
Chapter 90: Sleep over

She carried the food to the table and walked to the kitchen to drop it in the sink. She was walking out of the kitchen when she heard her mother's voice.

"I know you just drop the plates, wash it!!" Mrs. Louis yelled.

"All right, mum," Daisy said as she stormed into the kitchen to wash the dishes. She finished washing the plates and headed to her room. She bathed and put on a short, sexy night gown. She was about to jump on her bed when she remembered the encounter Gwen had with her boyfriend. So she put on a robe and walked out of the house. She wanted to go and have a sleepover at Gwen’s house.

Daisy tiptoed out of the house and switched on the touch on her phone, using it to see as she walked to the next building close to their apartment. She saw a dog outside the house. He was barking and wiggling his tail as he saw her.

She walked to the main door and knocked on the door.              

Gwen opened the door for her. She was wearing pajamas.

"So you came, I thought you had forgotten about me." Gwen remarked.

"Why will I forget about you? you mean the world to me." Daisy beamed, and Gwen dragged her into the house.

"Continue flattering yourself, that was the thing my fiance told me before I found out that he was a lying cheat."  She said, gnashing her teeth.

"You need something to cheer you up, do you have a beer?" Daisy inquired.

"You know, I don’t have a high tolerance for alcohol like you do," Gwen stated.

"I know, but it will relieve you of your stress," Daisy said, and took off her robe, she tossed it on the chair and walked to the fridge. and took out a couple of beers from the fridge.

While Gwen came with two wine glasses,

"They both settled down on the couch, and Daisy handed one bottle of beer to Gwen. Gwen poured the beer into her wine glass and looked at Daisy. She wanted to pour beer into her glass too when she realized that she was already drinking the beer directly from the bottle.

"Classic Daisy." She whined and Daisy looked at her and smirked.

"So tell me, have you found a handsome boy in your company?" Daisy inquired.

"Come on, I just broke up with my fiance and you are asking me to start looking for a new boyfriend are you nuts?" Gwen remarked.

"I was just saying you need to look for a new boyfriend and rub it in your fiancee’s face, I can’t believe the way he treated you," Daisy said and Gwen took a sip of her beer.

"Let’s drink and sleep, I don’t want to talk about him, he doesn’t deserve my love." She whined.

They drink till they are completely wasted and pass out on the ground.

The next day.

It's true. Daisy's phone started ringing. She opened her eyes and saw Gwen sleeping beside her with her leg on her body.