
Christmas Eve


When you ask people what their favourite season is, you typically hear them say spring or summer. If you ask them why they like those two, you get the normal answers, like "I love the fresh smell of blooming flowers, or the cold, shivering wind is not for me, I like the heat." Unlike most, I love the cold, crisp breeze on bright winter days.

When I think of winter, I think of being bundled up in an electric blanket, sitting back watching Christmas shows on Hallmark with a nice, warm cup of hot chocolate with mini marshmallows, and wearing warm fuzzy socks with aloe in them.

The thing that makes winter the most amazing part is knowing Christmas is right around the corner. Christmas may not be a big deal in all houses, but in my house, we know the usual Christmas morning routine. My morning usually starts off with my dad getting up to start a fresh pot of coffee, so when he comes to wake me up first, my day automatically starts off smelling the strong, cozy scent of coffee.

I do not know about everyone, but even though I love Christmas, it is so hard for me to get out of bed. Not because I am too lazy or tired, but having the room be slightly chilly and being wrapped up in many layers of blankets to keep me warm is so peaceful. Once I finally get the courage to get up, I then remember I cannot move. My assistant, Mr. Josh made his way into my room for maybe the third time, and I know that I actually do have to get up.

"Sir, I'm sorry for being disrespectful, but uh your dad needs your attention." He murmured, bowing slightly. 

"You can go now; I'm on my way," I said as I got out of bed.

When I look out my window, I see tiny snowflakes slowly drifting down. I can hear the roar of laughter coming from the living room downstairs. It’s Christmas Eve, 

I remember when I was a little boy, every year we gathered around the Christmas tree at my grandparent's house, and before we opened gifts, we all sat around together listening to my grandpa as he shared the story of the birth of Jesus. Listening to this famous story really helps everyone to remember what Christmas is all about and keeps our minds focused on the real reason for Christmas and not on what gifts we do or do not get. 

I dashed into the bathroom and took off my clothes, I opened the door and tossed my clothes on my bed. I switched on the shower and wash the water sliding down my body. 

I was so busy talking about Christmas that I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Raymond Kingston. I am a billionaire. I own so many shipping companies and the patents for drones, smartphones, and zips in South America. 

I finished bathing and walked out of my room....