
Chapter 300: Special treatment 2

Raymond fell to the ground, holding his head in pain. He didn't know why he lost control and acted that way towards Daisy.

The elevator opened. Daisy wanted to walk out of the elevator when she looked back at him and felt pity for him.

She sighed and rushed to him on the floor, touching his face.

"Are you okay, sir?" She inquired. 

He looked at her with his eyes extremely red.

"Are you married?" He inquired. She nodded, avoiding his gaze.  

"I am sorry for my behaviour just now. Please go away." He declared.

"But sir, I can't just leave you here." She muttered.

"Just go. I don't know what I might do if you stay here any longer. I don't know why you are so attractive." He lamented, staring at her. She realized she was holding his face and let go of him immediately. She got up from the floor, opened the elevator again, and walked out.

Raymond extended his hand to her as she walked out. He wanted her to stay with him, but didn't know why. He started seeing images of himself staring at a woman or even kissing her, but he couldn't see her face.

She simply complained and asked him not to touch her.

He started putting his hand on the wall of the elevator and managed to get up as the elevator door flew open and Mr Josh walked in.

"Sir, are you okay?" Mr Josh asked, worriedly hovering around him.

"I am fine. I don't know what came over me. I tried to kiss Ryan's mom. I don't know why I am so attracted to her. She is the only one I see when I close my eyes, I just want to be with her and I don't know why, do I perhaps know her before that i don't remember?" He asked, closing his eyes.

Mr Josh started stroking his back.

"It's okay sir, don't overthink it, she is hot, which man wouldn't like her." Mr Josh replied.

"She is so attractive, even though she doesn't wear makeup and doesn't dress naked like Sofia." Raymond muttered.

"Don't think about her, sir, you have a wife and she is also married." Mr Josh stated.

Raymond was furious and clenched his fists.

"Who is her husband?" He asked bluntly. 

"I don't know either." Mr Josh replied, frightened as he saw Raymond's expression.

"I want you to find him. We have scores to settle. " Raymond muttered.

"Which scores? Are you okay, sir?" Mr Josh inquired.

"I am fine. I want to catch him and crush him." Raymond muttered with an evil grin.

"What-what did you just say?" Mr Josh stuttered.

"Nothing." Raymond muttered with a toothy smile.

Mr Josh stared at Raymond, marveling at his behavior. Was he regaining his memory? Maybe Richard was right that he would regain his memory as long as Daisy was around him.

"Where is Mr Clinton? I thought you left with him?" Mr Josh inquired.

Raymond just stared at him with a straight face and didn't reply.