
Chapter 86: Shy guys

"My name is Ava." She replied.

"Nice name." I beamed.

"The thing is, my assistant likes you." I said, and she chuckled and stole a glance at him. He was talking to a model.

"I don’t like shy guys, I like guys who are brave enough to ask a girl out themselves, so if he wants to get a chance with me, he must come to me himself." She stated. She is right. I also like confident guys.

"Alright, thanks." I said,  I stood up from the chair. She is so nice, no wonder Ray likes her. I walked to him.

"She is here." He said, talking to the model.

"I want to take five pictures, but not now I will be back later in the evening, I just wanted to let you know." She grinned.

"Alright." I said, and she walked away. I turned to look at Ray.

"What did she say?" he asked with his lips trembling.

"She told me to tell you to come to her yourself, she likes confident guys." I replied.

          Author’s POV

"Gosh, that’s the problem, I don’t know how to talk to a girl I like." He said.

"What do you mean by that? Haven't you dated before?" she asked bluntly.

"I have, but I wasn’t the one that asked her out in the first place." He lamented.

"Let me advise you, this is what you will do, go and watch YouTube videos or buy manuals to teach you how to be confident, if you don’t want to lose her." She stated.

"Gosh, how can I learn from YouTube videos? I need someone to teach me." he said and Daisy smiled widely.

"I will be happy to help, but for money." She stated, and he rolled his eyes.

"You like money too much." He remarked.

"I don’t like pretending." She replied, smiling from ear to ear.

"I will pay." He stated.

"I will pay." She mimicked him

"I am serious."

"You haven't paid the one we just talked about." She replied.

"I will borrow and pay you tomorrow." He assured, staring at her.

"And you will borrow again to pay me to teach you." She said sarcastically.

"Maybe." he remarked.

"Alright, I will teach you; let's start tomorrow; by the way, will you be free this weekend?" She inquired, raising a brow.

"Yes, what the matter?" he asked.

"I am going to Paris to take a picture of Ava, so I was hoping if I could take you there to assist me."

"Who is Ava?" he asked.

"She is the model we are talking about." Daisy stated

"Ava, nice name." he said, smiling from ear to ear.

"So what do you say, are you going?" she asked.

"Yes, I will go as long as I will be able to see her and you will teach me how to approach her." He said.

"No problem." Daisy said, walking to a model who was waiting for her.

"Yes!!" Raymond yelled, and everyone looked at him. He put down his hands and ran outside the company.