
Chapter 77: The pictures 2

"Not again." He said, cleaning his mouth with a handkerchief, and stood up from his desk.

Daisy walked up to him and raised her hand to slap him, and he held her hand in midair.

"Just because you are the big boss, doesn’t mean you can slap me when it comes to age, I am older than you." He remarked and Daisy swayed her hand in his wrist, and he let go of her hand. Daisy was deeply insulted by the courage her assistant had.

"How dare you!!"she yelled. And he put his hand in his ear.

"Keep your voice down, you are shouting." He remarked, and she slapped him hard across the face and walked away.

He kept his face fixed on her, a smile curved on his lips.

"She is fierce, she will pay for slapping me." He said, and chuckled. He slowly removed his hands from his face.

"Her hand hurts a lot." He grinned.

It’s evening, Daisy and Raymond were walking towards the door, ignoring each other.  Raymond was walking ahead of her, so he slammed the door in her face. And hop into a taxi.

Daisy walked out of the shop.

"OMG, what have I done wrong to hire such a person? I despise assistants." She lamented. and started stopping a taxi.

Richard was happy, he drive into the garage of the mansion. He stepped out of the car and sighted his mum in front of him. She was standing at akimbo. With bodyguards by her side.

"Mum, what do you want now?" he inquired.

"What do I want? You are asking me what I want?" She asked.

"Yes." He said he was trying to walk away and a bodyguard blocked him.

"Don’t think you can walk away from me, I want to ask you a few questions, and I want you to be honest with me." She said.

"Arrgh, alright, go on." He grinned.

"Where were you last night?" she inquired.

"I was at the club." He replied. She glared at him.

"Is this the way you want to live your life now? Going to clubs and getting wasted because Chelsea broke your heart when you know there are plenty of fish in the sea. " She remarked.

"Yes, there are plenty of fishes in the sea, but I am not taking her crown." He said confidently.

"Suit yourself anyway, Dave told me that since your so-called Chelsea broke your heart, you have been refusing to take pictures and losing clients." She said, and his eyes widened. He was so focused on Chelsea that he neglected his career.

"I needed to clear my head." He grinned.

"Sir, there are a lot of scandals against you because you bullied a reporter," Dave said, walking to them with a newspaper in his hand, and Richard snatched the paper from him immediately and began reading the newspaper.

"That’s not a big deal, he is used to scandals." Mrs. Kingston remarked.

"I am indeed used to people spreading fake news about me......

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