
Chapter 69: illusion

She struggled with him and reached for the light switch. She turned on the lights and he closed his eyes immediately. The lights were burning his eyes because he hadn’t had enough sleep. She swayed her hand continuously, but he refused to let go.

"Chelsea, please give me another chance." He pleaded and stood up trying to force himself on her, she spotted a vase on the table and smashed it on his head. Richard held his head and wobbled backward. He landed on the bed and passed out. She quickly ran out of the room without shoes, she ran out of the villa and the security guard stopped her.

"Where are you going?" he inquired.

"None of your business." She replied rudely and quickly ran out of the gate and stopped a taxi.

Richard started snoring on the bed.

Raymond woke up and stretched his muscles. He walked out of the room and saw Mr. Josh sleeping on his pop corn.

"Naughty." Raymond remarked and walked into the bathroom. He started brushing his teeth, and the morning sun came shining into the bathroom.

"Winter is gone so soon." He muttered and continued brushing.

Mrs. Louis walked into Daisy’s room and found her sleeping on the bed. She looked at the clock on the wall and pushed her off the bed.

Daisy collapsed on the floor, face down. She growled and held her face, looking at her mother.

"What did I tell you about going out late at night." Mrs. Louis said, and Daisy stood up on her feet.

"Mum, it’s my life." She muttered.

"I don’t want to find you going out late at night again, the door will be closed at 9:00 pm every day, if you come after that, you won’t be able to enter the house." Mrs. Louis said, glaring at her.

"Is that some kind of rule." Daisy said, holding her head.

"Yes." She replied bluntly.

"I feel woozy." Daisy said and ran into the bathroom, she started throwing up in the bathroom and Mrs. Louis stood at the bathroom door staring at her.

"So you have started drinking like your worthless boyfriend." She whined.

"Mum, he is not worthless." She said and continue throwing up.

"I don’t have time to argue with you, I am going out with some friends your food is in the kitchen, microwave it and eat." Mrs. Louis said as she walked away.

Daisy looked at her face in the mirror.

"I am so wasted, I had fun and in the morning look at me." She said, and switched on the faucet. She took water in her hand with water dripping off her and used it to wash her face. She put tooth paste on her brush and started brushing her teeth. She started staring at herself in the mirror when she heard her phone ringing in her room.

She put water in her mouth and gobbled the water, pouring it into the sink. She rushed to her room and looked at the caller. It was Chris.........