
Chapter 302: Special treatment 4

"I thought it needed to be cleaned, but it looks like Daisy has already cleaned it." He muttered 

Raymond gave him a suspicious look before attempting to sit on the chair when Mr Josh cleaned the chair with a handkerchief.

"I will go and bring the documents that need your signature for you to review." Mr Clinton beamed as Raymond sat on the chair and rested his hand on the chair.

"Don't forget to bring the sales analysis you may leave." Raymond declared.

He bowed slightly and left the room.

"He is acting suspicious." Mr Josh muttered.

"I think so too. Just keep an eye on him." Raymond declared.

Minutes later.

Mr Josh had already gone to get food for Raymond and Daisy when Daisy walked into the office.

Their eyes met as they both stared at each other.

"I thought you wanted to sleep in the bathroom." Raymond teased her as she walked over to him.

"This is my desk," she muttered.

"I know it will be mine today." He declared Daisy glared at him. She was getting fed up with his behaviour.

"Okay, sir," she muttered, twisting her lips.

"Please give me my bag," Daisy muttered, extending her hand to him.

"Oh." He muttered and grabbed her bag from under the desk and handed it to her, touching her hand in the process.

Daisy felt fire in her hand as she walked over to Mr Clinton's desk and sat there.

Mr Josh strolled into the office and dropped Chinese food on her table and also walked over to give Raymond his own food.

She opened the plate and stared at the food.

"What kind of food is this?" she asked, staring at Mr Josh.

"Chinese food. If you don't like it, I can get you something else." He beamed.

"No, it's okay." She muttered, staring at Raymond, who was eating elegantly, patting his lips with a handkerchief. 

Hours later.

A strong wind began to blow through the office, blowing away all of the documents.Daisy held the files she could hold as Raymond walked to the window and closed it with great difficulty as they started hearing a thunderclap outside.

"It is going to rain." Daisy muttered, staring at her watch as the time hit 7:00 on the dot. It was time to go home.

Raymond arranged his desk as Mr Josh rushed into the office.

"Sir, let's go home; it's going to rain." Mr Josh stated.

"Let's go." Raymond declared as he started walking out of the office with Mr Josh and gazed at Daisy. Who grabbed her bag.

"Good night." He beamed.

"Good night." She replied without looking at him. They started hearing great thunder and the sound of lightning coming from the clouds. The rain started falling heavily and they all started running out of the office together.

They arrived in front of the company. Everyone was running out of the company with their umbrellas as Mr Clinton ran to them and handed a white umbrella to Mr Josh, who collected it and put it above Raymond's head as he started guiding him to the car.

Raymond halted in the rain as water started landing on his shoes. He looked back at Daisy, who was still standing at the entrance of the company with her bag above her head.

"Ask her to come with us." Raymond declared.

"Daisy, come, my boss is calling you!!" Mr Josh yelled at the top of his lungs as Daisy ran to them and stood in front of them in the rain. 

"Get inside." Raymond muttered as he put his hand around her shoulder and pulled her into the umbrella with him. Mr Josh was outside in the rain holding the umbrella.

Author's note 

I am sorry to inform you guys that I am not going to post till next month. It's not just that I am travelling, so I won't be able to post four chapters a day, only two, because I have written them down and set a timer so you guys have something to read while I am gone. Secondly, this book will end next month on the 27th of February, so stay tuned. 

You can also check out my fantasy novel, "Lucifer's Human Bride." And also check out this book by a fellow author. "Dynasty of the unsullied." 

Please don't just read while you wait. You can rate the book and tell me your experience with it. I mean, like, talk about the book not  writing interesting and so on.  I will start editing the book from the beginning to make sure there are no errors when it is completed. Thank you for coming on this journey with me. You will not be disappointed, and the suspense will be intense in the coming month.I truly apologize. I wish there was something I could do. If I decide not to post in the next month, I know you guys will be furious, so that's the only option. I hope you understand. Love y'all ❤️❤️❤️