
The Seeker System

After the 'Century of Phenomena', humanity had declined by more than two thirds it's population and eventually pushed back into 'Zones' where they were forced to live in 'District Cities'. The world outside the zones had become desolate wastelands inhospitable for them. The 'Century of Phenomena' brought plagues and destruction. Turning most plants and animals into horrid mutant beasts, unleashing monstrous creatures from 'Gates', and turning undead, the fallen population of humanity. But, it also brought hope for the survivors to endure the warped landscape. It brought forth an explosive advancement in technology and filled the earth with magic. Humans even experienced 'Evolutions' only seen in fantasy. It took half a century before that Hell unleashed and forced humans back. Now, evolved/awakened humans are known as 'Seekers' that delve into the wastelands within their zones to scrounge for treasures, artifacts, and anything useful. They also clear 'Gates' to procure the same. Life within the 'District Cities' was almost the same as before the Phenomena. Seekers are the heroes of society, and hold much influence. Connor W. Michael is one such Seeker. But, he is the weakest to ever awaken. Abused as a lowly 'Porter', he endures things worse than any mutant, monster. or zombie... Human Cruelty. But this is his beginning, the beginning of his journey from The Weakest to The Strongest.

FallunKing · Sci-fi
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38 Chs

The Black Dragon

The humanized black dragon descended down to were Connor lay unconsciously. He knelt down and put his hand to the chest of the dragonified human.

"PLEASE DON'T KILL HIM!" Mina screamed from the edge of the crater. The dragon looked up at the girl indifferently.

"I have no intention of doing such a thing." He replied. Mina stared blankly back at the dragon.

"You can speak?" Robert inquired from the back of Sarah.

"It is much like humans, to fail to realize they are not the only sentient life." The dragon replied.

"Why do you talk like a more elegant Connor?" Robert questioned.

"This is a normal form of speech." The dragon turned his attention back to Connor.

"Hah, yep, that's Connor talk." Robert sighed.

"Robert, you aren't even batting an eye at the fact that you're conversing with a Void Dragon. You're probably on your own way to talking like him." Mina pointed out.

"I'm so sorry." Robert replied after a brief moment of thought. He looked down in a dejected manner.

"Void Dragon? That's a fitting description. Have I been spotted by humans in recent years?" The dragon mused.

"Uh, dragon... sir. Is it alright if we retrieve our friend?" Mina politely spoke.

"You don't smell like you intend to do harm, so I'll allow you to approach. But you may not take the boy." The dragon responded.

"I'll kindly accept that." Mina replied.

"But can I ask why?" Robert inquired, while still sounding dejected.

"He is unstable. His spirit and body are barely connected by a thin thread of mana." The dragon answered.

"Makes sense, the way he sat up and roared, it felt empty." Brian noted, he was the first to reach the two in the crater.

"Aren't you one of the Liches that normally roams around within that building?" The dragon pointed into the distance.

"Yes, the other left a few years ago." Brian replied.

"Yes, I do remember her. A very wrathful existence. I sense her flesh on this boy, and a recent scent of hers as well." The dragon told Brian.

"Ah, see I was just onto that myself. You see, this young master is a product of extreme human cruelty. All of his internal organs, eyes, and half of his brain belonged to that particular undead. Though I've only speculated, you have confirmed it." Brian spoke excitedly with the dragon.

"Yes, the last time I had met her, she looked very human. If it hadn't been for her absolute obsession with destroying humanity, it'd be impossible to decern any difference. Those violent pink eyes full of intense hatred were terrible." The dragon continued.

"Ah, I so truly wish the information I have now, I had back then. I'd love to study the effects a humans organs had on her body, most in particular is the brain! I suppose it must have grown with her, as she was a very bright woman, but also very childish. Hah, so much I don't know that I must!" Brian sighed in exasperation.

"You are by far the most talkative undead. I'm used to those two over there." The dragon pointed at Sarah and Ivory.

"I can talk, I just don't have anything to say." Sarah responded.

"Now you're the third. The second was that Lich woman." The dragon said as he replaced his hand upon Connor and closed his eyes.

*Realm of the gods*

Connor was laid down on a slab while the gods talked amongst themselves. They were suddenly alerted when an intruder appeared with in the realm.

"Far too much white." The dragon stated the moment he entered.

"How did you get in here without an invitation?" Invidia questioned.

"You left the door open." The dragon answered while pointing at Connor.

"That's a fair point." Morta nodded.

"What are you doing here?" Fortuna asked the correct question.

"The boy." The dragon answered while he lifted Connor up.

"If he leaves, he will become a fully realized evil dragon, we are currently discussing how to fix that." Mercury advised.

"I am well aware of the consequences. But human gods need to leave dragon affairs to the Dragons." The dragon replied.

"How amusing, are you saying you, who is most likely a god in your own right, has claimed this obvious human, as a dragon?" Mars mused.

"That would be a correct assessment. A hatchling is a hatchling no matter the origin." The dragon remarked.

"Then we will trouble you to take care of our pet project." Invidia agreed, stopping all other other gods from further arguments.

"Then I shall take my leave here." The dragon vanished along with Connor.

"Hahaha! This boys luck exceeds even my scope of understanding!" Fortuna laughed.

"If he became a god, what would he be?" Morta pondered.

"Don't ask such a question... that'd be terrifying and fantastic." Invidia replied.

*Physical World*

The dragons eyes snapped open and he brought one arm up to his mouth, bit into it and used his other hand to open Connors mouth while draining the blood into his mouth.

"Oh! Are you using your blood as a type of catalyst to restrain the rampaging dragons heart?" Brian asked curiously.

"No. His body has entirely fused and begun to cooperate as a true dragons body. My blood is more powerful and I can directly manipulate the potent magic within with more ease." The dragon replied.

"And, what might you be attempting to accomplish?" Brian continued his questioning.

"I'll be using my blood to etch a seal that'll contain the dragon transformation and seal the rampant mana within. I'll add a function to slowly release the magic over time until it is deemed he has control." The dragon strained to explain so much.

"Are there any draw backs or concerns that should be noted?" Brian interviewed.

"You say he has a similar speech pattern to me, yes? It means he's rather indifferent and not prone to self risen emotion. The seal can loosen if his own emotions are intense enough to cause issues. Normally, humans are very sensitive creatures, but I don't sense that in him. So it should be fine. Please stop asking questions now." The dragon looked annoyed at having to explain so much. His concentration was intense as he worked.

Connors dragonification slowly retracted until it fully disappeared. Once it did, the black dragon sat back and breathed.

"So much trouble for a hatchling." He stated.

"He's normal? Thank you mr.... uh?" Mina went to thank the black dragon, but no one knew his name.

"I'm just the black dragon, Void Dragon, call me as you wish." The dragon dismissed.

"Noir then. It means black, but it's better than no name, so thanks Noir!" Mina smiled brightly. The dragon stood up and put his hands on Minas shoulders.

"If you weren't already claimed by the hatchling, I'd claim you as a potential mate." Noir commented before taking off into the air, repeating his new name as he flew off.

"Eh?" Mina had a blank expression.