
Chapter 89: We are not roommates

Mr. Josh removed the old bed sheet from the bed and turned to him.


"Yes, the big boss, decided to help me, but I need to pay her for her services, she just likes money too much." Raymond remarked.

"You have to pay her the money is not your problem." Mr. Josh said, spreading the new sheets.

"It’s not my problem, but she doesn’t know that, she thinks I will have to borrow money to pay her." Raymond chuckled.

"That's good as long as you get the girl."

"I haven’t gotten her yet, she said she likes confident guys and not the shy type, it’s not like I am not confident, but I don’t know how to woo a girl, I have never asked a girl out in my life." Raymond lamented sitting on the bed.

"You just have to try your best." Mr. Josh shrugged.

"I have to go to bed now, tomorrow is another day." Raymond beamed, relaxing on the bed.

"You don’t eat that much, every time you come back home you refuse to eat, what will your mum say when she finds out that you have lost a lot of weight." He said.

"She will realize how miserable I have become because they wanted me to marry Sofia, she will regret her decision." Raymond said.

"You are very brave, don’t you miss your family?" Mr. Josh inquired.

"If I miss someone, then it’s my mum and Richard, but my dad, now quite, they don’t care about my opinion, they don’t care about what I want, I am just another puppet they can control." Raymond said.

"I understand your pain, this is the twenty first century when people choose the one they want to get married to, not an arranged marriage." Mr. Josh stated.

"I will eat some other time, I need to sleep now." Raymond said, putting his leg on the bed with his shoes on. And Mr Josh moved closer to him and started removing his shoes.

Raymond moved inside the bed and put his head on the pillow when an image of what he just saw displayed in his head, he saw the woman's head on top of his pillow.

"Ewww." He said, and pushed the pillow off the bed, and it landed on the floor. Mr. Josh picked up the pillow and tried to put it on the bed when Raymond stopped him with his hand.

"Stop, get that away from me." Raymond stated.

"And one more thing: I don’t want to see you bringing whores to his house again, we are not roommates." Raymond said rudely.

"Yes sir, I am very sorry." Mr. Josh apologized, and Raymond rolled his eyes.

"You can go now." he scoffed and put his head on another pillow and drifted to sleep.

Daisy arrived at home and walked into the house. When she saw Mrs. Louis eating in the living room while watching TV, she joined her and they both ate together. Daisy stood up from the couch and stretched her muscles. 

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