
Cheating Boyfriend

"Can you believe my little bro is trying to commit suicide?" Raymond remarked.

Mr. Josh stared at the TV and turned to him.

"What do you think is making him want to commit suicide?" Mr. Josh inquired, raising a brow.

"Maybe my dad asks him to marry Sofia. You know, just thinking about her can make you want to end your life." Raymond remarked.

"I don’t think so. It must be something else." Mr. Josh muttered.

"Whatever his reason is, he is very stupid for trying to end his life," Raymond muttered, and Richard jumped down from the bridge and started walking to his car as a lot of reporters were running after him, putting their mics in his mouth.

"Sir, tell us why you want to kill yourself?" one of them asked bluntly.

"Sir, tell us why you think dying is the only option." Another one added Richard was trying his best to get away from the reporters and one stood in front of his car blocking him from entering his car and he drag the reporter by the hand and toss him to the floor. The other reporters let go of him and started filming the reporter on the floor.

"Mr. Richard has just bullied this reporter." One of them stated, and Richard used the opportunity to run.

He entered his car and drove off at great speed.

It's evening. Daisy arrived in front of a building that is painted blue. She knocked on the main door of the building.

Chris was inside the house with a girl on his lap. He was kissing her like a hungry lion, using his hand to squeeze her ass. She was moaning in his ear as he grabbed her t-shirt and tore it, and focused his eyes on her bra. He unhooked her bra and tossed it to the floor when they hear a knock on the door. The girl screwed up her face.

"Are you expecting anyone?" she asked bluntly.

"No, I am not. I wonder who that could be." He muttered

"Let's just ignore the person. Once the person is tired of knocking, he will go away." He said, and she smiled and reclaimed his lips, beaming as he caressed her breasts with his left hand and she swayed her hips on his dick.

Daisy was tired of knocking. She was wondering if Chris was sleeping. She reached for her bag and dialed his number.

Chris broke the kiss and took his phone from the table. He looked at the caller and dropped the phone without picking it up.

"Who is that?" the girl inquired.

"Just my silly girlfriend." He muttered and carried her in his arms. She put her hand around his neck as he led her to the bedroom.

Daisy walked to the window of the house, to see if anyone was inside, because the door was locked from the inside.

She looked through the window of the living room, but didn't see anyone in the living room.


will she catch them? stay tuned to find out thanks for stopping by.