
Chapter 85: Love doctor

"Are you for real just to talk to a girl for me, what if she doesn’t like me?" he inquired.

"If she doesn’t like you, you will have to give me 1,000 dollars to pressure her for you." I said this is a good business for easy money. I am demanding I don’t know if he has so much money.

"But I am broke, I don’t have that much money." He stated, Omg just like I thought.

"You will have to borrow." I said.

"What if I borrow and I don’t have money to pay the person?" he asked bluntly, wrinkling his nose.

"You will have to borrow again." I said, and he screwed up his face.

"Alright, fine, do it." He said, and I extended my hand to him.

"What? "he inquired.

"Deposit." I stated. He sighed and put his hand in his pocket and put 500 dollars in my hand. I smiled widely and started walking toward the model. Who knew you could make easy money for just being a matchmaker? I wonder if I should quit my job and start this business silly me.

I walked closer to the model and sat beside her on the waiting chair as other models started walking in.

She leaned closer to me and showed me Ray’s nose on the camera.

"What is the meaning of this? I was looking for the pictures your employee took of me and this is what I found. " She said.

"Don’t mind him, he is just an apprentice I promise to make it up to you." I said and was expecting her to get angry, but she was cool and looked at me.

"I want to employ you, especially on the weekend." She said.

"I don’t work on weekends." I replied.

"I know, I am going to Paris to take pictures for my ad and I need a photographer, I want you to come and take the pictures. I promise you I will pay you well, and I will arrange for your flight ticket and book your hotel room." She beamed. Wow, this is nice. She is rich. I think I can make a lot of money over the weekend. I won’t be able to hang out with Chris.

"I am in." I beamed and she extended her hand to me, and I shook it. She put her hand in her bag and took out a bunch of dollars and a business card. She handed it to me, and I collected it from her, smiling widely at her. wow a lot of money, I am so happy.

"That’s the allowance." She said. I held the money and other models walked over to us on the waiting chair.

"Where is your boss?" one of them inquired.

"She must be on her way." I replied.

"Okay." She said and sat beside us. And I remember why I'm here: I clear my throat.

"I want to talk to you about something." I said

"Go on." she stated.

"Firstly, I want to ask, what’s your name?" I inquired.