
Chapter 78: Meddling Mother

"I am indeed used to people spreading fake news about me, I will make a comeback in the modeling industry next week, now I have a lot at hand." He remarked.

"What do you mean by a lot at hand?" she asked bluntly.

"I have some things I need to settle." He grinned. And Mr. Kingston drove into the house as they all paved the way for him to pass and park his car among the countless cars in the garage. Richard started smiling. This was his chance to get away from his mum.

Mr Kingston stepped out of the car with a serious face. And approached them. They all greeted him. Including the bodyguards. Mr. Kingston turned to Richard.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked bluntly. Richard was about to talk when Mrs. Kingston cut in.

"What do you mean by go, go where?" she asked bluntly.           

"You are so meddlesome." Mr. Kingston remarked, and Richard nodded

Mr. Kingston started walking to his car and Richard followed behind him, ignoring Mrs. Kingston.

They both hopped into the car, and Mr. Kingston was about to drive off when Mrs. Kingston stood in front of their car.

"Where are both of you going?" she asked bluntly.

 Mr. Kingston lower the glass of his car.

"Get out of the way, crazy woman." He remarked.

"I won’t leave until you tell me where you are going." She said, with her lips pursed tightly together.

Mr. Kingston gave the bodyguards who were looking at them signals, and they walked over to Mrs. Kingston and carried her away from the car.

"Put me down, you delinquents." She cursed, swaying with them as one of them carried her in his arms, leading her into the house.

"Dad, did you have to do that?" Richard inquired.

"Your mum’s job is just to sit at home every day and demand  to know everything." Mr Kingston remarked Driving out of the mansion.

One of the bodyguards closes the door of the house, and the bodyguards carrying her drop her down on the floor. She slapped him hard across the face. And he held his face and looked at her.

"How dare you! You are fired!!" she snapped. And he started walking out of the house. Mrs. Kingston stared at the other bodyguards.

"What are you staring at? Get out!!" she yelled at them, and they ran out of the house and stood at the entrance, including the bodyguards she just fired.

"Nuisance." She whined and walked to the bar in the mansion. There was a maid in the bar, cleaning all the drinks.

"Give me a cocktail drink." She demanded sitting on the chair opposite the bar.

"Ma, I am sorry, but Mr. Kingston has asked us not to give you drinks." She stated, with her lips trembling.

"Are you nuts? Give me a drink or I will fire you." She said in a cold tone, and the maid put a wine glass on the table and started pouring drink into it.