
Chapter 258: Considerate son 2

"No you don't, you don't have enough money." He stated, staring at her.

"Don't worry about money. Didn't I promise you that we were going to celebrate your birthday?" She inquired.

"You did." He mumbled. She smiled widely at him and stroked his hair.

"Don't worry, I will take care of everything." She beamed. Daisy stared at her mother.

"Help me." She mouthed 

"Your mom is right; we have enough money. Don't worry about it." Mrs Louis assured.

"Really?" He asked, exposing his beautiful set of teeth.

"Yes." Daisy beamed as he kissed her on the cheek.

"I love you, mom." He muttered.

"I love you too, go and grab your bag lets go." She stated.

"Okay, give me a sec." He beamed and ran out of the room.

Daisy sighed in relief.

"You should have just listened to him." Mrs Louis remarked

"How can I? He is already dreaming about the birthday party. I can't break his heart." Daisy replied.

"You are the one spoiling him." Mrs Kingston teased as Daisy attempted to leave the room.

"Daisy, I forgot to tell you, you have a blind date in the afternoon." Mrs Louis informed.

"A blind date!! How can you arrange that without my consent?" Daisy inquired.

"I am your mom, I can do whatever I want." Mrs Louis stated, with her head held high.

"Then you will have to attend the blind date yourself." Daisy replied.

"You must go, the groom I arranged for you is quite rich and he is ready to accept you and Ryan." Mrs Louis beamed.

"I am not going anywhere." Daisy declared.

"You must go, he told me he will give you a little gift he you go to see him." Mrs Louis replied.

"What's the gift?" Daisy asked bluntly.

"Look who is interested, you have to go to find out." Mrs Louis teased.

"Alright, I will go." Daisy muttered.

"Good. I will text you the address." Mrs Louis beamed, taking her coffee back from the table.

Daisy rushed out of the room, heading to her room when she remembered that she had to go shopping with Ryan in the afternoon.

"I can't go there." She muttered as she walked into her room and sighted Ryan, who had just finished eating and was carrying a plate out of the room. 

She was lost in thought when her phone started ringing.

"Hello, Gwen." She beamed.

"I got discharged earlier than I expected, so I will go to your house in the afternoon to wait for you." Gwen beamed.

"I won't be at home with my mom." Daisy replied.

"It's okay, I can manage, you know, I have lost my home next to yours because I traveled." Gwen muttered.

Just then, an idea popped into Daisy's head.

"That means you will be free, can you attend a blind date for me?" Daisy inquired.

"Are you nuts? Why will I do such a thing?" Gwen stated, raising her voice.

"Calm down, just do it for me, I will be too busy to meet up with him." Daisy muttered.

"So you are telling me to impersonate you?" Gwen inquired.