

Emily grew up in a great family with a loving father. But everything changed when he past away and left them in debt, her mother worked hard to provide for them with food but sadly got admitted due to a heart problem. As much as it hurt, Emily knew she had to push her limits and take care of her mother, she needed a job and the only job that would pay well was being a maid in the price family. A family that had mysteries and secrets. She hated to work there but what drew her more to the place was Jason Price, he was cold and always grumpy, but also very handsome. And kind when he felt like, to her he was the man she was secretly in love with. But something felt weird, every night of the full moon they all would lock themselves up, and Jason went as far as to threaten Emily to stay away, she wanted to, but her curiosity couldn't let her, so she went and took a peek in that same room at the night of the full moon. What I saw completely changed my life forever.

Kathrine_Kayz · Teen
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6 Chs

6. Smart mouth

Emily's p.o.v

Our walk at the clinic was very quiet, even when we reached mother's ward he insisted on staying outside, I didn't want to act nagging or demanding so I decided to let him be and to respect his decision.

I walked in sadly and found my mother looking at an open window.

"Mother," I whispered.

She looked at me then smiled widely.

"Emily, why are you here this late, how did the nurse even let you in at night?" She asked in concern.

"The man I came with is well known here so they let me visit you," I answered honestly.

"A man?" She asked Softly.

"Yes, his name is Jason price and he is my employer," I answered honestly.

"Your employer, What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well what I meant to say is that after you were admitted here I searched for a job but I couldn't find one, I was so worried luckily I didn't give up until Ms. Benedict told me of a place where they needed a live in maid, I decided to check the place out and well...I got hired," I answered hesitantly.

"You are telling me that you have been hired to be a live in maid by some certain house?" She asked.

"Yes mother, it's called the Price family," I answered.

"Price family, why does it sound so familiar?" She asked.

I bite my lower lip and began chewing on it.

"What are you hiding Emily?" She asked seriously.

"Nothing," I quickly answered.

"It's not nothing when you chew on your lip, what are you hiding?" She asked again.

"The Price Family stay near the Forest," I whispered.

"Forest, by any chance do you mean the Price Family that rarely talks to people, those that excluded themselves from everyone?" She asked loudly.

"Yes," I answered.

"Quit," she said in almost a Scream.

"Mother calm down, you are in a ward remember, the nurse will kick me out when she hears your loud voice," I said while trying to calm her down.

"I don't care if the nurse comes here or not, you have to quit, please Emily. Sorry that I'm incapable of taking care of you but I don't want you working in a dangerous place all because of me," she said sadly.

I moved closer and held her hands in mine.

"You know that I have always listened to whatever you say, mother, because you have always wanted the best for me, but this time I am not going to accept your request. You have been so kind and caring to me, mother you have always used this saying, mother carry me for I too will carry you, for a very long time, then I didn't understand what it meant but now I do, let me strive and labour for you as you did for me in the past, we only have each other so we can't afford to lose each other," I said softly.


"No, but, I will be fine and work hard, I will be coming here to check up on you every time I become free, as for you, you will be staying with Ms Benedict who has offered to be the one taking care Of you, I trust that woman a lot because she is the only one who had been so kind to us," I said with a smile.

"I don't want to burden that good-hearted woman," she said sadly.

"I too thought the same but she was the one who offered her help and assistance, it would be rude to turn her down plus she seemed happy that she was going to have someone to talk to," I answered.

"Okay, I will only accept this because I know how stubborn you are, but if you are mistreated or overworked by that family, you can always quit and come back home okay," she said.

"Yes mother," I answered then leaned in and kissed her head gently.

"I wish you happiness and great health," I said then pulled back.

"Stay safe Angel," she whispered when I walked out.

Jason looked at me ahead then walked outside, I quickly followed him and found him in the front seat of a car, I frowned while I looked around.

"How on earth did he have a car when we came on foot, did he borrow it?" I asked myself silently.

"Get in already," he ordered.

I quickly opened the front passenger door and got in, then closed it.

He started the car and drove off, I kept quiet and faced the other side not wanting to talk to him. When we reached the house he came out as I did too, he looked at me for a few seconds then walked in. I slowly followed him behind with my eyes fixed on the floor, when he stopped walking I too did and faced up.

"What do you want?" he asked then turned and faced me.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Do you want me to kiss or Fuck you?" he asked pissing me off.

"Do I look that desperate to open my legs for you?" I fired back then held my breath when his eyes began switching from his usual color to a dark red.

"You have a sweet tempting mouth, there are a lot of things I could shove in, that includes your soon to be favorite toy, do you know what that is?" he asked while moving closer.

I wanted to move backward but my legs were stuck to the ground.

"Do you know what your favorite toy will be?" He asked again in a low growl.

"No," I answered in a sharp breath.

He got my hand and pressed it on his hard cock.

"This, if you continue acting all smart with your mouth you will get this shoved into your mouth," he warned as I quickly pulled back my hand with a beating heart.

"I love how virgins react when they are being teased, can you now get the fuck out of my office," he demanded.

I quickly looked around and noticed that I really was in his office, I turned and wanted to go but stopped when he held my hand, the tiggles I was feeling weren't helping me in any way, a cold shiver was spreading throughout my body and my nipples were getting hard and erect, each time I shifted they pressed against my Cotton blouse making me want to moan out.

"Are you seriously aroused right now?" he asked loudly.

"No," I quickly denied.

He leaned in closing the space between us and brushed his nose against my nape, a soft purr came from him when he brushed his lips there.

I couldn't stay put because I was feeling weird, I quickly pulled my hand away then ran out of his room and went downstairs.

I didn't want to be close to him no m

atter what, I was going to look for a room and try to get some sleep.


