
Chapter 293: Child problem 3

"Wait, don't..." Richard paused as he turned to the entrance and started walking away.

Later in the evening.

Daisy was closed from work. She carried her bag from her desk and walked to Mr Clinton. He was sleeping.

She hit the desk with her hand. He looked up at her as he sighted her bag.

"Is it time to go home?" He inquired.

"Yes sir, it's already 7:00 pm." She declared. 

"You can go home wait, take this." He muttered as he brought out his wallet and drilled out dollars, handing them to her.

"What is this for?" She asked bluntly.

"Transportation fare," he replied.

Daisy took it from him immediately and smiled widely at him.

"Thank you, sir." She beamed, bowing slightly.

"You are welcome. Take care," he muttered.

Daisy began to smile incessantly as she shoved the money into her back pocket and sashayed out of the office.

Minutes later.

She arrived home exhausted and tired as she saw Ryan on the couch pressing the laptop.

She ran over to him and hugged him.

"Let go of me." He protested as he pulled away from the hug and focused on the computer. He was playing a game on the computer.

"Who taught you how to use the computer?" Daisy inquired.

"They haven't started teaching us in school, but I have a friend that has a computer, and all I know how to do is play games. I don't know why I am answering your question, I don't want to talk to you." He muttered and focused on his game.

"Don't show me your attitude, young man. I am the reason you are operating this laptop right now." Daisy muttered, staring at him, but he didn't pay attention to her.

"I brought you favourite chocolate." She beamed as she took out a chocolate bar from her bag and handed it to him.

"I don't want sugary things. They are bad for my health." He declared.

"Daisy just let him be. How was your first day at work?" Mrs Louis inquired, walking over to them.

"It was hell," Daisy replied, massaging her muscles.

"What is there to eat? I am starving." Daisy inquired.

"Gwen just made spaghetti sauce." Mrs Kingston replied.

"I am going to eat." Daisy muttered, rushing to the kitchen.

At the Kingston's mansion.

Raymond and Mr Josh walked into the house as the chef started arranging different cuisines on the table.

Raymond ambled to his room with Mr Josh, who put Raymond's suit case in his wardrobe. Mr Josh wanted to walk out of the room when he bumped into Sofia. Her hair was rough and messy, with strands of her hair touching her lip as she gazed at him.

"Ahh!" Mr Josh screamed, frightened.

Raymond removed his jacket and turned to look at him.

"What's your problem? You are screaming as if you have seen a...he paused as he stared at Sofia from top to bottom, lifting his upper lip in disgust.

"Why do you look miserable? Like a wife whose husband has abandoned her." Raymond stated rudely. When Sofia glared at him, he put his hand on his mouth, holding a laughter, and ran out of the room.