
Chapter 276: A day to the birthday 2

"Hello Richard, why are you calling me at a time like this?" Mr Josh whispered, looking sideways.

"I think the plan has failed before it even started." Richard complained.

"Why what happened?" Mr Josh inquired.

"The thing is that I couldn't get hold of her picture. I went to her old office, but her boss didn't have her picture. It was like she never existed, why would a girl not like to take pictures?" Richard inquired.

"Maybe because she is not a model, I told you this would be impossible." Mr Josh stated.

"I won't give up, I will pay her mom a visit or even have my bodyguards break into her house." Richard declared.

"You are more determined than I expected." Mr Josh beamed.

"That's what they call...Raymond snatched the phone from him and stared at the caller.

"What are you guys talking about? Are you guys gossiping about me?" Raymond asked, staring at the phone.

"I-i, we ain't." Mr Josh denied as he took the phone back from Raymond.

"King, what would you like to eat?" Mr Josh inquired.

"For some strange reason, I am craving shrimp, go get it for me." Raymond declared.

"Okay, sir." Mr Josh saluted and scuttled away.

"Why is he in such a hurry?" Raymond wondered as he watched him go.

The next day.

Daisy and Gwen were in the living room blowing balloons. 

"You are a good mother, I must say, when I was little, my mom didn't even celebrate my birthday." Gwen muttered.

"I have been celebrating Ryan's birthday since I gave birth to him, I didn't want to celebrate this birthday because I don't have enough money, but what can I do? I already promised him." Daisy replied.

"Where is my boy?" Mrs Louis inquired, walking towards Daisy with a gift.

"He is still sleeping, waiting for us to wish him a happy birthday." Daisy replied.

"You know your son too well, why haven't you gone to wake him up?" Mrs Louis inquired. 

Daisy smirked as she tied the yellow balloon in her hands and put it on the floor.

"I want to decorate first." Daisy replied.

"Come on, go and wake up my grandson." Mrs Louis stated, dragging Daisy off the chair by the wrist.

"Alright, I will go, I need you guys to also come with me." Daisy declared.

"Okay." Mrs Louis and Gwen chorused as they all headed to Daisy's room.

They all tip-toed into the room and stood beside sleeping Ryan in the bed.

"Happy birthday!!" They all yelled, but Ryan didn't wake up.

Daisy smirked and started tickling him.

"That tickles stop." He beamed, giggling continuously.

Daisy stopped and stared at him as he sat up on the bed. She placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Happy birthday! You are officially seven years old." Daisy beamed.

"Nope, I am eight now." He scoffed.

"But you just entered seven." Daisy complained, folding her hand. 

"Happy Birthday, Ryan!!" Mrs Louis and Gwen chorused.

"Thank you, Grandma." He beamed as he ran to hug her.

"Am I invisible?" Gwen inquired. Ryan turned to look at her.