
Going to the Kingston's wedding

Some of the artists were styling my hair, while others were applying make-up to my face, and one of them was wearing me a pair of blue heels. All this for just taking pictures. Why did Jason have to quit, I was blinking when they were trying to put mascara on my eyelashes. 


"Don’t blink again, okay." One of them stated cleaning the mascara off my face. 


I was ready after a million years of makeovers, though my face felt heavy.


They all walked out of the room, leaving me. Are they expecting me to walk out on my own?                                     


I stood up looking at myself in the mirror. I couldn’t recognize myself, I struggle to walk on the heels and walked out of the dressing room. 


"Wow! you look stunning, you should dress like this more often," Mrs. Jennifer beamed 


I ignored her and walked to my desk and carried my bag and realize all the models were staring at me. Am I that beautiful? 


"I will be going now," I muttered and Mrs. Jennifer walk to me and held my hand, she put a bunch of dollars in my hand making my jaw drop. 


"What’s this for?" I asked bluntly although I won’t hesitate to take the money. 


"It is the extra work you are going to do," she said and I smile widely and put the money in my bag, I walk out of the shop, she was right I didn’t sign for house service. 


I stopped a cab immediately and the taxi driver looked at me in a rather strange way, rolling his eyes all over my body. 


"Where are you going beautiful?" he asked and walked out of the car, he opened the door for me, I have never gotten this kind of treatment from a taxi driver before, so I enter the car and close the door. 


"To Kingston’s mansion." I declared and he stepped on the gas. 


                                    I was admiring the beautiful houses, which were decorated with twinkly lights, and children playing with snowballs, the driver stop the car in front of a very big house which was decorated with twinkly lights and a big Christmas tree at the entrance, It was painted white with golden windows and red carpet at the entrance. 


I stepped out of the car and saw a lot of newscasters and reporters at the entrance holding cameras and some were wearing baggy clothes and a van parked at the corner of the house, taking pictures, and a lot of couples walking inside, they were elegantly dressed, I narrowed my eyes at them.  I reach into my bag and bring out a hundred dollar bill and handed it to the driver and he refuse to take the money. 

"Don’t worry about it miss," he stated trying to drive away. 


"No, no I will pay you it’s your hard-earned money, I insisted and throw the money into the car before he took off. Although I love money, I can’t cheat people.

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