
Sleep over

"That’s strange." She murmured and walked back to the door.

"I wanted to do a sleepover with him, but it seems he is not expecting me." She whispered underneath her breath and grabbed the doorknob and twisted it.

The door was open the whole time, she didn’t know. Daisy closed the door and walked into the house. She started hearing moaning sounds coming from Chris's room, and she walked quickly to his room.

Chris was on top of the girl, kissing her continuously as his other hand was caressing her pussy.

The sound of crunching footsteps filled his ears, and he looked at the door.

"I think someone is coming. "Go hide." He muttered to the girl, quickly slapping her ass, and she ran and hid under the bed.

Daisy opened the door to his room and stood at the entrance. She folded her hands and narrowed her eyes at him.

"What are you doing, I was knocking and you didn’t bother to answer. I thought you were sleeping." She said, with her lips pursed tightly together.

Chris looked at her and stretched his hand.

"Sorry babe, I didn’t hear when you knocked." He murmured, avoiding her gaze.

"I was hearing moaning sounds just now. Don’t tell me you are cheating on me?" She inquired, with her eyebrows slightly raised.

"I can’t do such a thing, I can never think of cheating when I have the most beautiful girl in the world as my girlfriend." He muttered, standing up from the bed. Daisy rolled her eyes at him.

"Stop flattering yourself, you haven’t answered my question," she muttered.

He took hold of her hand, "I was masturbating, that’s all." He stated.

"Hmm, okay, I just wanted to come and sleep over." She stated, and his eyes widened.

"What with the look?" Aren’t you glad I will be staying with you today? Don’t you miss me?" She asked, glaring at him.

"I do but….. she didn’t allow him to complete his sentence when she gave him a light kiss on the lips.

"You talk too much," she muttered. And her phone rings.

Daisy looked at the caller. It was her mum calling. She walked outside the room to the living room, walking towards the couch as she picked up the call.

"Hello, mum." She mumbled.

"Where the hell are you!!" she snapped.

"Mum, chill, I am not a baby, I am at Chris’s house." She replied

"And who did you tell you were going to his house? Get your butt here right this instant." She stated coldly.

"Mum, I am doing a sleepover. I am not coming home today," Daisy replied bluntly.

"Daisy, I said, "Get your ass here. You know, if you get pregnant, Chris can’t feed you." Mrs. Louis said sternly, and Daisy rolled her eyes.

"Mum, you have a perverted mind; I didn't say I was sleeping with him, did I?" Daisy asked in a soft tone.

"You better not……Daisy didn’t allow her to complete her sentence when she spotted a bra lying on the floor.