
Chapter 83: Discovery

He was hugging her so passionately. Gwen gnashed her teeth, looking at them. She was burning with fury. As the car started passing them.

Daisy noticed that Gwen was gripping her dress so hard.

"What is wrong?" Daisy asked.

"Stop the car!!" Gwen commanded.

"Why we haven't arrived at our destination yet." Daisy said, looking keenly at her and the driver stopped the car. Gwen stepped out of the car and slammed the door. Daisy was wondering why she was acting that way so she walked out of the car too.  Gwen stood back, looking at her boyfriend from afar. She wanted to know if he was really cheating on her.

He held the girl in his arms and kissed her roughly on the lips.

"I have to go, my love." He said, letting go of her. Gwen opened her eyes wide in surprise. She couldn’t believe her eyes.  Daisy just stood enjoying the show as the taxi driver attempted to leave.

"Wait, don’t go." Daisy commanded and stood looking at Gwen.

She walked to her boyfriend the girl he was kissing had already left. He bumped into her and his eyes widened. He wanted to talk when Gwen slapped him hard across the face.

"How dare you cheat on me!!" she yelled, with tears falling down her pale cheeks as she glared at him.

"It must be a misunderstanding." He reassured her, and she slapped him once more.

"I saw you kissing a girl and you are telling me it’s a misunderstanding." She yelled pissed. She removed the ring from her hand and tossed it to him. He picked up the ring and started dusting it without looking at her.

"Thanks for the ring." He said, smiling widely, and her jaw dropped. She couldn’t believe his change of tone.

She wanted to talk when he pushed her out of the way. 

"Excuse me, don’t come begging me, because I was doing you a favor by wanting to marry you." He said, walking away, and her face flushed.

He walked past Daisy, and she glared at him and ran to Gwen. Gwen was wiping her tears with the back of her palm.

"I have promised myself that I won’t cry, this is not the first time this has happened to me." she shrugged.

"What do you mean, this is not the first time."

"Everyone I have ever dated got engaged to me and wanted to marry me but at the last moment they cheat on me or break up with me," she stated.

"I was so foolish to think this time would be different." She said, and Daisy embraced her.

"Do you think this is a curse?" Daisy inquired. And Gwen pulled away from the hug and nodded.

"I think so." She mumbled.

"I have to run to work I am late, my work is blocks away from here, take care and be strong I will come over to your house when I get back." Daisy yelled and started running away.