
Chapter 273: Richard's plan

"Why?" Richard inquired.

"I don’t know." Mr Josh shrugged. Richard tried to force his way into the house with Mr Josh pulled out a gun from his pocket and pointed it at Richard, who put his hands in the air.

"Since when did you start carrying a gun around?" Richard inquired.

"Since Raymond lost his memory, he says it is compulsory for his assistant to carry a gun all the time for his safety." Mr Josh stated.

"Please let me see him." Richard pleaded.

"No," Mr Josh replied bluntly, as he narrowed his eyes at Richard.

"What did you do to him? Since you came to see him at the office, he has been having brain pain?" Mr Josh inquired.

"I just tried to get him to remember Daisy and it came out bad." Richard replied.

"Don’t you know it’s dangerous for his….Mr Josh paused as he sighted Sofia heading their way. She was pressing her phone, so she couldn’t see them.

Mr Josh grabbed Richard's hand and dragged him into the room next to Raymond’s and shut the door.

"Why did you bring me here?" Richard inquired.

"Sofia was coming." Mr Josh stated, as he shoved his gun into his pocket.

"if you love your brother and want the best for him, just don’t try to get him to remember his past. I am begging you." Mr Josh pleaded with his hands together.

"I don’t like the way my parents are exploiting him because he has lost his memory, I want him to be happy." Richard stated.

"He is happy." Mr josh replied.

"How is he happy? He is always acting cold every day, never smiling. You say he is happy?" Richard inquired

"You guys like to ignore the fact that Sofia is not his legal wife." Richard stated.

"So you think Daisy wants him back? She doesn’t because if she did, she would have come looking for him years ago, but she didn’t." Mr Josh replied.

"That’s because there was a dispute between them before she left his house, I have gone to look for her but I can’t find her, her mom says she is married now, but I just can’t believe it. We need to get Raymond to remember her, so he goes back to look for her and maybe he will be happy once again." Richard suggested.

"It’s not like I don’t want Raymond to be happy, but, he can’t remember her. Why force him?" Mr Josh asked, with his head held high.

Richard started stroking his chin.

"I couldn’t find Daisy, he can’t remember her on his own." He muttered. Mr Josh weirdly stared at him.

"What are you trying to say?" Mr Josh inquired.

"Why don’t we bring our own Daisy, if we can’t find the real Daisy?" Richard inquired.

"How can we do that if we are not God?" Mr Josh remarked. Richard smiled, tapping his shoulder.

"We can just ask an expert to make a mask of Daisy's face and pay a random chick to play Daisy just to get him to regain his memory." Richard suggested.