
The Secret of every nerd

Everyone has a secret either big or little that they want to stay hidden from the word. Just like everyone Samantha Anderson the new nerd also is also keeping a a huge secret. But to what length is she willing to go to ensure it stays that way when an unexpected somebody suddenly takes interest in here.

Yourfavoriteweirdo · Teen
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29 Chs


After doing my hair Mary came in with dinner.

"I totally forgot about food with everything going on but I don't think I will be able to eat anything right now"

I said and just when I was about to return the tray back to Mary my stomach decided to make an appearance by making a loud noise

"You hair is going to need close to 15mins to set that should be enough time for you to fill up besides we would not want you fainting before the party even begin so eat up"

Ella said finishing the finally touch of her work when passed the tray back to

"Would you girls also like to have a bite I made more than enough?

" Mary asked them

"That is really nice of you but....."

"I don't want to hear any but

I am going down now to get you girls something to eat

All work and no food makes such lovely girls like yourself very tired"

Mary said before Ella  could decline and went downstairs

"I really should have informed you guys earlier on that no one can really say No to Mary

She just ask so as not to look rude"

I laughed at the two confused girls who were still trying to figure out what was going on

"So why don't you do take a sit and that way we can all take a break"

I said as I picked up my plate

Mary came back to my room with a tray of two plates of lasagna and bottle water for the ladies

"Eat up

You have a lot of work to do

Sam ring me up when you are all done so I can cleanup"

Mary drop it down and walked out probably to Xavier's room to do the same thing to him.

After eating i packed all the plates and arranged them at the entrance of my door

"Okay now that you hair is done you will need to pick the dress to wear so that we can be able to start your make up" Elsa dragged the hanger of dresses closer to us

"Pick the one you want and leave the rest to us" I stood up and went through the dress

They were all so beautiful it was really difficult to just pick one out of all, I mean I really got to give my brother some credit he sure do know my tastes

"I would need to try some of them to be able to decide" I picked out 3 from the hanger and dropped them on my bed

"Sure no problem" Elsa said as she went through the shoe collection

I walked up to my walk-in wardrobe  and tried each of them, after checking out all three of decided to go with the emerald gown cos it made my eyes pop

"So what do you think?"

I walked out to meet the girls

"Wow these dress is perfect, it looks like it was made for you" Ella said

"And it really brings out your eyes

I 100percent agree with Elsa this gown was made for you

Go on and change back We have  the perfect make up to compliment your look"

Ella clapped her hands as she spin me around to have a full view

"I will also bring out the shoe and bag to give it the final touch"

Elsa joyfully said as she went to get the unopened boxes

"Are trying guys always this hyperactive"

I asked as I went in to change

"Not at all it depends on our client, our last client was was a buzz kill she just kept complaining about everything" Elsa brought out a box and opened it

"Finally I've found it

I knew we brought it with us"

she brought out the box from the package

"Can I have a peak"

I asked as i sat down to have Ella begin her magic

"Not a chance we can't have you seeing anything until everything is perfect"

Ella said as she brought out her set of brushes and got to work.

The next 15mins involved puking and brushing of my face

I really don't know how people get use to this torture and some even enjoy it

I have had to endure this most of my life and I am still yet to see the purpose of it all

"Okay I am done"

Ella applied setting spray on my face and turn me to her sister side

"Damn girl you just keeping getting better

this is really beautiful" Elsa said

"Let me see"

I tried turning my sit to the mirror stand

"Not yet

go and dress up first"

Ella picked up my gown and escorted me to my wardrobes to make sure I don't that a peek

"Argh why the suspense"

I knew I probably sounded like a spoilt teen but I really wanted to have just a little peek

"Because  it is so better when everything is complete that way you will really see yourself" Ella said as she helped me zip up my dress

"I wish I can say I understood what you just said but it all sounds gibberish to me

Now let's go and see if all the pain I endured was worth it"

I carried my dress up a little as I walked straight to the mirror

"Trust me it was worth it"

"Let me have a......"

One look in mirror and I was not sure if I was looking at myself because the girl I was staring at in the mirror looks like a confident beautiful lady and I highly doubt..."

"Wow Sweet pie you looking beautiful

actually you look too beautiful I might end up spending the whole night trying to keep assholes of your tails"

Xavier who I didn't even notice enter my room said

"How are sure they are all going to be assholes and what the hell are you doing here I am not yet done"

I said as I realised that he was all dressed up in his favorite color black tuxedo with a little emerald fabric at his outer breast pocket

"I came up here to pick you up, have you even seen the time

I can't be late to my party,

I am giving you 5mins tops then we are leaving" He said

"How did you know I was going to choose this gown and I thought been late was the new trend in town now"

I asked as Elsa opened the box of accessories she had already picked down for me

"You really doubt the strength of my magic and I am been serious Sam I can't be late so hurry up" he said as he left

"Okay so the final touch"

Elsa handed me my clutch and brought out my shoe

"You really look amazing"

Ella said as she started to arrange her makeup bag

"It is all thanks to the both of you

I can hardly recognize my own self"

I hugged them both

"We just brought out the beauty that was already in there

This is all you" Elsa said

"It was really nice working with you, make sure you have have a lot of fun and snap pictures" Ella added

"Thank you and I will try too"

I picked up my phone dropped it in my clutch, I smiled one final time to my amazing artist and walked downstairs to meet Xavier waiting for me

"Come on beauty we have a party to catch"

he said as he lead me to his limousine

The drive to the venue felt like forever I guess it was because I was feeling very nervous

It is kind of funny that after all the parties I have attended in my lifetime I still feel very nervous.

"We are here" Daniel announced

"Are you ready" Xavier asked me

"Not really"

I said biting my nails nervously

Xavier removed my hands from my mouth and looked at me

"Trust me i will not allow anything to happened to you out there"

he said with so much love i felt safe

"Well here goes nothing"

I said as Xavier opened the door and we were immediately bombarded by flashes and camera