
The Seven Deadly Sins {BTS}

This story is a dark one of love, death and betrayal starring the famous Bangtan Boys. Adrianna decides to go to a club in Seoul and witnesses something terrible. She ends up in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Read this story and see our boys in a different, darker, sexier light.

Theo_Hyung · Celebrities
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Hear No Evil

"So what's it gonna be cutie pie?" He asks again.

"My friend w-will know if I go m-missing!" I say.

Jungkook laughs. "You mean that annoying broad you walked in with earlier? Oh, I hate to break it to ya but she is dead and gone!"

My heart drops.

Naomi....n-no...it can't be...that isn't possible...I just called her...I-I

I became angry. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" I scream.

Taehyung holds his chest and pretends to be offended. "Us? I am deeply hurt! I can fully assure you, we didn't do anything."

Jungkook nods and smirks. "He's telling the truth. We didn't kill her but that little demon girl she was making out with did."

"K-kimmi?" I remembered the name that Naomi had said.

Jimin nods, sighing and shaking his head. "Yes. Sadly, that is was she is known for. You humans have a name for her kind, a Siren, I believe. But I never really liked that name."

I look at him confused. "But sirens only l-live in the water."

Taehyung smiles. "Another thing you pathetic humans got wrong. Jimin care to explain? You made them after all."

I look at Jimin. "Y-you c-created Sirens?"

Jimin nods, frowning a bit. "They weren't called Sirens. I called them Nymphs when I created them. Along with succubi and others. But the sirens, or nymphs, are my personal favorites. They can camouflage with humans and if a human comes into contact with it's saliva they're under the siren's control."

"S-saliva...." I whispers and my eyes widen. "A kiss."

Taehyung winks at me. "Bingo."

I shake my head. "W-what are y-you g-guys?"

Jungkook smiles. "You'll find out soon enough."

Taehyung runs his hand through his hair. "Now that THAT is settled. What's your answer?"

"I-I'll g-go w-with y-you..." I say quietly, looking down as tears fall down my face.

Taehyung sighs in pleasure. "The way you look defeated. Aww...you're just so good!"

He pops up and walks to the door. "Come on now."

"C-can..I at l-least c-clean myself up." I whisper softly.

All three of them look at the blood covering me.

Jungkook growls. "Damn it. She's right. If she goes out there like that, she'll draw too much attention."

Jimin surveys me then smiles. "Take off your clothes."

My eyes widen. "W-what! N-no!"

Jimin rolls his eyes and offers me his hand. "Relax. I can restrain myself. I'll give you my jacket. It's long enough to look like a dress on you."

I shakily take his hand and he pulls me up with so much strength that I fall into him.

"Cute. Now." He lifts my chin up with his slender finger. I nearly fainted when his eyes went black. "Clean yourself up for oppa~"

Before I could respond a wave of heat poured into me and I found myself taking off my clothes with no hesitation. He smiles and takes off his jacket and hands it to me. The others watch quietly. I wash the blood off my arms and put on the jacket. And after I've finished the task, I look back at Jimin. He smiles and pulls me in. "There's a good girl." He kisses my cheek and suddenly the feeling is gone.

I step back, holding my head.

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "Let's go already."

I lift the hood up to cover my head and quietly walk behind Jungkook with Jimin behind me. I am once again greeted with the loud music and smell of alcohol. I watch the people as I walk by. To think that only a few minutes ago, I was one of those people. Free and happy. But now, I didn't know what was going to happen to me. I lightly rubbed my moms ring on my finger. I didn't pay attention to where I was walking and I bumped into a big guy, causing me to accidentally slip my ring off.

I scream as it comes off. "MOM!"

"Hey! Watch where you're going, good for nothing nig-"

I lose sight of the ring. "No! MOM!"

I try to push past the man to go find my ring but I feel two strong arms holding me back.

I scream frantically. "NO! MOM! PLEASE! MOM! I NEED IT!! I NEED HER!"

I suddenly realize I'm out of the club. Jungkook throws me down onto the ground, angry as hell.


Jungkook lifts me up by my neck and pushes me roughly against the wall. "You made quite a scene in there. Looks like we might need to kill you after all."

I look at him and claw at his hands. "The r-ring...m-my mom...i-it's....h-hers..."

"Hold on Jungkook. Let her go. She has something she wants to say, the lil cutie." Taehyung says smiling.

Jungkook rolls his eyes and drops me. I fall to the ground holding my throat, gasping for air.

"I-I...only f-freaked b-because...I l-lost my ring w-when I bumped into t-that g-guy." Tears fall from my eyes. "T-that r-ring w-was all I had l-left of my my m-mom."

Jungkook laughs. "So you were willing to die over a ring?"

"N-no....I was w-willing to l-live for that ring....b-but now it's g-gone...I-I...you've t-taken m-my b-best friend...I h-have n-nothing..."

Taehyung pouts. "Um. I will say this once again. We didn't kill your friend, the sire-"


Jimin crosses his arms. "Ouch. My feelings."

Jungkook growls. "That's enough out of you!" He takes a knife out and pushes it against my neck. "You're beginning to get on my nerves." He pulls my hair back and I stare at him, with no emotion.

"Jungkook, enough." Taehyung says. "We're late. Let's go."

Jungkook stares at me before backing away and storming off with Taehyung following behind him.

Jimin watches me quietly as I get off the floor and look at him.

"What?" I ask quietly.

Jimin looks in the direction that Taehyung and Jungkook had just walked away in and quickly walked towards me.

He grabbed my wrist and placed something in my hand. "Let's go." He quickly walks away towards the car that the other were walking to.

I look down and my eyes widen.

It was my mother's ring...


The drive to my unknown location was deathly silent. No one said a word for over an hour.

I had ended up sitting in the back with Jimin while Jungkook and Taehyung sat in the front.

I watched Taehyung as he drove with a delicate smile on his face. How could someone so beautiful hold so much evil? Then there was Jungkook. Every time the guy looked at me, I felt like a little piece of my soul would die. The amount of hatred that that guy has in him is ridiculous. Then there was Jimin. He was drop dead gorgeous and the affect he had on me, I don't quite understand it. I turned my head a bit to look at Jimin, only to blush profusely.

He was staring at me. I held his gaze for awhile, before looking away. After awhile I looked up to see that Jimin was no longer looking at me.

A few more minutes go by and suddenly the silence becomes too much for me. "Where are we going?"

Jungkook growls. "You don't need to worry about that. The only thing you need to know is that you're either gonna live or die today."

Taehyung gently pats Jungkook's shoulder. "Aw c'mon Kookie~ She deserves to know. Because she is either gonna die, or she will be spending the rest of eternity with us. So she should know."

Jungkook grunts and crosses his arms.

Taehyung smiles and looks at me through the rear view mirror. "You are coming with us to our home. There you will meet the others. But the main guy who makes all the decisions is our big brother Jin."

"How many are there of you?" I ask.

"There are 7 of us." Jimin replies.

"A-and your parents?" I ask quietly.

"We were quite literally born from chaos. We don't have parents." Jungkook says simply.

I nod. "And w-what are you guys?"

Taehyung laughs. "Oh baby. We're demons. But not just any demons,"

He looks at me and his eyes turn a deep gold color, "We're the seven deadly sins."

I break out in a cold sweat. The biblical sins....it...it can't be....

Taehyung laughs once more. "I'm Envy. I can make people so jealous, they kill one another! It's a fun little game. Jungkook is Gluttony, an insatiable hunger and Jimin is-"

"Lust." I say quietly.

Jimin looks at me. "Yes."

"And you'll meet the others." Taehyung says.

"So what am I for? Why do you need me?" I ask.

"Usually, we have toys, or people, we use for our every day needs but...some of us can get a little....intense." Taehyung says, tilting his head towards Jungkook and Jimin. "So, the big boss brought up the idea of claiming."

"Claiming?" I ask.

Jungkook sighs. "Every demon has this ability to claim a person. This meaning, that the human will wear the marks of his or her masters and be granted with immortality but under the servitude of their claimers."

"So I would be stuck with you guys, forever?" I ask.

Taehyung giddily claps and smiles. "Doesn't that sound like fun!? Oh, the things we could do!"

"A-and I never break free?"

Jimin snorts. "Well. You can always try to escape, but the markings allow us to know where you are. It's basically a tracking device."

"It also allows us to share emotions. We can feel what you're feeling except we can ignore it, but you humans, have no chance." Jungkook says smiling.


"WE'RE HERE!!!!" Taehyung shouts.

I look outside my window and I am astonished. Sitting on the rocks with the ocean below if a Victorian home. It was a grand mansion with a beautiful pool in the front and a large driveway that leads to a hill down to the roaring waters below.

"T-this....is y-your h-house?"

Jimin laughs. "Just because we're monsters doesn't mean we need to live like them. Let's go."

Taehyung and Jungkook walk into the house and I slowly climbed out of the car, realizing that this might be the last time I see the outside world. After I walk into this house, I may die. I stop walking immediately and I tilt my head back and take a deep breath. This is my last chance to do anything. I close my eyes and I think of my life.

Naomi, her mom, my mom. My life has been lived to the fullest with the people I love the most. I shouldn't be scared. I'm going to see Naomi...a-and maybe my mom...or my dad... I will once again be reunited with those that I love the most. So I shouldn't be scared. I am ready to see them. I am ready to be with them again.

I smile, thinking about seeing them all again.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asks. I look at Jimin, then I look at his lips.

He gave me my mother's ring....

"Jimin." I realize that this is the first time I've said his name out loud. "Jimin." I say again, smiling.

He gives me a confused look. "Are you okay? Have you already lost your mind?"

I shake my head. "I just realized. I have nothing to live for, thus I have nothing to fear." I say sweetly.

Jimin's mouth closes.

"I am actually, excited...I will see my family again. I will see Naomi! I just want to do one thing before I go in there."

I move closer to Jimin. "How bout that kiss?" I ask quietly. "I've never had my first kiss..."

Jimin says nothing as I wrap my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist and I run my hands through his hair.

"What are you doing?" He asks quietly.

"I...don't wanna die, still being a virgin." I whisper back, pulling his face towards mine.

He smirks. "So, you're plan is to use me?"

I feel my heart quicken. "Just-..kiss me....oppa." I whisper.

I feel him stiffen and suddenly, his soft lips are on mine. I am engulfed in an explosion of heat and I enjoy every second of it. I felt like my skin was vibrating. He ran his tongue against my bottom lip and gently bit it. I sighed softly and he slipped his tongue past mine. He tasted so good. I wanted more of him. I made an impatient noise, and he seemed to respond to this and he moved to the stone wall surrounding the estate and pushed me up against it. His hands slid under my shirt and he placed his leg between my thighs. I gently rubbed myself against him and let out a sigh, and he moaned in response. The heat was burning now, and I loved it.

In my last moments of life, I will give in to lust.

At that moment, I felt an electrical charge shoot through my body. Jimin seemed to feel it too and jumped back. His eyes were glowing a deep red.

"W-what...was that?" I asked, breathlessly.

"You..." He stared at me like I was crazy, "You gave in to me...willingly. You actually....wanted me." He says quietly.

"JIMIN! WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG?!" I hear Taehyung yelling.

Jimin closes his eyes and shakes his head. "Let's go." And he walks away.

I take a deep breath and follow after him.


I walk into the house and pause. On the couches, there sat Jungkook and Taehyung and 4 good looking guys, one of which I recognized. It was the rude guy with dimples that walked into me at the club. When he sees me, he smiles.

"It's you. From the club." He says simply. His eyes shoot daggers at me, but I feel no fear. Instead I smile.

"Hello, asshole." I say simply. He snorts and rolls his eyes.

That's when one of the others looks up at me with a grin. "And what have you brought me, boys?"

Taehyung sits up. "This is-oh um, what is your name?"

The other looks at Taehyung. "Taehyung. Where are your manners?" He stands up and walks towards me. He takes my hand and kisses it gently.

"My name is Jin. I'm the demon Pride. The others are my-"

I move my hand away from him. "Brothers. The seven sins. Yes. Taehyung filled me in with that much."

He smiles and for a second, I almost smile back but I stop myself. "My name is Adrianna."

Jin smiles even wider. "Adrianna. What a beautiful name." Jin chuckles softly and looks to the others. "Boys, introduce yourselves."

The guys from the club stands up and pushes back his hair. "I'm Namjoon. My demon is Anger. I tend to lose my temper...a lot." He says, sending me a nasty grin.

The next guy sighs and groans. "I hate introductions." He lazily sits up and scratches his head. His eyes focus on me slightly. "Yoongi. Demon is sloth. There." He falls back over the couch.

The guy next to him glares at me. A chill runs through me. "My name is Hoseok. My demon is Greed." At that moment he licks his lips. "You'll never get enough of me."

I look away from him and look down at my hands.

For awhile nothing is said, until Taehyung whines. "So can we keep her?"

Jin looks at me and sighs. "What does she have to offer?"

Before anyone can respond, I pipe up. "Nothing. I have nothing to offer you monsters. You've taken away everything from me. So do me a favor, and kill me already." I fall to my knees and look down at my hands. "P-please. Do it."

There's a moment of silence, before I heard steps being taking towards me. A finger is placed under my chin and my head is gently lifted up. I look into the eyes of Pride.

Jin's eyes soften when they meet my own. A soft tenderness is emanating from him.

"What has the world done to you?" He asks quietly.

"I-it's taken everything f-from m-me-" I choke out.

"No. Surely not everything love, you must have something. Something that fills you with hope." He says quietly.

I look down at my mother's ring and his eyes shift to it as well then he smiles softly. "That is your hope." he whispers. His hand covers my own and he gently pulls me to him, in a warm embrace.

"How do you feel now?" He asks softly.

I sniff. "A l-little b-better."

"Aww...." He says softly.

"Now, we can't have that, can we?" He says softly.

Before I can respond he roughly pushes me back and pulls the ring off my finger.

Everything that happens next, happens in slow motion. His sweet face becomes twisted with a dark grin. He takes my mother's ring and shoots me a look.

"No-!" I yell.

A crunching sound is heard as Jin crushes my mother's ring into dust. I scream and launch myself at him and he easily pushes me back.

He and the others laugh as Jin blows the dust of the ring in my face.

I curl up on my knees and sob.

She's gone. She's gone...entirely gone....I have nothing left of her

"You humans with your little sentimental values. It is amusing. I feel that that is enough for tonight. Adrianna, dear. Welcome to the rest of your eternity." says Jin.

I look up at them, tears in my eyes. Everyone of them is laughing, aside from Jimin, who is standing in the back with an unreadable expression. After awhile he walks out of the room and so do the others.

I am left in the living room, alone.

I shakily stand up and open the front door.

I walk outside and look up at the sky. It has begun to rain. Soon it is down pouring. Like the sky was reflecting the feelings in my heart.

I sat on the grass and let the rain drench me entirely.

I thought, maybe, just maybe, it would wash away all this pain. Maybe, I'll wake up and realize that this is just a fever dream. That I'm actually in my apartment and Naomi is puking up last night's hangover. I brought my knees up to my chest and focused on the sound of the rain.

"I c-can't t-take t-this anymore." I say, shivering.

I stand up and walk out into the street. I walk and sit in the middle of the road.

I wait for about 20 minutes then I start to see the headlights of a truck.

I smile to myself. "I w-won't l-let y-you w-win...asshole."

The truck can't see me since I'm sitting. As it approaches, I close my eyes and brace myself until I feel two arms pick me up and launch me to the other side of the street. I open my eyes.

Jimin stands next to me, silently watching me, holding an umbrella.

I'm furious. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!" I push him back, but he still doesn't say anything. I begin to punch him against his chest and pushing him back, but he doesn't move. he doesn't even budge. Just when I was about to punch him again, he catches my wrist and pulls me into a wet, warm hug.

I don't move.

He whispers softly. "I'm sorry."

I feel tears falling down my face. I begin to sob and my legs grow weak. I fall against Jimin and cry into his shirt. He holds me and for once during this entire day, I feel safe. I feel protected.

"Let's go home." He says softly. I don't answer and he lifts me up and he carries me back to the house.

He sets me down in the living room.

"Stay here." He says. I nod and wait for a bit.

He comes back with a shirt and a pair of shorts. "Here. The bathroom is down that hall way. The door on the right. Clean yourself up. And try not to kill yourself on your way there." He says, rolling his eyes at me.

I take the clothes.

"Go clean yourself up." He says.

I look down. "T-thank y-yo-"

He begins to walk away. "Don't thank me, this isn't me being nice, Adrianna." He gives me a look over his shoulder and his eyes turn completely black. "If you died, who else would I get to play with?"

I shiver and turn around and begin to walk to the bathroom. Once I'm in there, I lock the door and quickly strip off Jimin's soaking jacket. I climb into the shower and turn on water.

As soon as the hot water hits me, I let out a satisfying sigh. My muscles relaxed and for a moment, it felt like everything was normal. Like once I got out of the shower, I would see Naomi again, laying on her bed, looking through her Pinterest. I covered my body is soap and massaged my hair. After I was done showering, I climbed out and dried myself off with a towel. I put on the clothes that Jimin had given me and I braided up my wet hair. I walked out of the bathroom and walked back to the living room. I didn't want to sleep on the couch. They had been sitting there so I decided to sleep on the rug.

I laid down on the soft rug, near the fire place and sighed.

I closed my eyes, and a stray tear fell.

This is my life is now......