
The Secrets of The Darkness

Time moves on People move on Nothing is on hold But still my life got into a pause that night Revenge burning in my flesh Rage coursing through my blood Revenge will come, they will pay, All of them will HAVE to pay! No one can come in between my goal and me. NO ONE!! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Two souls, One bond One is Revenge, Seduction and Manipulation. & One is Cold, Mystery and Lust. One Fire, One Ice Who will burn or melt? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ She is here, somewhere, close by I can feel it in my bones, with every fibre of mine. I have waited so long Finally She is mine, Only mine Anyone even as much as taking a glance on her will die, in my own hands. She is MINE!

Dorothy000123 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 01

Katherine's POV:

Killing the last hunter in the warehouse and sucking him dry, i felt my cuts heal and my pale skin regain its slightly rosy color.

Its been a awhile since i fed.. I try to avoid feeding as much as possible, i got more important things on hand and also i don't want more hunters on my track.

Cleaning up and taking a nice cold shower in a small bathroom of the warehouse i speed away into the night. Oh i would kill for a nice soft bed right now... sigh.. soon..

As i enter the woods, my phone started to ring... Only people i trust with my life have my number, so I took out my phone from my pockets.

A smile broke out on my face seeing the name, 'Kristy' I have known her for 3 years to be exact. Shit its her birthday today, i forgot...again..

She is a werewolf. Also lives in a pack, the Beta's mate to be exact.. Noticing my location right now, a smirk broke out on my face. I am only 4hours away from her pack and with my vampire speed it only a matter of half an hour.

I reject the call and quickly speed away towards the nearby bakery for a chocolate cake which is her favourite. A surprise would be nice and hopefully she wouldn't be too much mad, right..?

Werewolves and Vampires were enemies for centuries. But now there is kinda yeah kinda.. a calm relationship between the two species. But i don't wanna risk my life, not yet at least... her pack is THE most powerful and dangerous pack in the whole werewolf world.

Quickly decorating a clearing a few miles away from their pack i call her back.

She received the call immediately. And I started my act.

"Ahhh!!! KRISTY!! Help.. they got me.. you have to get here fast!! please .. its north west a few miles from your pack.. i don't think i ca-" and i cut the call.

Opps i hope she won't be too mad for the prank i just pulled... Oh god.. if i die i better go to hell, at least i can rule there with Lucy. I thought as i smirked.

I can already hear the sounds of paws heading this way. I quickly turn off all the light in the clearing and hide on top of a tree.

After a few moments, i can already see her dark brown wolf run in full speed and stop in the middle of the clearing. Just where i wanted her to be. She shifted back in confusion.

I quickly speed and came behind her and placed a warm long blanket on her and turned all the light and whispered in her ears, "Buon compleanno, Kris"

Trans- "Happy Birthday, Kris!"

She turned around to look at me and then at the huge decoration and chocolate cake and back at me. Suddenly she scowled and hit me in the back of my head.

"Ahi! Per che cos'era quello? Dannata donna, non c'è bisogno di essere violenta, ti ho programmato una sorpresa e mi stai colpendo OUCH Oww!"

Trans- "Oww! What was that for? Damn woman no need to be violent, i planned you a surprise and you are OUCH hitting me Oww!"

"You Bitch! you almost gave me a heart attack! I thought something happened to you!"

"Scusa Kris, ma non volevo andare al tuo branco e.. se avessi detto qualcos'altro avresti sospettato e l'intera sorpresa sarebbe andata storta.. scusa.. abbastanza dispiaciuto.. molto dispiaciuto."

Trans- "Sorry Kris, but i didn't wanted to go to your pack and.. if i said something else you would have suspected and the whole surprise would gone wrong.. sorry.. pretty sorry.. very sorry."

"Its ok Kathy. I am just.. it means a lot and i can't, i just i just i am so surprised but i was kinda terrified and i was worri-"

Suddenly the sound of several paws shook the ground as they came closer closer..


"Did you tell someone that you are here?"

"Oh no, I think they noticed me gone and the patrol team unconscious and they might be looking for me now."

"Oh damn it Kris.. i am so sorry, i can't spend the rest of your birthday with you anymore... i am sorry, but i gotta go.. "

But before leaving i quickly speed her to the cake and tell her to blow the candles.

"Come on fast Kris, they are almost here.. i wanna feed you the cake first before i have to go."

Wishing her a happy birthday again, i feed her the first slice and hand her a black box and speed away into the night as the pack starts to enter the clearing.

The last thing i hear Kristy whisper is thank you. I didn't completely went away from there. I first gotta make sure she is safe even if its her pack.

First i saw her mate, i think? running towards her, checking her for injuries. But before he could as much as utter a single world to her.

A delicious smell reach me. It smelt of citrus, mint and cedarwoods. Its smelt so spicy and seductive... Mine... Beloved... Shit Shit Shit... he is a wolf!

I gotta to N.O.W! I saw him, his back facing him. Seeing his tensed shoulders i could tell he smelt me too, and was about to turn around.

By the time he turned, i was long gone.. I have goal that needs to be fulfilled, people to avenge and bastards to kill, a soulmate is the last thing i want now...

Sorry my beloved, i am so sorry... I will be back, its a vampire's promise to you, my beloved..

The End


Chapter 01

Its my first time writing a werewolf book.. I am a very lazy person, so be warned... i have almost 10 unfinished books in wattpad too... whenever i read a genre and love it... i feel the need to write my own version... so i start to write but its not possible to finish all at the same time... so its my first time being so serious about a book...

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