
Chapter 217: Abortion 2

Daisy stared weirdly at her, she wanted to rob her. She didn't even have up to a million.

"You can go, I will get back to you." Daisy muttered with a fake smile.

"Okay, I will be looking forward to hearing from you, this is my business card." She muttered and handed Daisy the card. Daisy took it and smiled widely at her until she walked out of the room.

"Phew! She is gone, who does she think she is 4 million to abort a child? If so, I will have to keep this child even if I hate the thought. Damn!! Daisy what have you gotten yourself into?" She muttered to herself, hitting the bed continuously in anger and frustration, with tears coming out of her eyes.

She decided to be strong and relax there. She wanted for the drip to finish and remove it from her hand.

She looked around the room and saw her shoes beside the chair where Mrs Louis was sitting. She put on her shoes and rushed out of the room.

She started walking out of the hospital, heading towards the entrance when she heard her name. 

"Miss Daisy, where are you going? You can't leave; you haven't paid your bills yet." The receptionist yelled.

Daisy stood still and turned back slowly. She smiled nervously at the receptionist. She had no money on her. She thought her mom had already paid the bill. The look on the receptionist's face was saying that she wasn't ready to let Daisy out if she didn't pay her bills. 

And she didn't have her phone with her.

She walked over to the receptionist.

"Can you give me your phone let me call someone?" She asked.

"Your mom asked me to give your phone to you." The receptionist said and handed Daisy her phone.

Daisy took it and dialed Chris's number. It was ringing, but he wasn't picking it up, so she was getting impatient as she tapped her finger on the receptionist's desk. 

She cut the call and called him for the twentieth time. She groaned as she cut the call and held the phone in her left hand.

"So when are you paying the money?" The receptionist asked, looking at her in a rather disgusted way. 

"I will pay, just give me some time." Daisy muttered.

"Some time? Are you kidding me? You have been standing here for ages." She snarled.

"Can you perhaps allow me to go home and come back with the money?" Daisy mumbled, avoiding her gaze, scared that she wouldn't agree. 

"You can't leave this place without the money, Madam. Call someone to bring it for you." She snarled.

Daisy sighed. She is back to the real world. Her life was easy when she was with Raymond, but not anymore. She had to fight for herself and now she can't even pay the hospital bill. 

She closed her eyes, wishing that a miracle would happen when someone put a hand on her shoulder. She thought it was Chris. She smiled and hugged the person tightly.

Burying her head in his chest.