
Chapter 184: Joke

She came to a halt as someone hugged her from behind.

"Who are you!!" she yelled as she tried to turn back to see the person that had the nerve to hug her like that.

"What is wrong, baby?" Chris said over the phone.

"Baby really?" Raymond stated as he let go of her.

She turned to face him and raised her hand to slap him when he held her hand in midair.

"Don’t you get tired of slapping me all the time?" He asked as she put her hand down.

"What do you want? Your behavior is showing that you have started having feelings for me." Daisy muttered.

"Hello Daisy!!" Chris called out. She cut the call as Raymond walked closer to her and pinned her on the balcony with his hand wrapped around her waist as he pulled her closer to his chest and looked into her eyes with a lot of affection.

"What-what are you doing?" Daisy stuttered, trying to break free from his grip. He sniffed her.

"Just stay calm, the more I associate myself with you, the more i…" she put her hand on his mouth.

"Don’t say anything. I don’t want to hear it, I don’t like you and I will never like you." She stated bluntly, and his smile faded as he slowly let go of her.

"What do you think I was going to propose to you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. She looked at him, puzzled.

"Are you for real?" she asked.

"I was just joking, I can’t imagine myself falling in love with you." He muttered as he rested his hand on the balcony.

"You are full of surprises really. I just want to get my money and have nothing to do with you." She stated.

"Really, we can’t be friends after this?" he asked, staring into her eyes.

"Friends, give me a break. Why will an influential person like you want to be friends with me?" she scoffed.

"You are underestimating yourself." He muttered.

"I wanted to ask you how many days we have here." She asked.

"We have till the day after tomorrow." He replied.

"Who were you talking to on the phone just now that was calling you baby?" She wanted to reply when Sofia walked up to them holding a glass of wine.

"Sorry to interrupt you, but this is for you." She stated, extending her hand to Raymond.

"Why are you giving me this all of a sudden?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It’s a very good wine, it will make you stress-free once you have it." She beamed with a toothy smile.

"Hmm." Daisy garbled, narrowing her eyes at Sofia.

"This is weird. You're giving me wine." He stated as he took the wine from her.

"No, don’t drink it. I don’t trust her." Daisy declared as she snatched the wine from him. Sofia glared at her.

"Who says you could interfere? I didn’t bring this wine for you. Give it back to him." She commanded, glaring at Daisy.

"What if I don’t?" Daisy stated, as she drank the wine in one go.