
The Secret Uchiha

For as long as Kitanai could remember he was trained to be the most powerful person by his father Madara Uchiha. He put him through hell and back so Kitanai would be able to take over the Shinobi world and live a good life. After training for years he inherits Madaras powers and sets out into the unknown world to learn what is means to be a Shinobi. ------ This is my first novel so give suggestions and correct some errors and plotholes that I make. ------ This is not my cover art it was made by @Zetsuai89 Site: https://www.deviantart.com/zetsuai89

lolAirFryers · Anime & Comics
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Team 7

[3 Year Time Skip]

It had been three years since Kitanai came to Konoha. Jiraiya had been teaching thing the whole time he was there and he learned new stuff. Jiraiya was still annoyed that he wouldn't sign a contract with a toad though.

"Today's the day." Kitanai exclaimed.

"Your finally a Genin eh?" Jiraiya said.

"We'll be sure to be good to your Sensei Kitanai."

"Don't worry I will!" Kitanai said.

Kitanai then set off to the academy to find out who his sensei will be.

[30 Minutes Later]

"Alright class today you will finally be getting your teammates after finally becoming Genin." Iruka told them.

Iruka suddenly teared up and said "It is sad for me to announce that this will be my last day being your teacher."

"Oh get over it Iruka Sensei!" said Naruto.

'Wow it looks like Naruto passes the exam.' Kitanai said to himself.

He rarely interacted with the other students in his class so he barely knew anyone that well. All he did at school was take notes and study.

"Alright I'll now be listening the teams" Iruka said.

(A/N: I'm not listing all that stuff. All the teams are the same besides Sakura who I put on another team because she's annoying and there has to be two teams with 4 people.)

"Team 7: Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Setsuna Uchiha, and Kitanai Sasaki." Iruka stated.

"Your sensei's will be here soon."

'Oh I'm on a team with Kitanai!' Thought Setsuna.

She had been paying attention to him alot the past three years, and she developed a little crush.

'Shit, that Kitanai is on a team with my sister and I' Thought Sasuke

He had become overprotective of his sister when he found out about her feeling for Kitanai.

"Aww man why do I have to be on a team with these three I wanted to be on a team with Sakura!" Naruto complained

"Shut up you moron I only have feeling for Sasuke!" Sakura screamed.

'This will be interesting' Kitanai thought.

[30 Minutes Later]

There sensei finally walked in with a lame excuse and then they went out to do introductions.

"Alright, I'm Kakashi Hatake things I like and the things I hate... I don't want to tell you that. My dreams for the future... I've never thought about it, and for my hobbies... I have a lot of them." Kakashi said.

'Weird introduction but ok.' thought Kitanai

"Alright the blond kid you next."

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, I love Ramen..." He went on about ramen and being Hokage for ten minutes.

"Alright the kid with the long hair, would you go next?" Kakashi offered.

"My name is Kitanai, I like training with my sensei Jiraiya, and I hate practicing sage mode. My hobbies? I guess I like taking notes, and my dream for the future is to bring world peace." Kitanai told them all.

"Alright the girl and then duck butt hair after."

"Hey!" Sasuke yelled angrily.

"My name is Setsuna Uchiha, I like Konoha and I don't like liars. My hobbies are training with my brother and studying." said Setsuna.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I like training and I dislike people who mess with my sister" Sasuke said while glaring at Kitanai.

"My hobbies are Kunai training, and spending time with my sister. My dream for the future is to become strong."

"Alright now that we've got that out of the way we are going to be doing a survival exercise."

"Another exercise!?" Naruto complained.

"Yes another excersize, we're doing it tomorrow so be prepared."

"Oh and remember to not eat breakfast, or else you'll puke."

'Huh? I wonder what this survival exercise will be?' Kitanai questioned.