
The Secret Uchiha

For as long as Kitanai could remember he was trained to be the most powerful person by his father Madara Uchiha. He put him through hell and back so Kitanai would be able to take over the Shinobi world and live a good life. After training for years he inherits Madaras powers and sets out into the unknown world to learn what is means to be a Shinobi. ------ This is my first novel so give suggestions and correct some errors and plotholes that I make. ------ This is not my cover art it was made by @Zetsuai89 Site: https://www.deviantart.com/zetsuai89

lolAirFryers · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Secret Revealed

"The truth is that..." Kitanai hesitated, he knew this wasn't a bad decision but his heart still ached.

"I am an Uchiha."

"What! An Uchiha? That's impossible there are only three known Uchiha left in world!" yelled Jiraiya.

Kitanai then said in a surprised tone, "Only three Uchiha!? That's impossible what happened to the clan!"

"That's not important right now, what's important is what you just told me."

"If you really are an Uchiha, then I must take you to the Third Hokage."

"If I'm able to find out what happened to the Uchiha, their I will go visit this Hokage." Kitanai said in a serious tone.

'Something is wrong, father never told me that the Uchiha we're killed.'

"Well what are we waiting for, let's head over kid." Jiraiya told him.

[Thirty Minutes Later]

The Hokage heard a knock on his door.

"Come in." the Third Hokage said.

"Ahh Jiraiya you're finally back in the village, but who's this boy?"

"The reason I'm here is to talk to you about him Hiruzen." said Jiraiya.

"Huh what's so important about him?" asked Hiruzen.

Jiraiya then explained how he met this boy, how Kitanai possessed great power, and that the boy was an Uchiha.

"Well... this is alot to take in." Hiruzen sighed.

"If you really are an Uchiha like Jiraiya says you are then who are you parents?"

Kitanai was nervous, he didn't know if he should reveal who his father was or not. But, he was still a naive ten year old so his judgement was still mediocre.

"My father told me he was a man by the name... Madara Uchiha."

They both widened their eyes in surprise.

"That's impossible Madara Uchiha has been dead for a long time." Jiraiya said under his breath.

"You don't have to believe me, but I am an Uchiha and I am going to bring peace to this world whether Madara is my father or not." admitted Kitanai.

What Madara wanted was peace as all he knew was war so he gave his son the goal for world peace.

Kitanai decided that keeping his Rinnegan a secret for the time being would be the for the best.

"Jiraiya it looks like you found an interesting person," Hiruzen admitted.

"I'm going to send him to the academy and I want him to be watched by you."

"I already decided to take him on as my student but I can watch over him for the time being as well."

'And use him to attract to pretty girls hehe' Thought Jiraiya.

[2 Days Later]

"Alright class we will have a knew student joining us today." Iruka said.

"Ooh I wonder if the like meat!" Said Choji

"Are they a guy?" A girl said.

"Even if they are a guy I only love Sasuke." Said Sakura.

A few minutes later Kitanai walked into class with all eyes on him.

"Alright introduce yourself to the class." Iruka told him.

"Hi I'm Kitanai!" said with no emotion in his voice.

"Oooh he's hot!" a girl said

"He's mine!" Another said.

'What does being hot mean? Also, I'm not owned by anyone so why is that girl saying that?' thought Kitanai

"I'm not anyone property so leave me alone."

He didn't mean for it to come off rude but he was annoyed that he didn't know what that meant.

"What an interesting classmate." said Sasuke to his sister.

"Indeed." Setsuna agreed.

[After School]

Kitanai was walking out of they school when he suddenly saw Jiraiya.

"Hey kid!" Jiraiya called out.

"Oh, hey Jiraiya." Kitanai answered.

"Listen Kitanai you're going to be staying at an inn in Konoha with me for now." Jiraiya told him

"I'll be watching over you for now and I'll also be training you."

"Okay, thanks for watching over me by the way." Kitanai said gratefully.

"No problem, as my student I can't just see you live out on the streets." Jiraiya laughed.

This was the first time in ages where Kitanai felt happy. It wasn't like when he was with his father where there was constant training, but he felt more relaxed and felt like he could laugh.

Little did Kitanai know, this feeling would disappear for a long time.