
Chapter 275: A day to the birthday

"Yaay! Tomorrow is my birthday." Ryan squealed, running around the house.

"Stop playing around, don't you want to go to school?" Daisy inquired, carrying his bag. He ran to her and started running around her.

"Stop, you will make me dizzy." She complained.

He stopped and stared at her.

"Mommy, I don't want to go to school." He muttered stubbornly.

"Why?" She inquired.

"I want to be at home and help you decorate the house for tomorrow." He beamed.

"You have to go to school; didn't you say you wanted to be a musician?" She asked bluntly.

"Yes," he muttered.

"Then you have to go to school if you want that to happen." She stated, putting the bag on his back as he put his hand inside.

"Let's go, mommy." He beamed, running out of the house.

Minutes later

Daisy arrived at work, as she saw security men carrying things out of the restaurant.

She entered the restaurant, and it was empty with only a few chairs available.

"Oh you are here, I had to evacuate early." Mr Yan beamed as he walked over to her.

"But you are supposed to leave tomorrow," she muttered.

"I know, I am just getting things ready before tomorrow and I can't miss Ryan's party." He beamed.

"So you are coming?" She inquired.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" he asked bluntly.

Daisy sighed as she held tightly to the string of her bag. 

"What the matter, you look pale?" He inquired, staring at her.

"I am going to miss you." She muttered with pouted lips.

"I will come and pay you a visit once in a while." He assured.

"Really?" She asked, smiling brightly.

"Definitely, has the company contacted you yet?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

She nodded negatively.

"Just think positively. I think they will hire you." He beamed.

"I hope so." She muttered as she drew out a chair and sat on it.

"I will also help you pack up." She declared as she crossed her legs.

"I know you will, do you want chicken wings?" He inquired..

"Yes!!" She squealed.

"Then start working." He stated as he walked away.

"Blackmail." She muttered and dropped her bag on the table.

Raymond was in a business meeting with Mr Josh standing by his side..

"I want you guys to try your best, I am not satisfied with your new ideas." Raymond complained, looking at his wrist watch.

"But king, it took us a long time to come up with the ideas." One of the employees complained, passing a file to Raymond, who was wearing a hand glove as he took it from him and opened it.

He screwed up his face and slammed the file on the table. All the employees became quiet and stared at Raymond, who got up from his chair immediately.

"You guys are useless,get to work!" He yelled as they all started packing their files.

Mr Josh's phone started ringing, they all turned to him.

He smiled nervously.

"Excuse me." He muttered and picked up the call as he walked out of the office.