
Chapter 198: Doing the laundry 2

"Who cares? Let's go." Raymond declared as the bodyguard ran and opened the door of a car.

Sofia tapped her feet on the floor.

"How do I look?" She asked, biting her lower lip seductively.

Raymond was about to enter his car when he looked at her from top to bottom.

"You look like a tomato." He remarked and got into his car.

Sofia gnashed her teeth as she stood there looking at him.

Raymond was wearing his seat belt as the bodyguard held the steering wheel.

"Miss Sofia, please get out of the way." He pleaded.

But Sofia didn't listen to him.

"Run over her." Raymond declared.

"But sir, she is..." 

"Step on the gas." Raymond commanded Sweat started forming on his forehead as he stepped on the gas and started driving towards Sofia, who was running out of the way immediately. 

She was furious as she stomped into the house.

"Almost done." Daisy muttered as she put the last pile of clothes in the bowl and poured soap. 

She stepped into the bowl and started stepping on the clothes as she started hearing footsteps.

"She is coming." Daisy muttered as she rushed out and started putting all the clothes together.

Mrs Kingston walked into the room with a maid and used her eyes to scan the clothes.

"Are you done?" She asked bluntly.

"Yes I am," Daisy said confidently.

"So fast, you are a natural." Mrs Kingston remarked as she took one of the shirts from the bowl and looked at it.

Daisy closed her eyes tightly as she looked at the shirt.

"Manageable, you can go and dry the clothes." Mrs Kingston declared as she put it back in the bowl.

The maid helped Daisy, and they both carried the bowl out of the room.

"Madam, how did you do it? How did you wash that number of clothes in such a short period of time?" She asked.

"My little secret." Daisy whispered.

As they both made their way to the drying room.

Sofia stood in front of the room looking at them. Daisy pretended like she didn't see her as they both walked into the room.

The room was big and spacious, with a lot of hangers.

They dropped it on the floor.

"I will go get more water." The maid  informed. 

"Okay." Daisy muttered as she sat on the window seat, gazing out the window.

Sofia started walking towards her when her phone rang. Daisy took out her phone and put it in her ear.

"Hello," she muttered.

"Don't hello me. You haven't called me since the other day, I was hearing a man's voice in the background." Chris complained.

"I didn't know you could get jealous. It was the bill..." She hadn't completed her sentence when Sofia snatched the phone from her.

"Give me back my phone." Daisy declared.

"Whom are you talking to?" Sofia inquired, putting the phone in her ear.

"Hello babe, what's going on?" Chris asked, 

"Babe!?!" Sofia exclaimed, as Daisy snatched the phone from her hand.

Author's note

Happy New Year