
The Secret of every nerd

Everyone has a secret either big or little that they want to stay hidden from the word. Just like everyone Samantha Anderson the new nerd also is also keeping a a huge secret. But to what length is she willing to go to ensure it stays that way when an unexpected somebody suddenly takes interest in here.

Yourfavoriteweirdo · Teen
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29 Chs

Celebrity Gossip

"Guys you won't believe who we ran into in class today" Vina says as we approached the girls




They all said showing a picture of an angry Bianca with a Devil's horn attached to her face not even looking up from their food

"Stupid app

It takes the fun out of everything"

Vina sat down frustrated as she dug into her food

"Well you guys can't know everything that happened, a picture can only tell so much"

I dropped my bag and sat

"Newbie calls out Bianca

Bianca Learns a new word today

Queen bee

Bee as in bitch"

Lia reads out from her phone

"Maybe you do know everything that happened

Can someone please download the app for me

Like right now"

I brought out my phone and forced it on all of them till Vina decided to collect it

"So did you have any fun at the old people's event later night?" Lia asked

"I have been through worse so not really my mom let me off the hook early because of school"

I hoped no one will ask about that today cos I really hated lying to my new friends

"It is kinda of a coincidence that your parents party and Xavier party happened on the same day

Isn't that right Sam?"

David asked looking at me in a suspicious way and I was starting to feel uncomfortable as I am a terrible liar when under pressure

"Yeah.....you are right.....

Who would have...."

I almost bit my tongue off

"Let's pick up from where we left last night about the party

So whose house are we stopping at?

And my dad is still angry about that one little incident it is even a miracle he is letting me go and I don't want to push my luck so my place is a definite No"

Val says, as I tried listening to the words coming out of her mouth but failing miserably as I kept thinking about what David knew

"So what do you think Sam

Is Vina place cool?"

I could see Lia mouth moving and then I heard my name and with the way everyone was staring at me It doesn't take a genius to know they were waiting for a reply from me

"Yeah sure"

I said nodding my head even though I had no clue what was going on here

"Okay then

We will all meet at Vina's place by 8 tomorrow night" Val said

"You guys realise that the party doesn't start until around 10ish"

David says looking surprised and confused


So that gives us 2 hours to get our selves ready which is not even enough

When will boys learn that perfection is not a 15mins job" Lia says

"They never will, trust me

I have lived with the one all my life and he still has that surprised and confused look all the time"

Vina says throwing fries at him

"Very mature of you V"

David said removing the fries

"So how will...."

my eyes nearly popped out when I saw a very familiar figure walking into the hall

"Who is that?"

I immediately asked to confirm, silently praying my eyes was playing games with me


Lia asks

"The brown hair girl on glasses that just enter" I described her

"That is Vera Brown

She is kinda always on her own and her dad is a big popular Movie producer here" Val said

"Come to think of if

Her dad would have been at Xavier party last night

One minute..."

"Hell No

This isn't happening again"

Val pinned Vina down before she could even think of standing up

"I just want to ask her if she was at the party last night" Vina whined

"Not happening

David a little help please"

Val called out to David when she stared struggling

"V don't even think of leaving your seat

I am not in the mood to carry your sorry ass today"

David gave her a stern look as he went back to his apple

"I will behave this time around I promise


She says calling out to her for support

"I am with Val here Vina

The last time didn't end well at all

Sorry" Lia faintly says


Vina says under her breath

"I am a changed person really

I was just going to ask if Xavier came with his sister

That's all"

she sighs then went back to her food

"He went with her"

I said trying to cheer her up

"How did you know?"

She asked surprised

"It was posted on CBS page"

I said lying through my teeth

"When was it posted

It wasn't there the last time I checked that was during Government class

Are you sure....."

she asks picking up her phone and opening Celebrity Gossip

"Now that I think about it

I am not that sure if that were I saw it in the first place I mean....."

I started sweating profusely as my eyes followed her ever move as she went through the page

"Oh here is it

You are right

It was just posted 3 minutes ago but how did you know

I don't think I have seen you on a phone for a while now?"

she asks

"My notification popped up just before I dropped it

So what did you do the last time that everyone is so terrified of""

I asked hoping to get their mind off CB as i couldn't take anymore lying

"That's a story for another day

why don't we all just enjoy the last few minutes of our freedom while we can together" Val says collecting Val phone

"Okay fine

Xavier sister looks like a beauty from the little I can see

I don't know why she wants to remain a mystery

If I were Xavier sister I will all over the....."

"Did you just wish yourself to be Xavier sister

Now that's something I never saw coming"

Val said laughing out loud

"Hell No

That came out totally wrong but you should get the picture by now, I mean imagine a younger version of the queen of fashion herself with a little extra from the all might Paul Anderson

Damn that girl is definitely a bombshell

Just look at Xavier"

Vina shows us a picture of Xavier to prove her point

"You make a good point"

Val says agreeing with her

This was really getting uncomfortable for me as I sat down and watched my friends imagine or should I say fantasying about me

"Seriously guys

I think she as her reasons for wanting to stay out of the spotlight maybe she just want to live a normal life without any flock of hungry paparazzi following her every move and decision

Just imagine if were her

I get why she wants to remain unknown"

Lia says

"Thank you so much

Someone finally gets me"

I blurted out as I pulled her into a hug

"What language are you speaking girl?"

Vina asks as they all looked at me confused

"I got a little emotional and got carried away with your words that I actually felt like I was her for a second there"

I tried controlling myself as I gently moved away from Lia

"You almost got me

I almost believed you but I know how Lia words have a way of finding it's way into one's heart

Our friend here is going to a famous writer soon"

Vina says as we all raised our soda for a toast but was interrupted by the bell

"Sam what Class are you having now" Val asks eating the last fries on her plate


What about you guys" I asked





Vina, Val, Lia and David all say

" I guess that means I will see you after class" I sighed as I tried to be positive about the next class


Lia says as she got up

"Try not appearing on the ENINWAH before we see you in our next class" Vina smiles as she also left with Lia

"Play nice" Val also says

"You guys are trying to make me the bad guy here and I am not"

I tried saying to them at the top of my voice

"Can you give Sam and I a second

I want to ask her something"

David asks Val

"Sure just hurry

Meet me outside"

Val says walking out of the hall

"Did I say or do something wrong?"

I asked once Val left

"I don't know

And I don't want to start our friendship in doubt but something has been bugging me for a while now" He says

"What's that?"

I ask hoping it had nothing to do my brother

"When we were at the mall you said something about only you and your brother moving here but then your parent go and have a welcoming party the other day

Those two doesn't add up at all"

I immediately bursted into laughter once I knew he had no suspicion about my brother

"What's so funny?" He asked clearly confused

"Nothing really

I was not lying when I said I moved here with my brother but i don't know if you recall my mum calling me at the mall that day it was to tell me my Dad had a project to complete over here

The Party was meant for the closing of the deal but when the news got around that they were in Florida it turned into a welcome party"

I blurted out the first lie that came to mind

"That makes a lot of sense actually

Sorry for doubting you"

He said looking a bit guilty for suspecting me but I was even more surprised he believed me

"I understand

You are just trying to look out for the girls

I would love to have someone like you in my corner

I really have to go find my class now

See soon"

I picked up my bag and walked out happy that he fell for the lie but sad that I had to lie to him