
Chapter 257: Considerate son

Daisy walked to the bathroom carrying a towel as she handed it to Ryan, who was hiding his private parts.

"Close your eyes." He declared as he snatched the towel from her and tied it around his waist.

"If you don't want me to look at you next time, you will remember to carry the towel, hurry up get ready or you will be late for school." She said as she flipped her hair and sashayed out of the bathroom as Ryan glared at her.

She walked to Mrs Louis's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Mrs Louis commanded.

Daisy entered the room and saw Mrs Louis sipping coffee on the bed.

"Good morning, I thought you were still sleeping." Daisy muttered.

"Look who is talking who do you think woke you?" Mrs Louis remarked. 

"I wanted to talk to you about Ryan's birthday." Daisy muttered.

Mrs Louis dropped her coffee on top of the table and turned to Daisy.

"I have told you that you can forget about the party, it's not everything Ryan wants that you will do for him." Mrs Louis muttered.

"I know, but I can't turn him down even though I have to use all the money I made this month." Daisy remarked.

"You have to learn to refuse him. It's not every birthday that we are going to celebrate." Mr Louis stated.

"But he doesn't know that he is still young. He has already told his friends about his birthday. I can't refuse him now." Daisy mumbled.

Ryan wanted to walk into the room when he hid behind the door, listening to their conversation.

"Then we are going to live without food in this house when all the food stuff has finished." Mrs Louis stated.

"I will look for a way I would have borrowed money from Mr Yan but I will still leave his company in a few days." Daisy stated.

Listening to their conversation, Ryan was sad. He didn't know his birthday party would cost his mom a fortune. He was so ingnorant that he didn't notice. He took a deep breath and ran out of his hiding place.

"You are here come over here, my boy." Mrs Louis beamed.

Tears were falling out of his eyes as he ran to Daisy and embraced her, crying in her arms.

Daisy was shocked. She didn't know what had come over Ryan that was making him cry.

"I am sorry, Mom." He apologized.

"What is wrong?" She asked as she pulled away from the hug and started using her hands to wipe his tears. Ryan was a strong child, and even Daisy hadn't seen him cry.

He wrinkled his nose.

"I don't want to have a birthday party anymore," he declared.

"That's good news." Mrs Louis remarked. Daisy shot her a dagger eye.

"Why?" Daisy inquired, 

"I just don't want to have anymore." He muttered, avoiding her gaze, seeing his reaction. Daisy was suspicious that he might have listened to their conversation.

"Don't worry, you will still have your birthday party. Mommy has things under control." She assured.