
Chapter 183: What's in the box?

"Why do you want to know what’s in the box? It’s none of your business. Let it go." Sofia said, through clenched teeth.

"I won’t let it go until I see what’s inside." Daisy declared refusing to let go of the box.

"Okay, wait, I will let you see what's inside." Sofia assured.

"You think I am dumb?" Daisy inquired.

"What’s going on here?" Raymond asked, walking towards them as Daisy let go of the box.

"Sofia bought food to eat for herself." Daisy explained, pointing at the box in Sofia’s hand as she looked down.

"Sofia, is that true?" Raymond asked, staring at her.

"You see, it’s not actually food that is inside this box, just some beauty product I ordered." She muttered.

"Then show us the beauty product." Daisy said with a smirk.

"I am not showing you." Sofia said rudely.

"Then don’t show us. I don’t want to see." Raymond shrugged, then turned to look at Daisy.

"As for you, aren’t you supposed to be helping Elena in the kitchen? What are you doing, acting childish with Sofia?" Raymond scolded.

"I wasn’t acting childish. She is being secretive." Daisy grumbled.

"Go and help Elena and leave Sofia alone, I am not in a good mood today." Raymond commanded. Daisy glared at Sofia before walking away.

Sofia quickly used the opportunity to run away with the box.

As Daisy settled down in one of the chairs, Elena finished arranging the food on the table.

"I will go up and call them." Elena  beamed.

"Hmm." Daisy mumbled, grabbing a spoon from the table as Elena walked away.

"Does, Raymond being moody have anything to do with me?" she muttered to herself as she started hearing footsteps, and she looked up and saw Raymond and Richard walking towards her. Raymond didn’t steal a glance at her.

"I don’t know why I feel bad that he is ignoring me." She muttered under her breath as Raymond took a seat beside her.

"Is Sofia not joining us for dinner?" Elena asked.

"I don’t know about her." Raymond shrugged and they all started eating with total slience.

They finished eating, and Daisy helped Elena pack the plate and take it to the kitchen.

"Why didn’t Sofia join us for dinner?" Elena asked, staring at Daisy.

"I don’t know, maybe she felt guilty because she didn’t help us prepare dinner, or I was right about her ordering food for herself." Daisy stated with her lips pursed tightly.

"She ordered food?" Elena asked.

"I don’t know about that." Daisy muttered, walking out of the kitchen.

Daisy walked to the balcony as it was already evening. She took her phone and dialed Chris's number.

"Hello." She mumbled.

"Hello my love, how have you been? I have missed you like hell, I wanted to come and kidnap you from that billionaire." He whined. She chuckled.

"Are you for real? You know you can’t, " she said.

"I have only spent a few days without you and I am missing you like hell." He complained.

"I also miss you a lot…."