
The Seeker System

After the 'Century of Phenomena', humanity had declined by more than two thirds it's population and eventually pushed back into 'Zones' where they were forced to live in 'District Cities'. The world outside the zones had become desolate wastelands inhospitable for them. The 'Century of Phenomena' brought plagues and destruction. Turning most plants and animals into horrid mutant beasts, unleashing monstrous creatures from 'Gates', and turning undead, the fallen population of humanity. But, it also brought hope for the survivors to endure the warped landscape. It brought forth an explosive advancement in technology and filled the earth with magic. Humans even experienced 'Evolutions' only seen in fantasy. It took half a century before that Hell unleashed and forced humans back. Now, evolved/awakened humans are known as 'Seekers' that delve into the wastelands within their zones to scrounge for treasures, artifacts, and anything useful. They also clear 'Gates' to procure the same. Life within the 'District Cities' was almost the same as before the Phenomena. Seekers are the heroes of society, and hold much influence. Connor W. Michael is one such Seeker. But, he is the weakest to ever awaken. Abused as a lowly 'Porter', he endures things worse than any mutant, monster. or zombie... Human Cruelty. But this is his beginning, the beginning of his journey from The Weakest to The Strongest.

FallunKing · Sci-fi
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38 Chs


Ivory jumped onto Connors shoulders as he left the team behind. They were too stunned and afraid to make a commotion. None of them were above a Low C Rank.

[Would You Like a Battle Report?: Yes No]

"Yes." Connor answered.

[Killed Basic Undead ×484]

[Killed Champion Undead ×112]

[Killed Elite Undead ×47]

[Killed Mid C Rank]

[You Leveled Up ×34]

[Created Unique Skill: Dark Thunder Pulse (Level: 1)- A condensed shot of Dark Thunder that can kill within a (50)ft diameter of impact, and stun the remaining (450)ft. AOE: 500ft diameter. Cost 70,000 MP]

[Created Unique Skill: Dark Thundering Ice (Level: 1)- Ice infused with Dark Thunder. Can shape into whatever is Desired. Cost 2,000 MP]

[Dark Incendiary Bomb Leveled Up ×5]

[Dark Thunder Pulse Leveled Up ×3]

[Sword Arts Leveled Up ×11]

[Dagger Arts Leveled Up ×16]

[Dark Thundering Ice Leveled Up ×12]

[Ice Magic Leveled Up ×18]

[Dark Thunder Leveled Up ×10]

[Dragon Constitution Leveled Up ×5]

[Dragon Constitution Reached Level 25. Eyes will now reflect moods.]

[Affection increased with Invidia ×3]

[Favor Increased with Mars ×7]

[Favor Increased with Bellona ×12]

[Favor Increased with Fortuna ×13]

[Interest Piqued With a god of the Underworld]

[Total Favor: 12,200]

'I got more levels from fighting impossible opponents... Undead just don't give much in value. My eyes? Oh well, status, exclude skills.'

[Name: Connor W. Micheal

Age: 18. Level: 183

Title(s): Mortal Favored by the gods.(+10)

Class(es): Necromancer

Dark Mage

HP: 100/100%

Fatigue: 69%

MP: 224,800

Strength: 352

Agility: 360

Intelligence: 354

Sense: 355

Magic: 344

SP Unallocated: 74]

"Seventy Four? Oh, right, I bought Skill Points. Hmm, let's go with... thirty to Magic, eleven to each of the rest." Connor allocated his points.

[Magic: 344->374]

[Strength: 353->363]

[Agility: 360->371]

[Intelligence: 354->365]

[Sense: 355->366]

"I wish I knew what Rank my physical stats are. Basing off of that team of Low C Ranks and that Mid C Rank, my Magic was only slightly higher. But, my other attributes were nearly tripled..." Connor began to ponder aloud.

Connor dismissed the thoughts and headed deeper into the zone. He wanted to truly begin getting stronger.


Connor wandered deep into the zone, nearing the wastelands. He had fought some Undead, but didn't level up any. The nearby gates already had teams raiding them, so he had no choice but to seek out a little further.

"I see why C Ranks are the most common. Ranking Up is almost too high a hurdle." Connor muttered. He stepped past the sign used for a marker. Indicating the end of the Zone, and the start of the Wasteland. Connor could tell the obvious difference between the two. The vegetation thickened and the paths traveled vanished. In the distance different types of flying beasts dotted the horizon, and the sounds of the wild and mutated life was overly audible.

Connor stepped beyond and began a search for higher ranked opponents. His first encounter only being a few steps in. A giant monkey like mutant beast exploded from a building and glared at Connor. It's black fur long and it's eyes were neon green. It had fangs sticking from its maw, and when it roared, acidic spit sprayed along the ground in front of it. The beast was the size of a semi.

"You're a giant. Let's hope you have a good amount of experience hidden inside you!" Connor shouted and summoned his ice blades. Dark Thunder raced through them as Connor launched himself towards the beast.

The beast swatted at Connor, but he easily dodged, while Ivory jumped upon the hand and scrambled along its arm towards its head, where she plunged her hand into its flesh. The monkey mutant roared and ripped Ivory off and tossed her into a building with a resounding crash and an explosion of debris.

Connor jumped towards the mutant and slashed at its arm, effectively gouging its flesh. Though it was a mere irritation to the beast. It roared again and slammed its fists down, causing the ground to shake violently. Connor wobbled and tried to remain upright, the beast used the opportunity to grab Connor and bring him towards its now gaping maw.

Connor used his free hand and shot off a hasty fireball down it's throat. The beast roared and threw Connor away. The Dark Fire remained lit inside its mouth. Connor slammed into the ground but, he quickly rolled back to his feet and faced the raging beast.

The mutant beast was clawing at its mouth, attempting to extinguish the dark fire in its mouth. Connor took the chance to attack the flailing monster and successfully plunged his ice sword into the beasts chest, but it wasn't deep enough to do much more than anger it.

Connor was swatted off, the fire finally extinguished, but not before burning a hole in its throat. Connor rolled back to his feet, not daring to show his back to the beast.

"I see." Connor stated as he saw the large, smoldering and charred hole in the side of the beasts neck. He formed the largest ice sword he could, that was still operable. He even made sure it was jagged along the edges, making the sword look more demonic with the dark thunder infused within it.

Connor gripped the sword with both hands and rocketed towards the mutants wound. The beast, half blind in fury, lunged its arm towards Connor, but he jumped onto it and raced even faster. He jumped up as the beast turned its head, acid spitting from its maw.

Connor changed the position of the sword and had it pointing down as he fell back towards the beast. The point plunged through the gaping wound on the beasts neck and pierced through the mutants heart. The beast roared weakly before it began to fall. Connor jumped off and landed right in front of the beast as it fell.

[Killed Adult Toxic Baboon]

[You Leveled Up ×12]

[Dark Fire Magic Leveled Up ×3]

[Dark Thundering Ice Leveled ×10]

[Sword Arts Leveled Up ×16]

[Sword Arts Reached Level 50]

[Gained Sword Arts Skill: Severance (Level: 1)- Your Blade cuts the fabric of reality. Cool down (3) days.]

"Now that's what I was looking for." Connor smiled, the excitement of leveling was the only thing that brought him excitement like this. Gaining strength this fast was only something he could do. His smile was not of joy, but a maniacal obsession.