
Chapter 203: Drunk husband

"I am at a friend's place." She replied.

"A friend's place, what's the time?" He asked coldly.

"Hmm." Daisy mumbled

"Son, come down for dinner." They heard Mrs Kingston's voice in the background. 

"That applies to you." He declared, hung up.

"He is getting angry now, I should be the one getting angry." Daisy muttered as she stared at Chris.

"So you have to go back to that nicompoop." He grinned.

"Yes, bye." She muttered as she kissed him on the cheek and ran out of the house.

She ran back into the room and grabbed her shoes as she ran out of the house.

Raymond started walking down the stairs, heading to the dining table, where Sofia and Mrs Kingston were already seated.

She passed a spoon to him. He collected it from her as Sofia passed a bowl of food to him. 

Mr Kingston started approaching them.

"Is Richard not back yet?" Raymond inquired.

"I think so." Mrs Kingston mumbled.

"Is that Sofia, you are really taking care of your husband." Mr Kingston beamed. 

Sofia was blushing uncontrollably as Mr Kingston stroked her hair and sat on a chair next to her.

They all started eating in total silence.

Raymond was worried, looking at the entrance of the house continuously.

Mrs Kingston noticed, she waved her hand to a maid and winked at her.

Minutes later, 

The maid came to the table with a bottle of wine and dropped it as another maid put glasses on the table.

Mrs Kingston poured the wine into the glasses.

Raymond pursed his lips as he took his wine and took a sip, then drank it all in one go..

He grabbed the wine bottle and started drinking directly from the bottle.

"Take it easy, you may choke on the wine." Richard teased as he walked into the house.

"Honey, you are here, what took you so long?" Mrs Kingston inquired.

"It was quite a journey back home." He muttered as he stroked his hair. 

"You are late, the food has finished." Sofia remarked.

"I will just have the maids make something for me, there is someone missing here. Where is Daisy?" Richard inquired.

"You are right, I didn't even notice." Mr Kingston shrugged. Raymond glared at him as he emptied the bottle of wine and dropped it on the table.

"Son, you should be more responsible you have a conference meeting tomorrow and you are drinking carelessly." Mr Kingston stated, patting his mouth with a handkerchief.

Richard strolled to the kitchen.

Raymond wanted to grab a glass of water from the table, Sofia held the glass and wanted to give it to him.

"Hold it right there, I don't need it." He declared as he rose from the chair.

"I can't believe you are treating Sofia this way for her hospitality." Mrs Kingston mumbled.

Raymond staggered as he started walking towards the stairs.

Mrs Kingston leaned closer to Sofia.

"He is drunk, now is your chance." Mrs Kingston whispered.

Sofia started rushing to him as he stepped one foot on the stairs.