
Chapter 201: Cheating wife 3

"Wait, are you being jealous?" he inquired.

She twisted her lips as she pulled away from his grip and looked away.

Chris looked at the girl on the couch and winked at her.

"I don’t have money." She muttered.

"Come, I will give you." He whispered.

She walked towards them and stared at Daisy, who was still looking away. He folded the money in her hand and she walked past them.

Daisy smiled as she saw her leave the house.

"Come here." He muttered as he grabbed her hand and dragged her to the couch. They both collapsed on the couch, with Daisy on top of him."

"While I was away, I was also missing you, but I really needed to stay away from you because my in-laws would get suspicious." She mumbled, looking into his eyes.

"Forget about your fake in-laws, what about the billionaire? Any progress or should I say deposit?" he asked.

"Hmm about the deposit, I will ask him for that tomorrow. I didn’t see him that much today." She mumbled.

"You know, rich people are always busy." He stated.

"Yes, right." She muttered, he landed his lips on hers, kissing her softly. But Daisy wasn’t in the mood as she broke the kiss and sat up on the chair.

"What’s wrong?" he asked.

"I am just tasty." She muttered as she grabbed the champagne and poured a little quality into one of the glasses and drank it in one go.

"Let’s drink till we get wasted!!" he yelled as he dragged a glass and poured a drink inside. They both clinked their glasses and started drinking. Daisy had already drank two glasses and wanted to take another one when he held the drink.

"Don’t drink too much, remember that you have to go back to your husband." He beamed.

"Oh, I forgot, silly me." She muttered

"They wouldn’t want a drunkard as a daughter-in-law." He declared.

"Yes, so I won’t drink anymore." She declared. He got up from the couch and carried her in his arms as she wrapped her hand around his neck as he strolled towards his room.

"What are you planning to do?" she inquired.

"You will find out." He mumbled as he gave her a light kiss on the lips.

At the Kingston mansion.

Sofia finished helping the maid to spread the clothes. She rested in the chair, looking out the window. She glanced at the time on her phone.

"It’s late and she is still not back yet, I pray Raymond comes before her." She muttered with an evil grin.

Mrs Kingston ambled into the room.

"Ahh!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs as she stared at the clothes. They were all dirty and not that pleasant to look at.

"What’s wrong, mom?" Sofia asked as she ran to her.

"What is the meaning of this? Didn’t she wash the clothes?" Mrs Kingston asked touching the clothes.

Sofia gulped. She didn’t want Mrs Kingston to ask her to wash the clothes. She started stepping backwards, trying to leave.