
Chapter 185: Glass of wine

"Oh no! Who said you could have it?" Sofia stated coldly as Daisy looked down at her and smirked.

"Why did you drink it? It was meant for me." Raymond said sarcastically."

"I can’t believe you drank it. Did you know how much money I spent on that wine?" Sofia asked, glaring at Daisy. 

"How much is the wine." Daisy stated indifferently.

"Stop making a big deal about it; it's just a glass of wine, and there's a lot of wine in this house." Raymond declared.

"But I got that particular wine from China, and I wanted you to enjoy it." Sofia lamented.

"Enjoy what? That bitter pill I just took." Daisy whined.  Sofia gnashed her teeth, glaring at Daisy.

"If you say one more word, I will strangle you to death." Sofia threatened

"I would like to see you try nitwit."

"That’s it." Sofia groaned and pounced on Daisy, trying to punch her when Raymond dragged Sofia away from her.

"Leave me alone, let me teach her a lesson." Sofia ranted furiously.

"You are a mad woman," Daisy said, glaring at her.

"Stop fighting guys, you are bigger than this," Raymond stated.

"Let go of me. I promise I won’t fight." Sofia muttered as Raymond let go of her. He groaned and ran his hand through his hair.

"It’s hard to handle the two of you. I don’t know why my parents made me marry the two of you." Raymond lamented as Sofia scuttled away.

"I am going to bed now." Daisy muttered as she started feeling dizzy. Everywhere was spinning as she held her head in pain.

She was attempting to walk away when she started to lose her balance. She nearly fell when Raymond caught her.

"What’s wrong?" he asked, looking into her eyes as she held her head in pain.

"I don’t feel so good." She muttered and passed out in his hand.

"Daisy! Daisy!" he called out to her with his lips trembling as he touched her cheek, but she wasn’t responding . He put his hand on her nose and realized that she was sleeping.

"Pheew!!" he sighed. as he swept her off her feet and started carrying her into the house.

Sofia watched them from a corner.

"This is not what I wanted to happen, now she has ruined my plan, that drug was for Raymond, not her. How I wish I hadn’t used all of them in that wine. I would have easily brought another one for Raymond." She muttered to herself, staring at him as he walked up the stairs with Daisy.

Raymond carried her into his room and put her on the bed. He switched off the lamb in the room and covered her with the duvet. He was about to walk out of the room when she held his hand tightly. 

"It’s so hot." She mumbled.

"Huh, what do you mean by it’s so hot? What do you want me to do?" he asked softly.

"Stay with me, it’s so hot in here." She muttered as she pulled him onto the bed.

"What-what are you doing?" he asked as she held his collar and claimed his lips.