

"You are really worth the money you charge. You can go," Raymond commanded, and the makeup artist looked at him. He brought out a mini makeup box from his briefcase and handed it to Raymond, who didn’t take it but was looking at the makeup box.

"What’s this for?" Raymond inquired, raising a brow.

"Because you'll be washing your face every day, why not use this makeup to touch up the mole and place the little dots at the sides of your eyes on a daily basis?" He stated, and Raymond took the box from him.

"Thank you, I didn’t think of that. You may take your leave now," Raymond commanded, and the makeup artist walked out of the room.

"Sir I found an apartment for you and a job opportunity." Mr. Josh declared, and Raymond dropped the make up box on the bed and turned to him.

"Where?" he wondered.

"I found an apartment on Joy Field Road, and I also found a job as a photographer for you." He informed.

"A photographer, you know, I don’t know how to take pictures." Raymond lamented putting his hand on his face.

"I know that you will be trained on how to snap trust me." He declared, and Raymond stood up from the bed. Grab Mr. Josh's shoulder.

"Now let's get out of here," Raymond stated.

They both walk out of the hotel room and walk past the reception area. The receptionist stared at them.

"Goodbye, sir, have a nice day." She beamed, waving at Raymond and Mr. Josh. They didn't reply, but fastened their footsteps, hopped into their car and drove off.

"I think we need to sell this car if we want everything to be believable." Mr. Josh suggested.

"Let's go to the mall first and settle down in our house; afterward, we can think of selling this car." He replied, resting his head on the chair.

Minutes later, they arrived at the mall and walked inside side-by-side.

Raymond walked to the clothes section, where all the expensive clothes were being sold, and started going through the clothes, while Mr. Josh approached him with a blue t-shirt. It was not that pleasant to look at. It didn’t look like new clothes.

"Sir, what are you doing here? We are supposed to shop for fellow used clothes, not expensive new clothes." Mr. Josh declared, and Raymond's eyes lit up. He didn’t think of it. He looked at the shirt in Mr. Josh's hand and lifted his upper lip in disgust.

"Wait, you expect me to wear this?" He asked, looking at the clothes.

"Yes sir, you wanted to act like a poor man, so be a poor man," Mr. Josh replied bluntly.

"It seems you are more experienced in this poor man's field," Raymond muttered, and a smile curved on Mr. Josh's face.

"Yes, sir, I was once a poor man before I started working for you." He replied.

"Gosh, I can’t believe I have to wear this, it's so not my style." Raymond lamented

"Then don’t wear it I will just take it back." Mr. Josh said, walking away with the clothes, and Raymond followed him and took the clothing from him. He held the clothing with one finger and closed his nose with his other hand.


So far, I'm loving the reviews; thank you, my lovely readers; I'll do my best to make you proud.