
Chapter 274: Richard's plan

"Wow, you are so smart, so how do we give the expert Daisy’s picture because we don’t have any of her pictures?" Mr Josh stated.

"Leave that to me." Richard beamed.

"You are a really thoughtful brother, I must say." Mr Josh complimented.

"I just can’t help seeing Raymond being treated like a fool because he lost his memory, and I am so happy he doesn’t like Sofia now either." Richard muttered with a toothy smile.

"Don’t you think it’s strange that he didn’t like her at first and now he still doesn’t like her?" Mr Josh remarked.

"The heart wants what it wants." Richard commented. As they both started walking out of the room.

"Richard, come here, my boy." Mr Kingston declared. As Richard closed the door and ran to him.

"How may I help you, dad?" Richard inquired as Mr Kingston put his hand around Richard's shoulder, walking down the stairs with him.

"I want to go on a vacation, but I don’t want to go with your mother, can you try your best to prevent her from coming out of her room tomorrow morning so I can sneak off." He declared.

"Why don’t you want to go with her?" Richard inquired.

"I am going there for a business deal and also to rest. She won’t let me have peace of mind if she follows me. She is a pain in the butt." He complained.

"Hahaha, but dad, she is your wife." Richard muttered.

"Are you in or not?" Mr Kingston inquired.

"Alright fine, I will do it." Richard replied.

"Good boy, now go away before your mom starts suspecting us." Mr Kingston declared as he let go of Richard


The next day.

Raymond and Mr Josh were walking out of the house when Richard ran to them.

"What do you want again, I want you to stay away from me." Raymond declared.

"I apologize for what you went through yesterday because of me." Richard apologized.

"Hmm." Raymond muttered as he stared at Mr Josh.

"Tell him to leave me alone." Raymond stated as he walked out on the both of them.

"So how is the plan coming?" Mr Josh asked.

"Shh, walls have ears, I will tell you, when I have planned it out." Richard stated.

"Mr Josh!!" Raymond yelled from outside the house.

"I am coming!!" Mr Josh replied as he ran out of the house.

"What took you so long?" Raymond inquired.

"I was telling him to go, but he was resisting." Mr josh replied.

"Didn’t you show him your gun?" Raymond inquired.

"I showed him." Mr Josh replied. Raymond extended his hand to Mr Josh.

"What?" Mr. Josh inquired, his mouth agape as he stared at Raymond's hand.

"Give me the gun," Raymond commanded.

Mr Josh took out the gun from his pocket and handed it to Raymond.

"I will keep it now." Raymond stated in a rumbling tone as he put the gun in his pocket.

"But sir, it is not appropriate, for an entrepreneur to carry such things around." Mr Josh stated. Raymond gave him a cold glare.

Mr Josh gulped and ran away without wasting much time.

Author’s note

Will Richard be able to carry out his plan? Before Raymond see Daisy?