
Chapter 304: Rainy night 2

"I don't care. What other choice do I have?" She asked, gripping tightly to her bag and stepping out of the car.

"Wait up!" Raymond yelled and rushed out of the car. Looking around for Daisy, he saw her running away.

He sighed, staring at her. He was getting drenched in the rain, but he didn't care.

"Ouch!!" Daisy groaned in pain and fell to the floor, holding her ankle.

Raymond took off his jacket and ran to her.

He put the jacket around her and helped her off the floor.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I sprained my ankle," she whimpered. 

"Don't worry, I will help you." He assured and swept her off her feet, carrying her in his arms.

Daisy's heart started beating hastily, trying to get out of her chest as she glanced at him.

"Put me down." She protested, hitting him lightly on the chest.

"I can't walk, so I will be your leg today," Raymond replied, walking towards Mr Josh, who put an umbrella above their heads.

"We are already wet. What is the need for an umbrella?" Raymond replied, walking in the direction of his house. 

Mr Josh ran after them.

After minutes of walking in the rain, Mr Josh realized that Raymond was taking Daisy to his house.

They were nearly in front of the mansion when Mr Josh stood in front of Raymond.

"Let me carry her." Mr Josh declared he knew if Sofia saw them like that, she would make a scene before Mr Josh could blink. Raymond was already entering the house with Daisy.

"Put me down. Why did you bring me here?" Daisy inquired, hitting him lightly on the chest.

Raymond was about to speak when they both spotted all the family at the dining table glancing at them. Sofia's spoon fell from her hand. They were all staring at them with their mouths wide open.

"Da..." Sofia wanted to talk when Mrs Kingston held her hand.

Raymond ignored them and dropped Daisy on the couch.

"How can he drop a drenched woman on the couch," Sofia asked.

"He is the king," Richard replied.

"Guys, do you think he remembers her?" Sofia whispered.

"I am not sure, if not you will not be in this house." Richard snarled. He banged his spoon on the table and walked over to Raymond.

"Go get the first aid box." Raymond declared, staring at Mr Josh, who scurried away. 

Richard stated at Daisy, who looked away immediately. He inhaled, trying his best to act like he didn't know her.

"What happened to her?" Richard inquired.

"Nothing serious, she just sprained her ankle," Raymond replied.

Mr Josh ran to them and handed Raymond the first aid kit.

"Why don't you guys join us for dinner afterward?" Mrs Kingston inquired, holding Sofia back so she wouldn't go to them. 

"We will," Raymond replied, doctoring Daisy's injury. She was closing her eyes tightly, wishing it was all a dream. 

"All done," Raymond beamed, letting go of her leg.

Daisy sat up on the couch, glancing at her leg.

Two maids ran to them. Carrying white towels and putting them around Daisy and Raymond