
Chapter 70: Duped

"What does this stupid Chris want from me again." She said and picked up the call.

"Hello, babe." He beamed.

"What! talk I need to get ready to go to work." She scoffed.

"I wanted to check up on you." He said

"I am fine, talk to you later, now fuck off." She smiled and hung up the phone.

She tossed the phone on the bed and it started ringing again.

"It better not be Chris." She said and picked up the phone. It was her alarm. She was 2 minutes late for work.

"Damn, the next call I will get will be from Mrs. Jennifer." She said, and tossed the phone back to the bed, and ran out of the room.

At Kingston’s mansion.

Mrs. Kingston walked majestically down the stairs and saw Dave walking into the house. He was carrying a file in his hand. He ran to her and bowed slightly.

"Good morning, ma." He greeted.

"Morning, is Richard home?" she asked.

"No ma, he didn’t come home last night." He replied.

"That’s strange, go get my phone in my room and let me give him a call." She commanded, and he ran up the stairs.

Mr. Kingston was in his room sleeping on the bed when his alarm buzzed. He used his hand to switch off the alarm and got up from the bed.

He sighted the envelope in his top drawer and smiled widely.

"I will have to go and look for Raymond today." He remarked and jumped off the bed. He was walking towards the envelope when he paused.

"No, I will open it when I finish bathing," he said, walking into the bathroom.

Dave ran down the stairs and handed the phone to Mrs. Kingston. She took it from him and dialed Richard’s number.

His phone was ringing, but he didn’t pick it up. She tried several times, but it wasn’t going through.

"I think he must be sleeping or something, when he gets back, I will give him a piece of my mind." She grinned. staring at Dave.

"Ma I wanted to inform you that Richard has been canceling his appointments since the day Chelsea broke his heart and it is affecting his career, other models are taking his job," Dave muttered.

"Don’t worry, I will talk to him about it, you may leave." She said, heading to the kitchen as the maids paved the way for her to enter the kitchen.

Mr. Kingston finished bathing and put on a black tuxedo, he was humming Christmas music. He knotted his tie and grabbed the envelope from the drawer and opened it. In the envelope, the word "you have been duped." Was boldly written on it, his eyes started twitching, he pursed his lips and clenched his fists into tight balls, trying as he might, he could not contain himself. within seconds, he erupted like a volcano. 

"No!!! He screamed at the top of his lungs and tore the paper into a million pieces when Mrs. Kingston walked into his room, she wanted to know what was making her husband so furious.