper but she made no noise. He rolled his eyes and checked her pulse. Dead

"Damn it. Just when it was getting good." He says, sighing. He stands up and licks the blood off his hands. He was full...for now.


Jungkook didn't turn around and sighed. "I keep telling you not to call me that, Taehyung. I hate that stupid nickname."

Jungkook turns around to face Taehyung, who is wearing a cocky smile. "Which is why I will continue to call you it. Now that you've fed, let's go. Let's not keep Jin and the others waiting."

"Yeah yeah." He said, turning away from the lifeless woman.

He began to walk away with Taehyung.

"Why does Jin need us anyways?" Jungkook asks as they walk through the dark night.

Taehyung grins. "It seems that we need a new toy."

Jungkook shoots Taehyung a confusing look. "Okay...but we always get new toys, why do we need to MEET for this one?"

Taehyung smiles even wider, "It seems that this next toy we find, we're gonna claim them."

Jungkook stops walking. "Since when do we claim anything? This is a joke right? He can't be serious."

Taehyung turns to look at him. "He's dead serious. And I can understand where he's coming from. I'm sick and tired of doing the cleanup duty every time Mr. Angry Namjoon looses his shit and kills our toys. And Jimin.....I get he's lust and crap but....I actually felt bad for the girl, he literally BROKE her hips. And not to mention, YOU. Mr. I-have-a-glutton-sized-hole-in-me-that-must-be-filled-with-pain, you aren't helping either."

Jungkook grins and shrugs. "What can I say? I'm a sucker for some pain."

Taehyung rolls his eyes and begins walking again. "No, you're just a masochist. And besides, if we claim them, they heal. So I am looking forward to this.""

Jungkook laughs and begins walking as well. "True so that means that the next girl we claim, better be ready." His eyes turn dark once more. "Because she's in for a painful surprise."


"I AM NOT WEARING THIS!" I yell from my closet.



I could hear her laughing from the other side of the door.

"Getcha black ass out here so I can see!" She shouted.

"Fine. But I am NOT wearing this. We gotta pick something else."

I slowly walk out of the closet and I watch Naomi's eyes widen.

"Honey. You are wearing that. Hands down." She said, smiling.

I covered my face. "It looks awful on me girl!"

She laughs and stands up to move my hands. "Look in the mirror. Look at yourself!"

I sigh and turn and look at my mirror and nearly faint.

It was a flowing black dress that had a slit that reached all the way up the middle of my thigh. The silk dress hung onto my hips and curled around my breasts, which wear pushed up and hugged by the plunging V line of the dress.



I laugh and roll my eyes. "Alright, alright. Just promise you won't drink too much this time."

Naomi laughs. "Girl, you know I can't promise you that." She walks away to get changed.

Naomi and I are best friends. We have been since we were kids. Her mom practically raised me after my mom went missing when I was 7. No one knows what happened to her, but from what Naomi's mom has told me about my mother, my mom was a crazy bitch. And as for my dad, no one knew anything about him either. But I don't really mind because I don't remember too much of my mom. When I think of my mom, all I see is Naomi's mom, Larissa, in my mind. The only thing I have left of my mom is her wedding ring. She had put it around my neck as a baby, when she left me at Larissa's doorstep. I always wear it on my finger and I never go anywhere without it. It is a beautiful silver band with gold sparkles all over it. For some reason, it makes me feel closer to her.

I just started my freshmen year of college in Tampa, Florida and they offered me a chance to go to school abroad. They asked if I would be interested in going to school in Seoul, South Korea for a year and I said yes immediately. They said I could bring a guest and I knew right then and there that Naomi was coming with me. We both had learned Korean together because we were OBSESSED with this boy group called BTS. So we came here and I've been taking my classes and mostly kept to myself. Today was Naomi's birthday, April 7th. Marking our 4th month being here in Korea. She said that she wanted to go clubbing for her birthday and I painfully agreed.

"Okay! How this look?"

She was wearing a skin tight dress that hugged her sides. It was a solid black dress covered in sparkles. It was a bright and flashy dress. Perfect for Naomi.

I smile. "Like the birthday girl is ready for DRINKS!"

"HEEELL YEEEAH!" She said dancing a bit.

"Okay. We all ready to go?" I ask as she gets per purse and mine along with my keys.

"Let's gooooo girl!" She says excitedly.

_____________________________Time skip To the CLUB________________________________

We get out to my car and look at the club.

"Soap Seoul." I say, smiling.

Naomi laughs. "That's funny because all we gonna do is GET DOWN AND DIRTY UP IN THIS BICHHHHH!!!!!"

I laugh as well and walk with her to the club entrance. The bouncer looks at us and nods before letting us in. I smile and walk in with Naomi.

We are greeted by the sweet smell of alcohol and the sour smell of weed. The loud music quite literally vibrates my bones.

I turn to look at Naomi, who is mid sentence trying to tell me something but I can't hear a word. I shake my head and point to my ear.

She pulls me close and shouts into my ear. "Let's go to the side bar. It's over there!" She points to the far side of the club. I nod and I hold her hand tightly and she steers.

We walk by tons upon tons of sweaty people but I make eye contact with one guy who seems out of place. His eyes pierce mine and it seems like everything at that moment slows down.

He smirks at me and then winks and in that moment, I was engulfed in a sort of heat. I felt the need to go to him an-

"HERE WE ARE!" Naomi yells loudly.

I break eye contact with the strange guy and suddenly the feeling is gone. I feel dizzy so I sit down next to her on the stool. I shake my head.

"You okay Adri? Do you need some water or something?" She asks, a little worried.

"Y-yeah. I'm just a little dizzy. A water would be great." I say, smiling weakly.

She nods and orders from the bartender. While she's doing that, I turn and look into the crowd, trying to find that guy I saw but he was nowhere to be found. I sigh sadly.

"What's wrong?" She says, as she hands me my water.

I take a sip from it and shake my head. "Nothing."

She rolls her eyes. "Bullshit. I know you. I know the sad Adrianna sigh. Whats up?"

I pout. "I made eye contact with a sexy boy. He winked at me and I literally lost my shit. But I can't find him."

She smiles. "We've been here for about 5 minutes and you already got a guys attention. Okay girrrl. I see you. My sista is a FULL COURSE MEAL. Don't be showin me up on my own birthday girl." She says laughing.

I laugh. "As if that is possible. You the Queen of Attention."

She nods and laughs again. "Damn right." She pushes her weave behind her ear and smiles. "You know it bitch."

We continue to laugh and talk before she smiles. "This girl has been checking me out for like 5 minutes now."

I turn around to see a beautiful silver haired girl, looking at Naomi. "Ooooo. Nai. Go get your girl."

She bites her lip and smiles. "Honey. That's what I'm about to do. Are you good without me for a few?"

I nod. "Yeah. Meet me back here in like an hour."

She nods and kisses my cheek. "I'll see you then." And she walks towards the girl.

I smile and take a sip of my water. I quickly grow bored until the music changed.

Daddy Yankees's song Gasolina started blasting.

I smiled and literally yelled. "THIS IS MY SHIT!!!!!"

I ran onto the dance floor and worked it. I was getting a little sweaty but I didn't care.

After a few minutes, I felt two arms snake their way around my waist. I froze.

I could hear his ragged breath in my ear.

"I like your dancing." He says softly into my ear. I shiver at his soft voice.

"T-tha-" I couldn't formulate words.

His hand moved down my side and clenched at the fabric on my thigh.

"Show me what you got." He whispers.

I begin to say no until I feel his soft lips on my neck. Suddenly, that same feeling from before returned. Only this time, it was stronger.

This is the guy from before....

My whole body was humming. I felt so hot.

"Now, show oppa what you got." He whispers louder. He tightens his grip on me.

Before I can think, my body begins to move against him. His breathing becomes quicker in my ear as I push against him harder.

"w-what...am I d-doing...I c-can't stop!" I thought.

He turns me around so I'm facing him. His face is gorgeous, a slight gleam can be seen on his forehead. His brown eyes stare intently down at me. My arms make their way around his neck. His hands immediately wrap around my hips. He leans down and his plump, pink lips make contact with my neck. I sigh softly and it seems to excite him. He kisses and sucks on my neck, all while swaying to the music. I run my hands through his curly blonde hair and tug softly. I am rewarded by a small gasp that escapes his mouth. He smiles.

"Eager aren't we?" He whispers against my jawline.

He lifts his head and I swear, for a second, his eyes were entirely black but I look again and they're back to brown. He grins.

"How much do you want me, princess?" He asks.

"I-I..w-want..y-you..." I manage to say.

His smile widens and he seems to visibly shiver with excitement.

"Would you do anything for oppa?" He says as he runs his hand down my back.

"Y-yes." I moan softly.

"Snap out of it...control yourself Adrianna....CONTROL YOURSELF!!!" I scream in my head.

"Submit to me then. Kiss me, and become my little toy." He whispers seductively.

I look up at him and look at his red plump lips. They part slightly. I feel an aching inside me. I want them. I want them.

"I don't know this guy.....I shouldn't be doing this....I need to stop before this goes too far...but.. I want-no! C'mon Adrianna." I think hard.

His hand makes its way to my ass and squeezes a bit. I yelp and he smiles.

"Kiss me already silly." He says, flashing me a dazzling smile.

He tilts his head down to mine and just as I'm about to kiss him, I hear an annoying buzzing sound.

"Ignore it." He says. "Kiss me now, please."

I feel myself pause and suddenly, I feel the trance tear away from me like broken glass and I am finally able to break away from him.

"I-I...should g-go.." I manage to say, taking some unsteady steps back.

His eyes widen. "How'd you-"

I smile awkwardly. "T-thanks f-for the d-dance!"

I quickly turn away from him and practically run away from him.

What the HELL was that?

I shake my head and look at my phone.

1 missed call.

I quickly call Naomi back. "Hey! You called? Are you alright?"

"Yeeeah girl I'm- staaahp. Baby I'm on the phone! Anyways, yeah. I needed to call to let you know that I'm taking a taxi back to our place. Kimmi and I-"

I laugh. "No need to explain. Just do it in your bed this time okay? Last time I had to clean the sheets like 5 times to get rid of the smell."

"Yeah yeah! okay byeee!!!!"

And she hung up. I shook my head and headed towards the bathroom but before I could go in I heard shouting coming from a backroom.

I looked around and shook my head. "Nope. Not my business. Imma stay my black ass in my own lane." I head back towards the bathroom when a guy knocks into me.

"Move out of the way bitch." He said.

"Excuse you. You bumped into me jackass!" I shouted after him.

He froze mid step and then turned around to me. "The fuck did you just call me?" His frown caused his dimples to deepen. This guy could be handsome if he wasn't a total ass.

I crossed my arm. "Did I stutter? I called you a fucking jackass. Are you deaf or just that dense?"

He walked up to me. "You better watch what you say to me before I mess up that pretty little face of yours."

I held my ground and looked up at him. "And you better watch what you say to me before I mess up that tiny little dick of yours."

"I'm warning you." He says.

I laugh. "And I'm promising you. So. Do your worst, asshole. You ain't the first dumbass to start shit with me and you is damn well not gonna be the last."

He bit the inside of his cheek and grunted. "You got some big balls for a chick. Just stay outta my way." He says.

I smile. "And you just stay outta my face." I walked past him into the bathroom. I went into the stall and began to pull my dress down when I heard the bathroom door bang open.


I heard a deep voice. "Aww Drew! There's nothin to talk about! Your deal ends today! We're just taking our just dues."

I cover my mouth and quietly lift my legs onto the toilet seat.

"Come on already Tae! Let's cut him. I'm hungry!" another voice says.

"Jungkook. When are you NOT hungry?" another voice says.

That voice sounds familiar...who....

My thoughts are broken by the sound of the man's screams echoing through the empty bathroom. I close my eyes and cover my ears.

"I'm having so much fun!" The deep voice giggles as the man continues to scream.

"Louder!" the other voice states, laughing.

"Can we just hurry this up. You guys aren't the only ones starving. I just wanna go back out there." says the familiar voice.

"Aww Jimin. You're just mad because you couldn't seduce that black little cutie from earlier?"

He growls in response. "I don't understand how she did it. She was completely under my control and with a simple little distraction, she broke the connection entirely. Not to mention how tasty she was. She was intoxicating...."

"Jimin. Shut up. No one cares about your little lustful needs." Jungkook says.

"Whatever....speaking of her....I can still smell her. It's quite bothersome." Jimin says sighing.

Finally the mans screams stop and a pool of blood forms under the stall I was in.

Tears form in my eyes. I try to control my breathing.

"Do you...smell that?" Jungkook says.

No one responds.

"Well. He's dead and the deeds done. Let's go and find the others." The deep voice says.

I hear the bathroom door open and as soon as it closes I let out a straggled cry.

I'm shaking uncontrollably. I open my stall door and I refuse to look at the man's body. I shakily make my way to the door.

Before I can open it, I am pulled back with a crazy amount of force. I fly back and land right on top of the mans body.

I scream and roughly push his body away from me. My hands and legs are covered in his blood.

I begin to cry uncontrollably. I look up and see three guys standing, staring down at me, including the guy from earlier.

Jimin...was that his name...yes...

I looked up at them, not knowing what to say.

"Hey there, beautiful. Good to see you again." Jimin says, smiling. "I knew I smelled you. Lilac and vanilla."

More tears began to flow from my eyes. The taller one leaned down and smiled at me.

"Aww, honey. Don't cry. We haven't even started the fun stuff yet." He says, wiping my eyes.

The third one continues to give me a cold stare with a smirk.

I shiver. "P-please d-don't k-kill m-me..." I beg softly.

The third one smiles. "Your fear.....smells...delicious." His eyes turn a deep black and I freeze.

Jimin looks at Jungkook then back at me. "Jungkook, don't even think about it. This one's mine."

Jimin takes a step towards me and I immediately crawl backwards. "S-stay away f-from m-me!"

The taller one laughs. "She's so cute....I almost feel.....jealous. Usually I'm the cute one." He says cocking his head to the side. "So what are we gonna do about you?"

After a moment, the taller one stands up and claps excitedly. "I've got it!"

The other two look at him confused.

"What do you have in mind, Taehyung?" Jungkook asks, not taking his eyes off of me.

"Let's bring her to Jin." He says inspecting me. "And if Jin likes her, we claim her and she's ours to do with what we please."

Jungkook shakes his head. "And if he doesn't?"

Taehyung flashes me a stunning smile. "We'll kill her, duh!"

I freeze completely.

Who were these guys...WHAT were these guys...

Taehyung smiles. "Then it's settled. Now, this is all up to you cutie. You either come with us or we'll kill you right here and now....so what's it gonna be?"

I feel my heart stop.

What do I do?