

Meanwhile, in the city of River line, Queen Emily is crying in her chamber, when she a heard a knock on the door, She wiped her face and applied makeup on her face before opening the door

"Good morning my Queen, the King sent for you" The Royal guard said.

"Am coming, tell him I'll be right there" she said glistening in her eyes.

"My Queen he said i should escort you..." he stops when he noticed tears on her face. "My Queen what happened to you" he rushed bti her side. Even though he his older than the Queen, he respected her and kept some distance between them.

"Two years of marriage and i don't have a child, not even one to brag about, both female or male, I don't have. At least the other King wives have a female child, but i have none" she said has she broke into small sobs.

" Am soy my Queen, i feel your pain" He said, understanding what she's feeling, has he wiped her tears away from her face.

"Well, we can't spend the rest of the day here in my chamber are we?" she said plastering a smile on her face while wiping her tears and adding some powder on her face.

"Ok my Queen, let's go see the grumpy King" he said in a teasing tone.

" Stop don't say that, the walls have ears you know" she said while giggling.

That was the smile he had wanted to see on her face, that pretty smile on her bowshape lip that adorn her love shape face, he quickly shook off the thought and focused on his job. They got to the palace throne room and saw the king sitted on his throne tapping his fingers lightly on the throne while closing his eyes, As if sensing their presence he opened his eyes and signalled for the guard to take his leave.

"Are you going to stand there or listen to what am going to say" he snorted.

"okay" she said still standing at the same position.

" Move Closer" he shouted.

"Am sorry my king" she said as she moved closer to him and sat next to him.

"Keep your sorry to yourself. I called you here to tell you that your days are numbered in this palace" he said with disgust written in his eyes

" My King i don't understand what you are telling me" she said with confused eyes.

" Am saying that you have less than two weeks to get a child in this palace or you will leave this palace" he replied with anger clearly written on his face.

"My King where will i get a child within two weeks" she said confused.

"Don't ask me questions just get a child" he snapped at her.

" Yes my king" she bowed and leaves.

As he saw her leave he says " Barren woman"

he said so loud she will be able to hear.