
CHAPTER FOUR; Got To Get Rid of Her

"How dare you call my daughter a witch" he said, anger clearly written in his eyes.

" i... i ..i just ...." she stammered

" You just what,how dare you dare you call my daughter a witch. I can't believe it, because of the colour of people eyes you conclude that they are witches,i can't believe i got married to some like you" he said with flared nose which shows that he his angry.

" I can only feel the power that ignits from witches, and our daughter has a very powerful strong force of attraction, and that means she's a powerful witch" she said trying to make a point.

"Aren't you tired of lying to yourself, or don't you know that you are a witch, or you're trying to decieve the world with your witch hunting skills." he said staring at her intently.

" Erm, Erm i don't know what you are talking about" she lied.

" Really, you don't know, let me explain it, i know your mother is a witch, and they call her the seductress,why I don't know but i know you have witch blood in you and the fact that your mother was killed by your grandmother because she is hell bent that witches are evil, and you were only twelve years old when you saw her die, or the fact that your life has been based on catching witches" he said with fact

"or am i lying?" he questioned.

"how... how did you know" she asked.

"oh, like how i know that you went to capture the green eyes witch after i forbidded you, and the fact that you were cursed by her, that I'll be a woman beater" he asked.

" Am sorry darling, its not my fault, i was forced into a convenant with a God of Balymore and i swore to be like my grandmother and in return they will drain the witch blood out of me" she said as tears roll down her eyes."Am sorry i didn't tell you earlier" she apologized.

"Do you know the witch in question is my mother" he told her.

" Am sorry i thought.." he interrupted.

" you thought my parents were dead, and you thought right, it's just that that woman in question picked me up when my mother died of child birth. I warned you, i told not to but you insisted on being the witch hunter you are and kill my mother" he said as he broke into tears." I wanted her to see her grandchild, to hug her, feel her, and tell you all you need to know about children, but to your disappointment she survived and his now in a wonderful place" he cleans his tears and walked out on her while crying his child away.

Benita thought she was doing this city good by killing witches and wizards, but instead she was doing evil, just because of her selfish act. To think she was about to kill her daughter instead of planning to get rid of her.

'Hm' she sighed to the thought that she had just killed her husband mother and and denied her daughter of seeing her grandmother, She was definitely a bad wife.

Meanwhile, Grayson seat on the road side bench and dozed off with his daughter in his hands. Grayson was now having a dream about his mother being a Queen and in need of a child.

'In Grayson dream'

"My son am in need of a child, i am not happy where i am they treat me like a barren" his mother said in tears.

" Mother what can I do for you to be happy" he asked.

" Let your wife get rid of my granddaughter i will find her and she will be a Princess in the city of River line" she answered

" okay mum i will do it, anything for you to be happy and set your eyes on your granddaughter" he said

" Thank you my son, now wake and go home" she said

Immediately Grayson woke up and headed home to pretend like nothing had never happened. Meanwhile Benita is planning a way to get rid of her daughter before her grandmother shrine get up to her.