
Chapter 204: Savior

She was about to hold him, when Mrs. Josh pushed her out of the way and put his hand around his shoulder, leading him up the stairs.

"Why did you drink so much, boss?" Mr Josh inquired.

Raymond paused, refusing to move as he glared at Mr. Josh.

"I didn't drink that much, I have a high tolerance for alcohol, but I don't know why my body is reacting this way after taking that wine." He muttered.

The door flew open as Daisy ran into the mansion.

Mrs Kingston glared at her as she rose from the chair.

"The slut is back!" She exclaimed, gnashing her teeth.

Raymond turned around to take a look at Daisy as she started to approach him. He smiled widely at her. Before Daisy could get

her leg on the stairs, Sofia blocked her path, putting her hand on the stairs. She received a massive slap from behind.

She held her cheek and turned to look at Mrs. Kingston.

"So you have finally come back, after going out with other men, you shameless in....she paused and raised her hand to slap Daisy before she knew Raymond had grabbed her hand.

"I won't let you treat my wife this way." He stated confidently as she pulled her hand from his grip. she glared at him.

"So you are supporting your wife? You are spoiling her by doing all this." Mrs. Kingston declared.

"I don't mind spoiling her for the rest of my life." He declared as he held her hand and started leading her up the stairs with their hands interlocked.

Daisy didn't know what she felt, but she felt safe and secure as she followed him without hesitation.

Sofia rushed to Mrs. Kingston.

"Mom, do something, I can't beat seeing the two of them together anymore." She muttered with her lips trembling.

"I thought he was drunk just now, seeing the way he protected her just now makes my blood boil." Mrs. Kingston muttered, clenching her fists.

Mr.. Kingston walked over to them.

"I think I will set a rule in this house, he will spend one week with you and the other one with his other wife." Mr. Kingston declared.

"Yes, that is the best solution, I can't bear seeing my Sofia so defeated." Mrs. Kingston stated as Sofia collapsed in her arms, wiping bitterly as she stroked her hair firmly.

"Don't cry, my darling; everything will be alright." She assured.

Raymond pushed Daisy into the room and shut the door.

He pushed her onto the bed as he fell on top of her, staring into her eyes.

"What are you doing?" Daisy asked in a shaky voice.

"What I should have done a long time ago." He mumbled as he landed his lips on hers, kissing her like a hungry lion. She pushed him away and rose from the bed.

He grabbed her by the hand and held her back. He lay across her on the bed. She tried to lift her hand to hit him. He held her hand tightly.